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Beam's P.O.V.

I woke up and the first thing I did was turn on my phone. I saw that I had a lot of missed calls from Forth at 3 am. I also saw that my voicemail box was full which is weird since the last time I checked I had none. I walked to the kitchen with my phone in hand and made some breakfast. Which consisted of a bowl of cereal but that's not the point. While I was eating I decided to hear the voicemails. I was surprised to hear a drunk Forth talking.

"HEEEEYYYYYY BEAMIEEEE! I'm at a party! With Knock, Korn, Lam oh and the one who's in Love with Lam was his name again... Oh right, Park my man! and Lam is here too oh wait I already said Lam who's the one that I haven't mentioned yet... that's all of them I think! Wait why did I call you again for? I don't remember anyway talk to you later"

Wow Forth must be so drunk. I bet all the other voicemails are from him. I'm gonna have a good laugh with this man.

"Hey Beam, It's me Forth again. I remember what I was going to tell you. I've been keeping a secret from you for about a year or was it two years? I don't remember. Oh wait I can't tell you my secret because then it wouldn't be a secret anymore. And you will be mad at me reallyyyyyy mad and it could ruin our friendship. Yeah, I can't tell you so from this moment on you are gonna forget I told you I had a secret or, or, or I'm not buying you any more of that disgusting pistachio ice cream that I always buy for us and pretend that I like because you love it and I know you won't let me buy it because that would be wasting my money on you even though I don't mind spending it on you because it makes you happy and I like seeing you happy anyway I'm gonna go. I Need to call Lam to tell him something."

Weird I thought that Forth always told me everything I need to find out was that secret he was keeping from me.

"LAMMMM my man I almost told Beam my secret! That would have been so stupid of me! I just don't know what I would do if he finds out! I just it's so hard to hide this from him. Ugh, life's a bitch. If only there was a way I could tell him and we'd be happy. But that's not gonna happen. You know what I have the answer to my problems. I'm gonna drink them away! Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do. Bye, Lam thanks for the good advice man what would I do without you!"

I almost laughed because he just had a conversation with himself and then thank Lam for the advice. I probably would've if I wasn't so worried about the stupid secret his keeping from me.

"Beam! I'm so drunk right now! And I feel sooooo lonely! I always feel lonely without you but today I feel lonelier. Which is not good it's bad very very bad. Why don't you answer your phone and talk to me I want to hear your voice"

"Beam! I've called you like a million times. Why don't you answer the fucking phone? Here I am feeling all lonely and sad and you are probably sleeping happily and dreaming of unicorns and girls and all of that stuff that you like"

"I'm so sorry for yelling at you. I'm such an asshole. It's just that I'm mad because. I can't tell you bye!"

"Oh fuck it! I'm tired of having to keep this secret. You know what. I like you! And not just as a friend I really like you as in I want to be more than friends. I want to be with you and hold you close. I want to cuddle with you and comfort you when you're sad. Kiss you whenever I want. I want to be able to hold your hand and tell everybody that you are mine. I want to make you happy. I've been trying to tell you this for so long but every time I'm about to do it I chicken out because I don't want to lose you and it pains me having you so close every day but feeling like your so far away. I just wish you'd see that I would give my life to you without thinking twice. You're my everything and I hope you know that"

I was crying by this point. He sounded so broken. I can't believe this, is he really in love with me? Or was it just his drunk self calling? I need to know if this is true. I'm gonna go to him right now. I went to my room and changed into some decent clothes then hurried back down the stairs. I went to the kitchen to pick up my phone and realized that it was one o'clock already. I was putting on my shoes when there was a knock on the door.

Well isn't this fucking great when I have nothing to do nobody visits me but when I'm about to go do something important someone comes knocking at my door. Whoever it is it better be something important or I'm kicking them out I thought walking towards the door.

I opened the door and was shocked to see Forth standing there looking like a complete wreck. His hair was messier than usual, it looks like he's been running his hands through it a lot which is typical of Forth to do when he's nervous or anxious. He had bags under his eyes and he looked stressed.

"Forth, are you ok?" I asked concerned. He stared at me for a moment.

"You heard the voicemails, I'm too late, fuck I'm sorry Beam I wasn't supposed to tell you like that, he'll I wasn't even gonna tell you!" He was pacing back and forth on my porch running his hands through his hair while he talked.

"I, no, uh what are you talking about? What voicemails?" Well, that was stupid so much for wanting answers! But I can't help getting nervous and not knowing what to say.

"Oh don't even try to deny it Beam I know you, I can tell that you already listened to them"

"You're right I did listen to them, I was about to go to your dorm to ask you about it. So how about you enter and we talk about it" I said opening the door wider so he could come in. We went to the kitchen and he sat down on one of the stools.

"Do you want some coffee?"

"Sure," he said

I made us both a cup of coffee and sat down facing him. He grabbed the cup and started playing with it not looking at me.

"Forth? C'mon look at me"

He looked at me then back down.
"I'm sorry, it's just that this is so hard for me. I've been keeping this from you for almost four years trying to find a way to tell you without ruining our friendship and then I just tell you over a stupid voicemail when I'm drunk and now I don't know what's gonna happen between us because..." he stayed quiet.

"Because what Forth?" I need to know if he truly loves me, I need to hear it from him.

"I LOVE YOU! I always have. You know how hard it is for me to be your best friend. Having you so close to me yet you are so far away. Having to hear you talk about girls. Encouraging you to talk to them even though it kills me inside. Not being able to tell you how I feel. Not being able to kiss you and hug you whenever I want and tell the world that you are mine. Having to keep it all inside just to see you happy and have you close to me. It's too hard and I don't know if I can keep doing this"

"Well you don't have to do that anymore," I said

"What? Please don't tell me to stay away from you I can't" he said sounding so sad it broke my heart.

"Forth I've always had feelings for you too, I just pushed them away because I thought you would never like me that way"

"Are you serious?" he asked looking hopeful but unsure at the same time

"Yeah, like I would joke about that"

He stood up from where he was sitting and walked towards me not once breaking the eye contact.

"Does this mean I could kiss you right now?" he said cupping my cheek

I only nodded not wanting to ruin the moment.

He started to lean in and I did the same till finally our lips touched. It was a simple kiss but I enjoyed every moment of it.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long," he said after the kiss was over.

"Me too"

I gave him a hug feeling happy that we finally confessed our feelings toward each other.

"What now?" I asked

"We are going on a date! Like a normal couple, I'll pick you up at eight tonight be ready"

"Forth, are you crazy!"

"Yeah crazy for you now go get ready," he said kissing me before leaving.

I sighed contently and went upstairs to get ready feeling excited for tonight.

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