Unexpected (part 7)

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Beam's P.O.V.

"It's a long story." I said.

"Can you please tell me I want to know." He said and I nodded. I was scared but I needed to tell him. I have loved him for a long time and now that there's a possibility I can be with him I don't want to let it go.

"I don't even know where to start." I said scared.

"It's ok take your time." He said grabbing my hand with his. He has done that so much in this couple of days. I felt reassured every time he did that. It gave me the courage I needed to start speaking.

"The first time I met you I was still in high school. I was with Phana and Kit at the mall. I was already tired but they had some things left they wanted to buy. I decided to wait for them at the ice cream shop while they finished. That's when I noticed you come in with a group of boys. I remember Lam was there with you and two other guys. I don't know why but you caught my attention it's like you stood out from them. I watched you while eating my ice cream. Then suddenly you all stood up quickly and left. My curiosity got the best of me so I followed you guys outside. That's when I saw you fighting with some guys that looked bigger than you. I was amazed I remembered thinking you looked so cool. After you four managed to beat most of them, they decided to back out. Before leaving I remembered one of them screamed 'this is not over Forth Jaturapoom.' After that you screamed something back before you all left. I returned to the ice cream place but for some reason I couldn't get you out of my mind. That day when I got back home I searched for you on Facebook and kind of stalked you for a while. I was scared to tell my friends because at that time Phana was in denial about his feelings for Wayo and I thought Kit was straight so I didn't feel like I could tell them that I might have feelings for another guy. At that time I was very close to my mother. We had a good relationship and she always supported me with everything. She was the person I trusted the most in this world. So I decided to tell her because I thought she could help me figure it out. I said everything to her, I even showed her a picture of you. She waited until I was finished talking. Turns out that she didn't like the fact that her one and only son could be gay. She told me it was wrong to have feelings for you and I should feel ashamed. I felt like my whole world fell apart piece by piece. She took away all of my social media accounts for a long time and even threaten to send me abroad to study. I had to beg her to let me stay and study medicine with both Pha and Kit. She agreed under the condition that I started dating women so I complied. She set up the dates and I went just so I could stay here. It went on for a year and that's how I got the title of Casanova. I didn't sleep with any of them just paid them to say I spent the night with them so my mom wouldn't suspect. It worked an a year later I entered the university. I moved out and eventually stopped going on dates when I finally had my own apartment. That's when I met you again in the moon competition as Phanas friend the moon from engineering. But I didn't dare approach you I was still scared. Specially since I was now the Casanova and then you started fighting with Phana over Wayo. I thought maybe we just weren't meant to be. But my feelings for you remained the same and that's it I guess." I said and Forth hugged me tightly. I couldn't help but start crying. He's the first person I have told about this. Pha and Kit know but not the whole story.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Beam. I'm so mad right now. No one deserves to be treated like that." He said and I tightened the hug crying even more. He just rubbed my back until I calmed down.

"What should we do now? I mean I told you I loved you and you kissed me. Where does that leave us?" I asked once I managed to calm down.

"Well what do you want to do? I love you too not as long as you have but it's been a while. I was looking for a way to court you without pushing me away since I didn't think I'd have an opportunity. That's why I stayed there during our break. I heard from Phana that you were staying alone and they were worried about you so I decided to stay too. Then you invited me here and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to court you." He said and I was shocked.

"You loved me too? I can't believe this." I said surprised. "That's why you always treated me differently! You weren't being annoying you just wanted my attention." I said thinking about it.

"You caught me." He said and I smiled.

"I want to give this a try. I want to be with you no matter what anyone says. She can't prohibit me to be with you. Last time I agreed because I didn't think I'd get a chance to be with you but this time is different." I said and Forth smiled widely.

"That means your my boyfriend now." He said and I nodded feeling my cheeks redden.

"You look so cute when you're shy." He said and I hit him on the chest lightly.

"I am not cute! I'm handsome!" I said and he laughed.

"That too." He said.

I sat down on my bed feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything. It's been a roller coaster of emotions since yesterday. Forth sat down behind me pulling me closer to him. We stayed like that for a while just enjoying each other's company and processing everything that has happened.

"Forth, I am hungry." I said after a while.

"Me too, how long has it been since we ate?" He said grabbing his phone. "Damn it's already nine thirty let's make something to eat." He said and I looked at him worriedly.

"Do you know if my mother already came back?" I asked.

"Well I'm not sure but I think I heard your father say that they may go to some place far away from here and spend the night there before he left. But I could be wrong." He said and I nodded.

"Well I'm hungry so let's go make some food anyway." I said and we both stood up. We went towards the kitchen and I started to look for something easy to cook. "You know what I'm not really good at cooking so let's just make some pasta. I think that's easy." I said taking all the ingredients and Forth helped me. I was just stirring everything in the pot when Forth came behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and planting a kiss on my shoulder. He then proceeded to put his chin on my shoulder.

"It looks good I'm starving." He said.

"Well if you keep distracting me I'll burn it." I said.

"I'm not doing anything." He said planting a kiss in my neck."

"Stop it! I'm hungry and if I burn this I will kill you." I said and he laughed stopping with the kisses but not moving away. Once I was done I turned off the stove. Forth let me go so I could serve the food. I turned around with the pan in hand just to see my mother standing there looking at us furiously. I almost dropped the pan from the shock but thankfully I didn't so I ignored her and started to put the pasta in the plates.

"It's him again isn't he. I knew I recognized him from somewhere when you first brought him here." She said in a cold voice.

"I don't want to deal with you right now. So just let us have our dinner in peace." I said giving a plate to Forth before I started walking to the table. She has already ruined enough for me I sat down with Forth beside me and we started eating. She left towards her room but I knew this was not over.

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