babysitting (part 16)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I woke up startled by Yihwa and Forths mom. They both came into the room early to wake up Max. They started singing happy birthday which woke all of us up. Max and Tul were still sleepy but excited at the same time. When they were done we all clapped and Yihwa gave Max a hug and a kiss.

"Happy birthday baby!" Said Yihwa.

"Thank you mom." Said Max sleepily.

"Happy birthday Max. Im gonna sleep again ill play with you later." Said Tul patting him on the back once before cuddling up to my side. I let out a laugh he doesn't care about anything other than sleeping right now. Yihwa and Forths mom laughed too at Tul.

"It's seven in the morning. You don't let the poor kid sleep in even on his birthday." Groaned Forth who was looking at his phone.

"Shut up! I wanted to sing him happy birthday early because I will be busy running some errands and I always sing happy birthday when he wakes up." Said Yihwa glaring at Forth and hitting him on the leg. "You can sleep some more baby I will see you later I have to go pick up the cake and some other things." Said Yihwa before standing up.

"Ok." Answered Max sleepily. After Yihwa left he got comfortable beside Tul falling asleep almost instantly.

"Well I'm awake now I cant go back to sleep." I said getting up and walking to the bathroom.

"Me neither, I will go downstairs to see what's for breakfast." Said Forth walking away. After I freshened up on the bathroom I walked downstairs.

"I think mom left with Yihwa." Said Forth who was sitting down drinking coffee he slid a cup towards me. I sat down beside him and he put his head on my shoulder.

"If you're still tired you can go back to sleep I usually wake up early and you don't." I said and he shook his head.

"Its ok, just give me five minutes." He said and I let him running my fingers through his hair while looking at my phone and drinking my coffee. I almost spit my coffee when Forths mom started talking. I hadn't noticed when she walked in.

"What do you want for breakfast?" She asked and I was so surprised my first reaction was to push his head from my shoulder with the hand that was caressing his hair. Forth was startled and glared at me.

"Beam! What was that for?" He said and I signaled him to look at his mother who was calmly looking at both of us.

"Oh hey mom." Said Forth looking shocked.

"So we are pretending no one knows what's happening then? Ok. I can do that." She said turning around and started preparing breakfast. "I will be making pancakes since none of you gave me an answer." She said and I turned to look at Forth who was doing the same.

"What just happened?" I whispered and he shrugged.

"Im way too sleepy to understand what just happened." He mumbled and Forths mom turned to look at us.

"Do you two think I am stupid? I know you are together. As in a relationship." She said and both of our jaws dropped.

"What?" Said Forth and she laughed.

"Oh please, everyone noticed Forth acting like a lovesick puppy around Beam last time you were here. Beam you seemed a little troubled but I knew you at least cared for him. It was just a matter of time before you two got together. Besides even if I didn't know Tul told me yesterday. When I was bathing them we were talking and he said that one day he will ask Max to be his boyfriend so they could hug and kiss like uncle Beam and Forth do." She said and I could feel my face turning red and Forth laughed.

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