The Bet (part 12)

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Beam's P.O.V.

Today is Wednesday. Yesterday Forth couldn't come have lunch because he got called by a professor and he spent the lunch hour in a meeting with him. But I didn't mind I got a little break from him and this stupid game. I can't say the same about today since he showed up for lunch. He was annoying the shit out of me. I don't know what was it today that he was acting extra clingy. You would've thought he hadn't seen me for a month instead of one day. But I let him do whatever he wants it's beneficial to me anyway. The only thing I didn't let him do was kiss me again. I bet he thinks he could win just by distracting me with his kisses.  But as good as they are I'm not gonna let him it's too dangerous I know it. That didn't stop him from trying though. Thankfully he left after lunch was over. Right now I was walking to my car after finishing study group with Phana and Kit. They are going to have dinner together with their boyfriends but today I wasn't in the mood to be the fifth wheel.

I picked up some take out on my way home. I decided to study for a while more since I had nothing better to do. I was eating my ramen and reading my notes when I heard a knock on my door. I walked over to open it letting Lam in.

"Do you ever think about calling or texting me first before showing up at my dorm. What if I'm not here?" I asked closing the door.

"Where's the fun in that. Besides you're  always here. You are not as fun as people think you are." Said Lam letting out a laugh.

"Well if I'm boring why do you keep coming over?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"I like boring." He said sticking out his tongue at me before throwing himself on my bed.

"So how did you escape Park this time?" I asked sitting down to finish my food on my desk.

"I left while he was talking to Forth. He's getting pissed though because I'm spending time with you." He said and I laughed.

"Well thankfully I have Forth on my side too." I said laughing.

I got up to throw out the food containers. When I came back I heard Lam groan before calling my name.

"Beam! You have to help me!" He said and I shook my head walking back to my room.

"What?" I asked once I was close enough.

"The guys want to drag me to the bar today! Let's FaceTime them and tell them we are going somewhere else." Said Lam.

"Just go to the bar with them!" I said and he shook his head.

"No! Then I'd have to see Park flirt with a girl or leave with a one night stand! I don't want to." He said pouting. I tried telling him Park likes him but he just doesn't believe me! But if today we go to the bar and he doesn't pick up anyone maybe he will start believing me! Forth said he's more aware of his feelings now that I am spending time with Lam and 'taking him away from him' so this would be perfect. I sat down besides Lam on my bed.

"Call them." I said and he nodded quickly dialing Parks number.

"Told you they were together." Said Forth when they answered and Park looked mad which made me smile.

"How come you are not coming to the bar! Come hang out with us! You are getting way too close to Beam." Said Park and I laughed while Lam rolled his eyes.

"He's my friend and we already have plans right Beam?" Asked Lam turning to me.

"We had but it's ok we can cancel them and go to the bar with them." I said and Lam looked at me furious.

"You are gonna pay for that!" Hissed Lam looking at me mad and I just laughed getting out of the way before he could hit me in the back of my head. We were play fighting ignoring Forth and Park who were still on the phone.

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