Love of my life (part 6) the end

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Beam's P.O.V.

I tried to call Forth but he didn't pick up. Dammit I should've realized sooner. I tried calling a few times but it went straight to voicemail. How could I be so stupid. I kissed him and I was obviously jealous when I saw that girl having lunch with him instead of me. But I choose to ignore all the signs. Why did it take me so long to realize? Now that I was aware of my feelings I wanted to tell him as soon as possible. He must be sad right now thinking that I'll never love him. I called Kit hoping he'd have the answer.

-You little shit you disappeared at lunch and now you call. We were worried sick about you. Were the fuck did you disappear to?- he asked raising his voice. I totally forgot about that and Kit sounds really mad.

-I'm sorry it wasn't my intention to disappear like that but don't worry I am fine. I was with Forth.- I said and he sighed.

-Yeah we figured that out. Still we had to ask him to make sure since you turned your phone off.-

-sorry I wasn't thinking clearly.- I apologized.

-It's ok now why are you calling me? Because I know for sure it had nothing to do with you disappearing.- he said and I sighed.

-I kind of realized something and I don't know what to do.- I said frustrated.

-Well if you don't tell me what it is I won't be able to help.- he replied sassily and I rolled my eyes.

-I realized that I love Forth and I tried calling him to tell him but his phone is off and I don't know what to do.-

-Why are you telling me this instead of him! You know where he lives go tell him! It was about damn time you finally accepted your feelings don't make him wait.- he basically yelled at me.

-yeah you're right I'm going there right now. Wish me luck.- I said.

-you don't need luck he loves you. Now go be happy.- he said and I hung up smiling. I grabbed my keys and left my apartment again. I drove as fast as I could towards his dorm. Once I was there I wasted no time going up to his room. More than an hour has passed since we last saw each other so he must be home. I knocked desperately on his door and I was surprised when Lam opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" He hissed getting out of the apartment and closing the door.

"I need to see Forth is important." I said and he glared at me.

"I don't think so. We already know what happened between you two today. That was the last chance now you stay away from him. You finally did it you broke him! Now he's a mess in there. You are not allowed near him anymore." Said Lam and it absolutely broke my heart to hear he was a mess.

"I'm sorry, I came to fix things. I really need to talk to him Lam. Just one last time." I said desperately but he looked at me sternly.

"Look Beam just leave ok? If it was someone else we would've already beat you for doing this to him. But if we do so much as touch you Forth would kill us. So just make things easier and leave him alone." He said and I was getting pissed. I was about to answer when the door opened again and I saw Park.

"What's taking you so long? Who's at the door?" Said Park who scowled when he noticed it was me.

"Come on I know I was wrong you have every right to be mad because I hurt him. But I really need to see him now so get out of my way." I said raising my voice and Park looked at me furious because the door was opened and Forth could probably hear.

"What's wrong? Why are you two at the door?" I hear Forth say and Park grabbed Lam by the hand dragging him in and was about to close the door.

"Forth." I screamed and I got a glimpse of him getting near the door before Park slammed it on my face. I hear some shuffling before I heard Forth talking to me through the door.

"I'm sorry if my friends were rude to you but seriously you should leave. We agreed not to see each other anymore. We already said goodbye." He said.

"Please I need to talk to you it's important." I said. I wanted to tell him face to face not through the door.

"You can say whatever you need I'm listening." He said still not opening the door. I thought about it for a second and remembered our earlier conversation.

"Forth I will miss you! I will miss you so damn much." I said and this time he opened the door.

"I told you if you said that one more time I won't let you go." He said not opening the door completely but at least I could see him now.

"Yeah well you better keep your word Forth Jaturapoom." I said and his eyes widened looking at me but he still didn't move.

"What do you mean?" He asked carefully and I could see both the hope and the doubt on his face.

"It means I love you Forth and I know it took me way too long to realize it but I do and I don't want you to leave me ever again. I started to rant and he smiled widely coming towards me and picking me up to spin me around.

"Yes! You love me too. I knew it! I always knew someday you were going to be mine." He said and my heart was full seeing him so happy. I couldn't help but cry. "I love you too." He said when he stopped spinning us around.

"I know." I said jumping a little to wrap my legs around his waist while my hands were on his face pulling him in for a kiss and everything finally felt right. This was were I was meant to be. When we separated Forth looked at Park and Lam who were still at the door watching us. I felt embarrassed so I hid my face in Forth's chest who was still carrying me.

"Finally took you long enough." Said Park and I laughed.

"Congratulations, Beam don't you hurt him again." Warned Lam and I nodded quickly.

"I wouldn't dare." I said and Forth smiled happily stealing another kiss.

"Well guys I think it's time for you to leave I want to spend some time with my wife." He said carrying me inside and I blushed.

"Hey! I am not going to be the wife." I said and he laughed.

"Well see about that." He said and I heard the door close meaning Park and Lam had already left. I finally got out of Forth's embrace

"You scared them away! They probably think we where about to have sex or something." I said and he laughed.

"I don't care, I am so happy I just want to be with you alone. I can't believe this is happening I'm not dreaming right?" He asked and I smiled.

"You are not, I promise this is real. It just took me way to long to realize what's been in front of me this whole time. But don't worry I'll make it up to you for everything we have a king life ahead of us." I said.

"As long as you are in it I don't care about anything else." He said hugging me close to him.

I feel happy that everything finally makes sense. He's the love of my life that's for certain. I regret not realizing sooner but since there's nothing I can do about that I'll just show him how much I love him everyday for the rest of my life.

-the end


I am so happy with the way this story turned out. Sometimes I'm not completely satisfied with my work. But this one is one of my favorites for sure. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

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