The Bet (part 2)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I was sitting down on my usual table at the foodcourt. Phana was with Wayo and Kit was doing our professor a favor so I was all alone. I was happily munching on my food while going over my notes. My peace was disturbed when an engineer walked into the foodcourt. Well he is surely starting early. I just stared at him when Forth walked in pretty beat up. Let the game begin then I thought.

"Beam! Do you know where Phana is?" Asked Forth and I shook my head slowly.

"He's not here he went to lunch with Wayo. Why was wrong with you?" I said acting worried.

"I had a fight and things went a little bit wrong. I was looking for Phana to see if he could patch me up quickly." He said and I stood up from my seat quickly picking up my things.

"Oh well I can help you with that." I said grabbing my notes and throwing out the food. "Let me help you." I said going over to his side and helping support his weight.

"Thank you." He said and we started walking.

"Let's go to my car I have a first aid kit there." I said.

"Sorry to bother you." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"It's no problem that's what friends are for. But why didn't you just go to the infirmary." I asked and he was quiet for a second.

"Ah they ask too much questions besides it's not that serious. I thought maybe Phana could help since he's a medical student. My friends usually patch me up but this time I was ambushed alone and I didn't want them to start a war." He explained and I rolled my eyes again. This asshole seriously I can't believe him. I started walking a little bit faster since I was mad until Forth hissed.

"Slow down a little it hurts." Said Forth and I complied. We finally reached my car and I help him sat down on the passenger seat.

"Where are you hurt beside from the obvious?" I asked. From where I could see he had a cut on his lip and on his forehead. He lifted up his shirt and I noticed a couple of bruises and cuts near his ribs. Damn he let his friends beat him up just for this? Is he really that stupid? Or did he really look for a fight? Either way he's unbelievable. I checked him for broken ribs but he didn't have any.

"Well you are just bruised. I'll just clean you up and bandage you." I said starting my work. He really is hurt and I don't think his friends would beat him up that bad just for a stupid bet. So he probably went looking for a fight somewhere. I finished bandaging him up and before working on his face. I started with his forehead and I could feel him looking at me intently.

"What?" I said looking him in the eye and he just smiled.

"Nothing I just realized you are hot." He said and I couldn't help but scoff.

"That's no secret took you long enough." I said and he laughed. I finished bandaging him up.

"Done, you need to change it later and put some of this on." I said giving him some ointment.

"But I can't do it alone! Come on I'll pick you up after class and I'll take you out to dinner or whatever you want and then after you can help me change the bandage again. Please." He said and I rolled my eyes. Might as well get something from my troubles.

"Fine I get out at five be here on time or I'm going home." I said and he smiled.

"You're the best." He said pulling me into a hug and I was surprised. He smells nice I thought letting him hug me before I pulled back. "I'll see you at five." Said Forth and I nodded leaving.

The rest of the day seemed to fly by and soon it was five. I didn't want Phana and Kit to know about this yet so I waited for them to leave. I didn't have to do anything since both seemed to be in a hurry. I walked in to the parking lot to find Forth had parked his bike beside my car.

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