The Bet (part 18)

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Forth's P.O.V.

I watched Beam leave the foodcourt. I wanted to go after him but he's mad and I know for sure he doesn't want to see me right now. Seeing him cry with Lam it just made me feel like the most horrible person in this world for hurting him. Which I guess I am.

"What are you going to do now?" Asked Lam and I shook my head.

"I don't know. I was thinking of just waiting until the week is over because then the month of the bet is finally over. But I can't see him suffer for so long." I said and he nodded.

"We will figure this out." Lam said and we walked out. Just as I was leaving I noticed Beam not to far away from us sitting on a bench alone. I could tell he was still crying.

"He's there all alone crying because of my stupid mistake." I said not walking anymore just watching him. Park and Lam realized I stopped walking and looked to see what had made me stop. I heard Lam sigh.

"Look he's a reasonable person. He is just hurt. He loves you too very much you heard him he didn't want Phana to hit you because he didn't want to see you get hurt. Now go make him believe you feel the same way. He understands what happened he's just so hurt that he doesn't want to see it. So go and clear things up, show him that you love him too." Said Lam giving me a pat on the back before dragging Park with him. I walked towards Beam carefully sitting down beside him.

"Beam please let's talk." I said and he looked at me. Without saying anything he stood up but I wasn't about to let him walk away again so I grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards me. He fell on my lap and I wrapped my arms around him so he couldn't leave. "Come on Beam." I said again resting my forehead against his back.

"I know we need to talk but I don't want to hear you right now. I just can't." He said looking away from me.

"Fine just stay with me like this for a while. We don't have to talk just stay here with me a little bit. I've missed you and even if you don't believe me I love you and I'm trying to find a way to make things right." I said.

"Forth." He said trying to stand up but I didn't let him.

"No, sorry I'll stay quiet." I said shutting up and he stopped fighting letting out a sigh. After a while he got comfortable in my embrace leaning against my chest. I loosened my grip around him and he was now playing with one of my hands.

"I have missed you too. I couldn't even sleep last night." He said after a while.

"I'm really sorry for everything Beam. I didn't intend for this to happen. I was stupid, no I am stupid. This was wrong on so many levels but I still did it. I know I don't even deserve your forgiveness. But dammit I fell in love with you and I swear I stopped everything. I thought well he doesn't know so it doesn't matter how we started. I can just court him and make him mine and that's it. I had even forgotten about the bet until the day you confronted me about it." I said and he seemed unsure.

"I believe you but I may just be too tired right now I don't know." He said and my heart started to fill with hope. I think he will forgive me even if it's not now.

"Come on I will take you home. You need to rest." I said and he shook his head.

"No, I have class soon." He said trying to stand up.

"You aren't concentrating on anything anyway. You look damn tired and I bet you don't remember anything from your morning classes. You're just wasting your time." I said and he sighed.

"It's your fault! But you are right let's go." He said and this time I let him stand up. "You drive." He said giving me the keys we got in and I drove to his dorm which wasn't far away so we reached quickly. I walked with him to his door.

"If you need anything at all you can call me. I'll leave you to rest." I said and he looked at me shocked.

"You're not staying?" He asked and I was surprised.

"I thought you didn't want me to." I said and he shook his head.

"Just come in." He said and I did. He quickly got comfortable changing his clothes into some shorts and a t-shirt. He got in bed beside me since I chose to sit down on it.

"I forgive you, just because I did the same and I know I was at fault too. I did end up falling in love with you too so I believe your feelings are real. When you were with me I never felt like you were playing the game everything felt real but then I thought that is the purpose to make me love him. I'm still a little mad because you were the one who started this mess. You wanted to break my heart and make me cry and that makes me not want to trust you." He said and I nodded.

"I understand where you're coming from. Let's just take things slow ok? I will earn your trust again and make you mine." I said feeling determined. I heard Beam yawn before he scooted closer to me hugging my waist and laying his head on my chest.

"Fine I am giving you a second chance because I want this to work and make things right. But if you mess up again I don't think I will be as forgiving." He said getting comfortable on my chest.

"That's all I need. Now rest I'll wake you up for dinner later." I said and he nodded before slowly dozing off. I will show him how much I love him so that he won't ever have any doubts about it.


I was thinking of ending it on this chapter. But after everything I just thought it seemed way too rushed. So even though Beam forgave him he still doesn't fully trust him so they are not together. Forth still needs to work a little bit harder if he wants Beam to be his. Anyway I'm thinking maybe one more chapter maybe two depending on how the story develops. You are probably tired of this one already hahaha since it's way longer than my usual ones. But still thank you for your support and sticking with me.

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