Unexpected (part 4)

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Beam's P.O.V.

We woke up early in the morning. My mother usually has breakfast at eight and it was now nine so we should be good. Once we were both ready we came down for breakfast. To my surprise my mother was sitting at the table eating. Forth looked at me surprised too. We didn't have any other option so we sat down to eat. My mother looked more serious than usual. This time she didn't even try to make small talk but I decided to stop with the awkward silence and talk to Forth.

"I think we should take the car. It's not that far but if later we want to go somewhere then we'd have to walk back here. It's easier that way." I said and Forth nodded.

"You are right. We could go sight seeing if we get bored. Also I heard there's a place close by that we could go hiking and the view it's supposed to be amazing." He said excitedly and I laughed.

"Sure we could go tomorrow if we don't do it today." I said. I'm not really a hiking person but I'd do it for him.

We were lost in our conversation until my mother interrupted us letting out a very fake very loud cough. We both turned to look at her.

"Are you planning on going somewhere today?" She said and I nodded.

"We are going to the beach." I said.

"Why? You have a pool here. There's no need to go out." She said sternly.

"Yeah that doesn't even make sense. A beach house a short walk away from the ocean why the hell does it need a pool." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Well you can't go I invited some guests over this evening and you have to be here." She said and I shake my head.

"You could just tell me nicely that you invited people over and want me here at night and I'd be here. You can't just prohibit me to go out and expect me to be fine with it. That's not the way you should do things. I'm leaving and I don't promise to come back tonight." I said standing up with Forth following me. She did the same this time I could tell she was furious.

"Beam Baramee don't you dare walk out that door." She screamed and I glared at her.

"Beam I think we should calm down first." Said Forth taking my hand in his. But I was tired of this bullshit, of her controlling my whole life.

"Watch me." I said turning around and walking out with Forth who was still holding my hand. He looked worried but I was so mad I didn't care I just walked to the car and got in the passenger seat. "You drive now let's go." I said and he complied getting in the car and driving away. In a few minutes we were parked in front of the beach but I was still furious. We got out of the car and started walking around.

"Fuck we forgot everything! The towels, my sunglasses, I even left my wallet dammit." I said mad.

"Don't worry I have mine come on." He said grabbing my hand.

I got lost in though for a second thinking that we are getting so used to just grabbing each other's hand like we are a couple. I didn't notice Forth pulling me into one of the shops that was close by. He picked up some sunscreen first. Then he pulled me towards the sunglasses inspecting them for a second before grabbing ones and putting them on me. Then I watched him pick out a pair too.

"Forth what are you doing?" I asked taking off the sunglasses finally coming in to my senses.

"What does it look like, I'm buying everything we need. Nothings going to ruin our day." He said and I felt my heart beat faster. Was he always this caring? Forth came back with two matching towels and a beach ball. I couldn't help but laugh he ignored me and went to pay. After that we walked out to the beach. He set up the towels on a spot and put all of our things there before taking off his shirt. "Come on let's go in the water." He said.

"Right now?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow.

"No tomorrow." He replied before throwing me over his shoulder.

"Forth! I didn't even take off my shirt yet." I screamed but he ignored me.

"Even better nobody has to see you shirtless then." He said and I stopped fighting to look at him. What does that mean? My question was soon forgotten when he throws me into the cold water.

"I am going to kill you." I said splashing water towards him but he didn't mind.

"You needed to cool down." He said laughing and I glared at him.

"Very funny." I said. We stayed in the water for a while having fun before we got out. I sat down on the towel taking the other to dry myself a bit until Forth came and took it from me.

"Hey." I said annoyed.

"Let me dry myself a bit. Your sitting on the other one." He said and I nodded he's right anyway. Just then and old man passed around with a cart selling ice cream.

"Forthhhh I want one! Give me some money I'll pay you back later." I said and he looked at me amused before laughing.

"You are like a child." He said before standing up. "Which one do you want?" He said and I smiled.

"Chocolate." I replied and he nodded before walking to buy it. Soon he returned with my chocolate ice cream and vainilla for him.

"Vainilla? You're so boring." I said.

"Please you have chocolate you can't talk." He said and I laughed.

"Chocolate is always better." I said. When we were almost done a little boy approached us.

"Excuse me, I see you have a ball can I play with it for a little while?" The little boy asked. He was so cute.

"What's your name?" Asked Forth.

"I'm Win." The boy said smiling brightly.

"Ok nong Win you can use the ball." Said Forth handing it to him.

"Thank you!" The boy said before running away with the ball towards his friends. We watched them for a while. Forth stood up and joined them running around with the kids. I stayed where I was taking my phone to record him. After a while he came back exhausted.

"Damn those kids never get tired." He said throwing himself on the towel. I laid beside him.

"Thank you for today. I had fun." I said.

"I'm glad." He smiled at me.

When it was starting to get dark we picked up our things to leave.

"So what do you want to do? Do you want to go home or should we go somewhere else?" He asked as we were loading the things into the car.

"Let's just go home things are bad enough as they are I don't want any more troubles." I said getting in the car and he did the same.

"Ok then." He said before starting the car and driving back towards the house.


So thank you for all of those who replied to my question. I have made a decision and I'm continuing to write in this book it's easier this way and you guys prefer it like this too. I'll be changing the name to short stories instead of one shots like some of you suggested! I need to make another cover first though because this one I got from a cover shop so that might take a while. Anyway thank you all for your support I really appreciate it. Stay safe everyone and I'll see you on the next chapter. This one is kind of slow but don't worry we are getting to the good part. Have anyone watched the first episode of Tharn Type seven years of love? It's so good!

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