Friends with benefits (part 3)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I woke up on my bed alone with a massive headache. I don't remember much of what happened yesterday and I certainly don't know how I got here. But I am on one piece whoever brought me home even changed my clothes. I walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I decided to go out for breakfast. I was hungry and I am not the best cook in the world so it was my only option. At least when I am with Forth he mostly cooks breakfast himself we barely go out. Ah why the hell am I thinking about Forth it's way too early for this. I went out and looked at my phone. I had text from Kit and Phana asking me if I was ok. I just responded that I was fine before continuing my way. But none of the food stalls close by seemed appealing to me today. Then I remember where Forth took me yesterday. The food there was really good. Since I had nothing to do I decided to drive over there.

Luckily I had payed attention to where he was going yesterday so I had no trouble in finding the place. I ordered and sat down in one of the tables. The lady seemed to recognize me but hadn't said anything. It was still early in the morning and the headache was killing me. I took some painkillers before digging in the food. Once I was almost done the old lady came back.

"You came here with Forth yesterday right?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah we had breakfast here. He said it was his favorite place." I said politely and she smiled.

"May I?" She said grabbing the seat in front of me and I nodded. "Forth he comes here since he was a child. Always orders porridge and chicken. He's my most loyal customer. I've seen him grow up basically. Such a sweet boy." She said and I just smiled listening to her and nodding once in a while. "You know I thought you two were a couple when you came in." She said and I felt my eyes widened.

"It's not like that." I quickly corrected her.

"Yeah such a shame. I could've swear you two were together. You'd make such a sweet couple." She said and I choked on the food and she laughed before giving me some water. "You know I saw how you looked at him yesterday. You seemed happy with him. I think you should confess your feelings in sure he feels the same way just look at yourself he wouldn't be able to resist falling for you." She said and I let out a loud gasp feeling my cheeks heat up.

"We are just friends there's nothing more going on. I don't like him that way." I said and she smiled and nodded.

"Well ok then. I'll go back now. Take care." She said leaving me alone. I finished eating slowly because she left me thinking. Did I really seemed that happy yesterday with Forth? She even thought that I liked him I huffed mad. Shouldn't it be the other way around if one of us is going to fall for the other it surely isn't going to be me. After I finished eating I was about to leave. Just as I was getting into my car I noticed Forth walking up to the shop with a girl beside him. I raised my eyebrow looking at him. He brought me here yesterday and now he comes here with another girl. This boy really has he no shame. I was about to leave when I noticed they were talking outside and the girl jumped on Forth to hug him happily. I was shocked and quickly stepped out of my car without thinking.

"FORTH JATURAPOOM WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING?!?" I screamed and he seemed startled quickly letting the girl go who fell on her butt. She screamed and he quickly helped her and apologized before coming toward me.

"Beam what are you doing here?" He asked leaning against my cars door with his arms crossed.

"I was just having breakfast unlike someone else." I said glaring at him and he looked at me amused.

"I wasn't doing anything wrong. Besides weren't you the one who slept with a girl yesterday." He said and I gasped.

"I didn't sleep with her!" I defended myself.

"But you were going to you just couldn't." He said coming closer and now we were face to face.

"Whatever I'm leaving!" I said grabbing the door handle to open it but his hand was stopping me from opening the door.

"Move." I said but he ignored me.

"You're jealous." He said smirking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I am not, now move I want to go home." I said and he got closer to me again. In one quick movement he took the keys from my hand.

"Not before you let me explain." He said and I crossed my arms looking at him mad.

"You don't have to." I replied.

"You're right." He said and I raised my eyebrow at him. "But I want to." He quickly continued coming closer and pinching my cheek.

"Just say it already I want to leave." I said swatting his hand away.

"You're too cute." He mumbled but I heard him.

"Forth." I warned him and he laughed.

"I've been coming here since I was little. I know the aunty well and that was her granddaughter who is my friend. I was happy to see her because she had moved away from college and I haven't seen her since. She is married by the way. Also want to know the reason I came here?" He said coming closer until his face was just inches apart. I remember that the old lady just told me she thought I liked Forth and I gulped creating some distance between us.

"It's fine whatever." I said trying to get around him to my car but he stopped me by holding me close.

"I was coming to get some breakfast for you. I figured you'd be sleeping off the hungover this early in the morning." He said caressing my cheek with his hand and I just looked at him I was in some kind of trance. He leaned down to capture my lips and I let him it didn't take long before the kiss got heated and he was leaving a hickey on my neck when I stopped him.

"Not now." I said this time escaping successfully from him. I managed to get on my car and leave the place. I really need to think about what I'm doing.

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