Love at first sight (Park and Lam story)

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Here it is since I noticed you wanted to know what happened to Park and Lam after Forth dropped the bomb. Hope you enjoy.

Park's P.O.V.

"Forth Jaturapoom you come back here right now!" I screamed and he continued walking. I was furious how could he say something like that? I stood up from from my seat. He's gonna get it. As I was about to walk away Lam grabbed my hand and I froze. I contemplated wether I should turn around or not until he talked.

"Park." He said and I turned to look at him scared. "Is it true?" He asked looking at me intently.

"What is true?" I said feigning ignorance.

"He said one of us was in love with the other. So are you?" He said and I felt a pang in my chest. That means he's certain that it's not him who's in love with me. I knew this but deep inside I had hope. It honestly broke my heart though I wish this day wouldn't come. Next time I see Forth he is dead.

"I..." I looked at him and he was looking at me confused. He must be scared I have feelings for him I couldn't tell him, I just couldn't do it." I grabbed my bag. "Dammit Forth's really gonna get it when I see him. How could he do this." I mumbled angrily turning around to leave. What I wasn't expecting was Lam to follow me.

"You didn't answer me." Said Lam when we were alone.

"What do you want me to say then?" I asked him.

"Forth was just messing around, he was teasing us right?" He said looking at me for answers and I sighed.

"What if it's true?" I asked looking at him in the eye.

"Why do you keep answering me with question you asshole!" Lam said his face red because he was mad.

"Think about it Lam! I only hang out with you! I follow you like a sick puppy everywhere you go. Tell me, do you see me taking care of anybody else? Buying them food and snacks! Or making sure they are ok. Fuck Lam you must have know! how could you not notice! I treat you differently than anybody else. Everyone around us knows they don't say anything because they know I will get mad. So yeah Lam in case it wasn't clear I do like you. Very much for that fact. And yeah I know I am an idiot for falling in love with my best friend but I couldn't help it. So do whatever you want I don't care anymore." I said leaving a stunned Lam alone. I don't care about the rest of the classes or anything. I needed some time alone.

Lam's P.O.V.

I was stunned at Parks outburst. I don't think I've ever seen him this mad before. Forth's surely going to get it when Park sees him. I walked towards class deciding to give some space for Park to calm down. Half an hour later Forth walked into class smiling happily.

"Wipe that smile out of your face Park is going to kill you." I said and he looked at me confused.

"Why? Shouldn't it be you?" He asked.

"Nah I'm leaving you to him. By the way I've never seen him so mad." I replied.

"Why are you happy then?" He questioned.

"Because he told me he liked me." I laughed he was so mad thinking that Forth betrayed him.

"See he should be thanking me. You were the one who told me you have feelings for him. If he was assuming nobody knew then he should've just let you talk not explode like he probably did he's stupid." Forth's said shaking his head.

"Then I would be the one beating you up! I asked you to help me know if he felt the same not to rat me out like that." I said smacking the back of his head.

"It worked anyway didn't it? Just go kiss him and make up. He's probably sulking somewhere thinking you don't love him." Forth's said rubbing the back of his head.

"Don't make me feel bad! He had an outburst I wasn't even done processing everything he said when he walked away. I stopped him from hitting you and walking away from me once!" I defended myself.

"So what are you going to do?" Asked Forth.

"I'm going to see him after class." I said focusing on the teacher who was already glaring at us for talking. When class was finally over Forth quickly left probably to see Beam. I called Park but he didn't pick up so I was planning on taking a taxi since I came with him. When I was walking past the parking I noticed him beside his car so I walked towards him.

"You came with me so I came back to give you a ride if you still wanted to?" He asked and I nodded grabbing the helmet he was offering me. I got in and he drove towards my apartment. When I got down I noticed he didn't do the same.

"Can we talk?" I said before he left. He nodded turning off his bike. We walked inside and I've never seen Park look so awkward before. He sat down not looking me in the eyes.

"Lam I'm sorry I..." He started to say but I cut him off.

"Can I say something before you talk?" I asked and he nodded shutting his mouth.

"Well I wanted to tell you that at lunch Forth was talking about me." I started and he turned to look at me confused.

"Huh?" Was the only thing he managed to say and I laughed.

"I told Forth that I liked you and to help me figure out if you like me too. I mean I kinda knew but I wanted to make sure. Then I wanted you to be the one who confessed first so I played dumb." I said.

"Huh." He said again clearly dumbfounded and I smiled.

"I like you too dummy." I said.

"Are you serious? Are you sure you are not messing with me?" He asked and I nodded. A smile instantly appeared on his face. "Wait you just let me leave all mad and sad that's not fair!" He said.

"You were the one who left quickly!" I tried to defend myself.

"Oh no you are paying for this." He said trapping me on the couch by hovering over me.

"How?" I asked looking at him. Instead of answering he crashed his lips on mine hungrily.

"Like this." He said moving down to kiss my neck.

"Isn't it too soon for that?" I asked not stopping him just running my hands through his hair.

"I don't care I've been waiting for a long time." He said raising his head again so we were eye to eye.

"Ok." I replied this time being me the one who pulled him closer to crash our lips.

-the end

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