Im gonna make you fall for me (part 2)

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Forth's P.O.V.

We stayed chatting for a bit until Pha and Kit finished their beers.

"Well we better leave we need to take Beam home," said Pha standing up.

"I'll help you take him to the car," I said standing up with Beam and carefully holding him so he won't fall. Pha just nodded and I followed him and Kit outside. Kit went to his car and I followed Pha towards his. I got Beam on the passenger seat and turned to look at Pha.

"Forth if you don't want anything serious with him just let him be. I won't stand and let him get hurt you know that right." Pha said looking serious.

"Don't worry I'm not like that. I genuinely like him. I'm not playing any games here." I replied honestly. He eyed me for a while before nodding.

"Ok then, just know that even if you can make him fall for you it won't be easy. He's very stubborn and a lot of work. But most of all under that cold exterior he's a big softy and when he loves he gives his all. I've seen him get hurt way too many times now. So you better make him happy ok?"

"I knew he wasn't gonna be easy from the start. But I like that because if I can make him fall for me I'll be certain that his feelings are genuine. You don't have to worry I don't intend to hurt him ever."

"Good then, if you need any help you know where to find me," he said getting in his car.

"Thanks, Pha," I said then turned around and started walking back to the bar.

- the next day

I walked into the food court this time knowing exactly where to go. I quickly spotted Beam sitting alone. This is perfect I thought approaching him. I sat down next to him.

"What are you doing here?" He said moving to create as much space as possible between us.

"I came to see you of course," I replied.

"Well you're wasting your time," he said picking up his things from the table. He stood up and left but I followed him.

"Where are you taking me? You know what I don't care I'll follow you anywhere." he ignored me and kept walking. We were passing down a hall and I noticed we were alone. I grabbed his hand and stopped walking making him stop too. He looked at our hands that were intertwined and I used the opportunity to get closer to him. He quickly raised his head to look at me in the eyes.

"W-what are you d-doing?" he stuttered. I kept slowly approaching him and he started backing out till his back hit the wall. He put both hands on my chest and I placed my hands beside his head on the wall trapping him there. He shut his eyes tight and move his head to the side. How cute I thought.

"Beam look at me," I said gently tilting his head in my direction. He opened his eyes. Our faces were close together. I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Tell me that you don't want to kiss me too and I'll back off" I whispered looking at him intently searching for any sign that he didn't want this as much as I do. He stayed quiet just looking at me. I could feel his hands trailing down my chest and circling down my waist. I smiled and cupped his cheeks with my hands. Our lips were about to touch when his phone went off. He quickly broke off from the trance we were both in and escaped from my arms. I sighed I was so close to tasting his lips. Damn, whoever it was. I turned my attention to Beam who was talking on the phone now.

"I'm really fine Pha, I'm on my way to class. I just took the long way I'll be there in a second, yeah ok, Bye." I heard him say then he hung up. He looked at me for a second then left without saying anything.

Damn you Phana you were supposed to help me not make things harder for me. But it's ok I'm sure as hell not gonna give up now. I started to walk back to the parking lot a plan already forming in my mind.


Kinda a short chapter but I'm still happy with it. Hope you enjoy it!

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