The Bet (part 19)

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Forth's P.O.V.

It's been a few days since Beam agreed to give me another chance. I have been trying to show him that I care deeply about him. It hasn't been easy sometimes he acts cold towards me. But I know he's just scared I would be too. So I will keep fighting until he realizes that I truly love him and I am not going to leave him. Today I need to be more careful than ever since it's the last day of the month. Meaning today was the day the bet was supposed to be over. Even though he doesn't say it I know he's feeling scared. I sent him a good morning message and he hasn't replied still. I had class so I couldn't go over there but I planned to visit him at lunch. I kept sending text messages through the morning but he was barely replying.

"I am going to meds to have lunch today. Beam seems weird so I want to be there for him." I said and Park nodded.

"Well of course he would. Even though he forgive you a little part of him still thinks that maybe you are playing him to win the stupid bet." Said Lam annoyed.

"I made a mistake Lam! I know it was wrong. You don't have to keep reminding me." I said.

"Oh but I do! I told you it was a bad idea from the start and you didn't listen to me. Also you hurt my friend." Said Lam glaring at me and I sighed. "I won't forgive you until he does and I'm hoping he won't." Said Lam and I shook my head. Those two are inseparable now. If one gets mad the other does too.

"Calm down, we are all on Beam side here ok? Even I am and he tried to steal my man." Joked Park pulling Lam closer to him trying to calm him down.

"He didn't try to steal me you are just stupid. But I love you like that." Said Lam before giving him a kiss on the lips. In front of everyone at the faculty.

"Stop it with the PDA we are in public." I said when they didn't stop after a while.

"You can't talk we are just kissing you wanted to eat Beam alive at the bar in front of everyone." Said Lam and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah but when I do it is ok." I said letting out a laugh. "I'm going now or I'll be late. You guys coming?" I asked already walking to my bike.

"Yeah we are coming too." Said Lam. When we got to the foodcourt we still had ten minutes before Beam gets out of class. I got us food and drinks before sitting at Beam's usual table. It wasn't long before all three members of the crazy doc gang arrived.

"What are you doing here? You didn't tell me you were coming." Said Beam sitting beside me and I shrugged.

"I forgot besides I've been coming almost everyday it shouldn't surprise you. I got you food." I said giving him his share and a drink. He just smiled at me. I sighed I knew today was going to be a hard day. We were all chatting and having a good time. I could feel Phana glaring at me. He's still mad too not that I care. I've been trying to ignore him but it was getting to me.

"What?" I said after a while turning to glare at him too.

"You know what." He said coldly.

"This is between me and Beam. Stop meddling in our business. You didn't even know about everything that's been happening over the last month. You were the last one to know because you are such a good friend. I can deal taking shit from Lam because I know for a fact he has been there for Beam when I was being an asshole but you I don't think so." I said coldly and everyone at the table just stayed quiet. They know is true. Phana and Kit have been absent friends since they got into a relationship. They try to make time for Beam but they barely see him outside of class and they are not in touch with everything that's happening in his life.

"Are you saying I'm not a good friend because I didn't know." He said standing up mad and I did the same.

"That's exactly what I'm saying need me to explain it to you." I said and he tried to punch me again.

"I ain't going to let you do that twice you're the one who deserves a punch for not being there for your friend." I said and that caught him off guard. I was about to punch him but Beam got in between us.

"Stop it Forth." He said but I was still mad. Mad at him for being such a shitty friend but also mad at me. I sighed this is wrong picking up a fight just because I'm having a bad day. I sighed before backing down.

"Fine I'm sorry." I said through gritted teeth. "Sorry that you are such a bad friend." I added not being able to hold back. By this point Lam and Kit were holding back a furious Phana. Park was standing behind me waiting for me to make a move so he could hold me down before I do something stupid.

"Forth." Said Beam in a warning tone.

"I'm sorry I'm leaving." I said to Beam before turning away. This day had me on edge too. Seeing Beam acting like that scared me. I really don't know what I should do to gain his trust back or if I'll ever be able to. I was on my bike and soon Park joined me.

"Is Beam mad?" I asked feeling guilty for causing a scene.

"He's ok but Lam was worried." He said and I nodded.

"Sorry this hurts you too. Lam having to take care of Beam all the time." I said and he laughed.

"Oh I don't mind! Lam makes it up to me at home." He said smirking and I hit him on the head.

"Too much information bro." I said and he laughed.

"You're the one with the dirty mind I didn't say anything. But I'm not denying it either." He said and I laughed. I turned to look at Beam and Lam who were coming towards us. I was surprised to see Beam coming too. Lam got on the bike with Park and they left leaving us alone. I turned to look at Beam who hugged me burring his head on my chest.

"I don't know if you know what day today is. But today is the last day of the bet and it's been eating me alive. It's the only thing on my mind since I woke up. I'm sorry I know that put you on edge too that I was acting differently but I can't help it." He said and I dropped at peck on his hair.

"It's ok I'm not mad at you. I'm just mad at myself for putting us in this situation. But as long as you know I love you everything is alright." I said and he nodded.

"I know you do and I do too. I just need some time." He said.

"Take all the time you need." I said. We stayed like that for a while before he pulled back.

"I have class now." He said and I nodded. "See you later?" He asked.

"Sure if you want to I'll be there." I said.

"Great then meet me later at my apartment. I know is Friday but I don't feel like going out so can we just stay home?" He asked unsure and I nodded quickly.

"That sounds even better. I'll pick up dinner on the way and I'll meet you at your dorm at seven is that ok?" I asked.

"Yeah that's good. See you then I have class." He said turning around to leave. I was about to do the same but he turned back quickly giving me a kiss. It's was just a short sweet kiss but it was all that I needed. With that he turned around to walk back to his class.

"I love you Beam Baramee!" I screamed while he was walking and he turned to look back at me for a second. His face was red as a tomato. He didn't say anything just kept walking I let out a laugh putting my helmet and driving off. As I was walking back to my faculty I received a message. I smiled reading it made my whole day better.

-I love you too idiot.- Beam


I kinda ran out of ideas so I really had to think about where I wanted to take this story. But I finally figured out what I wanted to do. Sadly I'm sorry to announce that next chapter is probably going to be the last one.

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