Beam's P.O.V.
I woke up still tangled in Forth's embrace. I frowned remembering yesterday when he kiss my shoulder. I turned around a bit to look at him. He was still sleeping soundly his hair covering his face. I felt the urge to move it so I carefully did. Who would've guess that in a few days we changed from strangers to really close friends. Before Tul arrived we barely saw each other in the living room or kitchen passing by. Now he likes to sleep cuddling me. But I'm glad it's been fun and he's a great person. I regret not getting to know him sooner. I couldn't help but smile he and Tul were the best thing to happen to me this summer.
"Why are you looking at me?" Mumbled Forth and I was startled. Is he dreaming? I thought. But I was wrong because he opened one eye.
"Keep doing it and I might kiss you." He mumbled again and I huffed.
"Aish you asshole just let me out of your embrace you think I am some kind of pillow or something." I said making some distance. He sat down on the bed rubbing his eyes.
"I don't complain when you slept on top of me." He said annoyed and I hit him with the pillow before standing up.
"Whatever that's your problem." I said walking to the bathroom to freshen up. He didn't say anything else. When I was done I walked back in and Forth was not in the room anymore. I started tidying everything up since we were leaving after lunch. I checked the time and we had already missed breakfast. Once I was almost done just leaving a change of clothes for me and one for Tul, Forth entered the room.
"He was already awake with the other two devils so I bathed him." Said Forth and I nodded.
"Here put this on him." I said handing him the clothes. In no time we were all ready so we walked back downstairs.
"You two had a good nights sleep?" Asked Forth's mom and we both nodded. "Well it's almost time for lunch so just wait for that." She said.
We walked to the living room where everyone was gathered. Tul quickly ran out to the boys. I sat down besides Forth.
"You two are really good with him! You will be such great dads one day." Commented Sammy.
"I'm not that good, but Forth here he is a natural! If it wasn't for him I don't know if we could've survived this long. Right Forth." I said and he laughed.
"I left for a couple of hours and when I came back they were both hurt on the floor crying. They couldn't have made it without me." Said Forth proudly.
"He's always been good with kids. He use to babysit Max and Ae all the time." Said Yihwa and I nodded.
"Yeah he knew what to do but I was completely lost. That little devil was going to be the death of me." I said. We continued talking until Forth's mom called us to come eat. We had a nice lunch together and then it was time to go. Yihwa and Sammy were staying for dinner but since our place was the farthest we had to leave earlier.
The kids started crying when Forth and I finished packing everything and putting it in my car. They started hugging and crying it broke my heart really.
"Don't take him! I can take care of him! Leave him with me!" Said Max hugging a crying Tul. It was the cutest sight ever.
"Max you know they have to leave." Said Yihwa. Ae was crying while hugging Sammy.
"Don't worry Max your birthday is coming soon and I will make sure that Tul comes to spend it with you. But you have to let him leave now." Said Forth's mom.
"Promise?" Asked Max.
"I promise." Said Forth's mother but still he wasn't satisfied.
"You two promise to bring him too." Said Max glaring at us.
"We promise! I will make sure Tul mom lets him come for your birthday." I said.
"Hear that! We will see each other again." Said Max and Tul nodded. They gave each other a hug and Tul walked sadly to me. I picked him up and he just buried his face on my chest still crying. I managed to calm him down a little.
"Bye!" He waved at everyone before continuing to cry. We walked out getting him on the car.
"Don't cry Tul we had fun! I promise you will see each other again. Next time I will bring Max to your house so you can show him your toys." Said Forth trying to console Tul.
"Ok." He said sadly.
We got in and started driving back home. When we were almost there Forth made a wrong turn I looked at him confused but he wasn't looking at me.
"Where are you going?" I asked confused.
"To cheer him up I don't like seeing him sad." Said Forth. I rolled my eyes since it was a rather shitty explanation. I was going to ask again when he stopped the car at the park.
"Want to get some ice cream and watch some fireworks?" Said Forth to Tul who quickly got excited.
"Yesss!" He said and I smiled getting out of the car. We walked to an ice cream shop nearby and Forth bought ice cream for all of us.
"Where are you gonna get fireworks?" I asked.
"Just wait here." He said leaving me alone with Tul. I sat down at a picnic table that was near. He came back with some sparklers and some matches. He lit up one and handed it to Tul, then gave me one and finally one for himself. Tul was mesmerized by them and smiling while we played with the sparklers.
"Thank you Forth!" Said Tul happily after we were making our way back to the car. Forth had placed Tul on his shoulders while we walked back.
"You're welcome!" He said and I smiled. He was such a good guy honestly I don't know anyone who would go to all that trouble for when he didn't have to. After that we made our way home. Since we had already ate ice cream I made a light dinner. Tul was tired early today since he was up till late yesterday with the boys. When he fell asleep I carried him upstairs and Forth followed shortly after. I put him in bed placing him in the middle before putting on a movie.
"I will be sad when he leaves." Said Forth.
"Me too. Now I don't even want him to leave. This couple of days have been fun." I said sadly.
"I don't want to lose you when all of this is over." Said Forth turning to look at me instead of the movie.
"You won't lose me we will still live together." I said.
"Yeah but we used to live together before and still we were strangers." He said and suddenly I felt sad too.
"You are right, but is different now. We know each other, we are friends now." I said grabbing his hand to reassure him.
"Friends huh." He said looking at our hands.
"Hey don't be sad! I promise we won't become strangers again." I said and he nodded.
"Beam after Tul leaves I need to tell you something." He said and I frowned.
"Why can't you tell me now?" I asked confused.
"I'm not ready now I just want to enjoy my time with you two." He said sadly.
"Don't talk like that! You aren't going to lose me and we can always go see Tul he doesn't live far from here ok?" I said and he nodded.
"Goodnight Beam." He said placing a kiss on the back of my palm since I was still holding his. I felt my cheeks heat up but I didn't say anything just turned around and went to sleep.
Wow Beam why are you so dense?!? Hahahaha. Double update wow I'm on a roll. Today was a boring day so I spent most of it writing. Anyway thank you for reading and stay safe everyone I will see you on the next update!

Forth Beam Short Stories
FanfictionA collection of Forth Beam short stories. Characters don't belong to me, only the plot.