The wedding

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So today I was cleaning with my mom. She put on some music to lighten up the mood while we cleaned. She was putting old music that I listened to when I was a child. There was this song that for some unknown reason I loved as a child and always told my mom to replay it. The song it's in Spanish and the genre is called Bachata which I'm not sure a lot of you know what that is or heard it. But the point is this song is written like it was telling a story. While I was listening I was imagining Forth and Beam living it. I thought why not make this into a one shot?  So here it is and heads up this will be dramatic kind off like a soap opera. I'll be adding to it obviously so it'll be half the song and the other half will come from me so I'll complete it as a story. The song is called La Boda by aventura in case anyone wants to know.

< Third person point of view >

It was a beautiful day to get married. The sun was shining, the venue was decorated, the food was cooked perfectly. Everything was how it supposed to be. It was picture perfect. The guest all arrived early anticipating the union between the two families. There at the end of the isle were two people ready to commit for the rest of their lives or so everyone thought.

There at the altar stood the two grooms. The priest was talking. The moment everyone was waiting for finally came. They were all holding their breath as a lot of them expected what was to come seeing the man sitting at the very back calmly like he was another guest.

"Beloved siblings lets continue with this wedding, if there is anyone opposed to this marriage may he speak now or forever hold is peace." Said the priest looking around. In that moment at the very back a man stood up.

"I oppose" said Forth and started walking towards the altar.

"One moment father, don't allow this it's absurd, it's an error. Stop this wedding now I'll explain my motive and who I am." He said stopping in the middle of the isle where everybody could see him. He saw Beam gasp when he was able to see him clearly. "I hope he and everybody in the public listens to me" said Forth pointing at the altar where a man stood beside his Beam. "I'm going to tell the story of a great love. Even though one year ago we broke up we loved each other like crazy we both shared one heart but today he tries to marry another man to forget me." Said Forth in a cold tone.

"Who's this crazy guy?" Yelled the guy standing beside Beam.

"Shhh nobody is talking to you." Replied Forth dismissing the guy. "Today I came to fight for my love. I won't leave this church unless it's with him." He said now pointing at Beam who was dumbfounded. They both made eye contact and now Forth was talking straight to Beam.

"Who will love you like I do? Oh God if you get married you'll take my life away. Tell me that this ceremony it's just a nightmare." He said looking at Beam straight in the eye who was just quietly looking at him a shocked expression on his face. "My love for God's sake rethink this. Lets remember our lives when we were kids, that Sunday when we kissed for the first time. You know I love you and you love me like when we first met that day. My love I didn't abandon you my trip was necessary and the letters that I sent you I can tell you didn't receive them. Now look at all the damage it has made." Forth said now just a couple of steps away from Beam and the other man.

"Now I'm talking to you." He said pointing to the man standing beside Beam. "How dare you compare yourself to me? I'm the one who knows all of his flaws, his most intimate secrets. I'm gonna give you a chance to talk man to man. Tell me do you love him like I do?" He said pausing to look at the man you could see how he felt hurt and betrayed by the one he loved. The hatred towards the man who wanted to steal the love of his life. The other man stayed quiet and so Forth continued with his rant.

"What's up, not going to say anything?" He continued letting a fake laugh scape his lips. "You know you will never make him happy. Your future wife is there shedding tears for me." Forth's said turning to look at Beam again. He was clearly mad but the look of hurt on his face was unmistakable.

"Why do you cry, huh? Because you know what I say is true! The only truth that you know. The truth that many at this wedding also remember. Yet they sit to watch this like nothing happened. Raise your head and look at me, look at me when I talk to you! I'm the one who saw you laugh, who saw you cry, the one who was by your side on your worst and best days. This is how it ends after all? I would believe this betrayal from anyone else except from you." Forth finished saying before breaking down. He had been strong for way too long. All this time he was fighting to come back to his Beam and this is what he comes home to. He falls on his knees crying. I'm that moment Beam ran up to Forth crying too. After one year without seeing or hearing from each other they were finally reunited.

"Forth I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. You know you're the one I love. I thought you left me forever that's the only reason I'm here. I don't him this is just an arranged marriage." Beam said crying too. Forth hugged him tightly relieved to finally have him in his arms again. It was a bittersweet moment filled with sadness and longing but most of all love and relief that they were finally in each other's arms. They got up from the floor Beam standing up first and giving his hand to Forth who took it. They looked at each other and Beam smiled first. Forth sighed relieved before pulling Beam into a hug again. They were walking away hand in hand when Beam's mom stood up.

"Beam, where do you think you are going?" She said. Beam stopped walking and so did Forth who stiffened.

"I'm tired of all this bullshit mom. You know I love him and I bet him leaving me had to do something with you. So you know what? this is over. I'm leaving with him whether you like it or not. I love him and that's final as long as he loves me too we will be together learn to accept that or you'll never see me again."

With that they walked away from everyone in the room. A lot of things needed to be cleared between them but they knew their love could overcome everything that was thrown their way.

-the end


So this didn't turn out as I had imagined but since I didn't have time to write anything else today I decided to post it. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to write more. I'm so behind on my university work 🤦🏻‍♀️ you would've think that being quarantined meant having more time but professors are giving extra work.

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