I want you (part 7)

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Forth's P.O.V.

We arrived at Beam's dorm in record time. I called Beam one more time before walking in but he didn't answer. I was frustrated that he wasn't even giving me a chance to explain anything. We walked in and I knocked on his door. To my surprise Pha was the one who answered.

"What are you doing here." Said Pha coldly glaring at us.

"I need to see Beam." I replied and boy everybody was testing my patience today. He looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Why? He already knows everything he saw you with his own two eyes yesterday. There's no need to tell him face to face. Why do you want to keep hurting him?" Questioned Pha and I could tell he was mad too. I sighed trying to calm myself down before responding since I was getting pissed off.

"Look Pha it was a misunderstanding why would I fucking come here otherwise. So could you let me in so I can explain to him what the fuck happened." I said gritting my teeth. I was so mad I could punch someone. He looked at me for a while before responding.

"I don't think that's a good idea right now. He spent all of last night crying because of you. He only fell asleep like half and hour ago because he was exhausted so just let him rest for now. I'll call you when he wakes up and feels a bit better ok?" He said and my heart absolutely broke for Beam. I just nodded absentmindedly and walked away.

Fuck I can't believe I messed up so bad. Just the thought of Beam being this hurt because of me... I couldn't believe it. Dammit why did I have to go to that stupid bar yesterday. I know him he will do everything on his power to get away from me. He must think that I don't want him and that was my way of telling him. I should've told him what I was feeling for him. But I wanted to be sure before I promised him anything. I was finally out of the building and I ended sitting down on the stairs. I felt like all of my energy had been drained from me. I saw Park sit beside me and he patted my shoulder, Lam was standing in front of me.

"Come on Forth you're not going to give up this easily right?" He said and I looked at him.

"Of course not! But I just feel so bad that I hurt him you know! If I had acted faster than this I could've saved us all this pain. You heard what Pha said he spent all night crying while I was wasted sleeping on my room. I feel like he needs me more than ever and I can't be there for him." I said frustrated.

"It was a mistake he's a reasonable person I don't think this will drive you apart so easily. If he was that hurt that means he loves you man that doesn't just go away." This time it was Park speaking.

"I just, I need to see him and explain everything I just can't let him keep thinking that I slept with someone else knowing he was in love with me. It feels like I already lost him. I can't leave guys I don't care how much I have to wait I need to see him." I said standing up when I turned around I noticed that Pha was standing behind us. I looked at him with a serious face waiting for him to say something since he had obviously told me to stay away.

"I would say I didn't mean to listen but I would be lying to you. I just had to make sure you weren't gonna hurt him. Even if it was a mistake I doubt Beam will forgive you easily. You can go see him but I don't know how he will react he doesn't trust easily." Said Pha stepping out of my way.

"I am going to buy lunch and Kit is currently on his apartment next door. I left the door unlocked for you. Good luck I'll be back soon." He said leaving. I looked at Lam and Park.

"You guys can go, I'll see you later." I said and they both nodded.

"Call us if you need anything." Said Lam before they left. I turned around and walked into the building again. Once I was on Beam's dorm I walked straight into his room and what I saw broke my heart. Beam was curled up in a ball and you could see the tear stains on his eyes. I quickly walked to the bed and carefully sat beside him. It hurt me too see him like that especially since it was my own fault. I gently woke him up brushing my fingers in his hair.

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