Annoying freshman (part 9)

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Beam's P.O.V.

After Sotus was over we returned home. Arthit joked about going with me again and Kong almost killed all of us. He didn't leave Arthits side until I left with Forth which was funny. Sotus is already over and I'm sad because that means I won't be able to see Forth everyday. Today was kind of a busy day so my friends and I were having lunch at the canteen. Usually Phana and Kit go out but today they couldn't so Ming and Wayo were joining us. Forth sent me a text saying that he will join us too. I bought food for the both of us. When he arrived he sat down beside me before giving me a kiss.

"Hi! I bought food for you." I said passing him a plate and a drink.

"Thanks you! I wanted to get here early to buy it for you but I got out of class late." Said Forth.

"It's ok, anyway these are my friends. You already met Phana and that's his boyfriend Wayo. Then we have Kit and Ming. Guys this is Forth my boyfriend." I said introducing them. They all said Hi and we started to eat. I noticed Forth was still glaring at Phana every once in a while.

"Stop it." I whispered pinching him lightly on the hand.

"I don't trust him." He whispered back.

"He has a boyfriend who's sitting right beside him. Your jealousy is unjustified." I hissed at him.

"You expect me to believe they are a couple? He looks like his sugar daddy at best." Said Forth and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Forth! Come on be serious!" I said smacking him in the arm.

"I smell something fishy I'm telling you. They don't look like a couple. I'm always right about this things." Said Forth.

"I've know him since forever. What he does with Wayo is none of my business or yours. Why are you jealous then? You don't want him with Wayo or something?" I whispered getting mad. He looked at me like I've grown two heads.

"Beam baby I love you but right now I'm questioning if there's something wrong with your head. I'm mad because I think he had feelings for you!" Said Forth and I looked at him bewildered.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!" I screamed finally stopping the whispering between us too.

"Hey you two! We are in a table full of people stop whispering things in front of us." Said Phana annoyed and we both turned to look at Phana.

"You are definitely crazy that's not possible." I said talking normally again.

"I'm not and I'll prove it to you." Said Forth and I rolled my eyes focusing on my food.

"I see there's trouble in paradise." Said Kong from behind us startling both me and Forth.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." I said turning to look at Kong.

"I'm not sorry now scoot." He said getting in between me and Forth to sit. I looked at him unamused.

"Seriously." I said and he grinned.

"What? I'm visiting my brother can't I?" Said Kong grabbing Forth's plate and grabbing another pair of chopsticks. Forth pouted but let him.

"You are such a child." I said annoyed.

"So what were you two fighting about." Said Kong enjoying what was left of Forth's food.

"None of your business." I said.

"I bet he would be on my side and he doesn't even like me." Said Forth and that piqued Kongs interest.

"Yeah? Tell me about it! If it's what I think I'll even accept you into the family." Said Kongpob.

They both started whispering and Kongpob was actually listening attentively. It's the first time they are civil with each other. I looked at them expectantly until I saw Kong nodding.

"Welcome to the family!" Said Kongpop and i looked at him surprised.

"Seriously?" I said surprised.

"Yeah he's right! I agreed with everything. Specially the sugar daddy part that was genius." Said Kong letting out a laugh. "But seriously even Arthit noticed." Said Kongpob.

"Are you going to keep talking like we are not here?" Complained Phana again.

"Just let them be. You are the only one interested in their conversation. I don't see you complaining that I'm only talking to Ming" Said Kit finally talking.

"Always telling it like it is! That why your my favorite." Said Kong giving a high five to Kit. I need to talk with Kit to see if he thinks the same. I doubt so but you never know. Soon the lunch was over and we had to head back to class.

"Arthit told me to ask you if your bringing him for dinner tonight?" Said Kongpob refusing to say Forth's name.

"I thought we were good now!" Whined Forth.

"I said I welcomed you to the family not that I like you." Said Kongpob and I rolled my eyes. Seriously they are like children.

"Yes Forth's coming with me. I'll se you later." I said pulling Forth away from Kong.

"I'll pick you up later for dinner ok?" I said while we were walking towards my classroom.

"Yeah at least today they know I'm coming." Said Forth and I laughed. We reached my classroom standing in front of the door. I was about to enter when Forth grabbed my hand.

"Where's my goodbye kiss!" He complained. I turned around giving him a kiss pulling away quickly and he whined.

"Everyone's looking at us! Stop complaining. Also I really need to go before the professor gets here." I said.

"Fine I love you." Said Forth letting me go.

"Love you too! I will see you later." I said before entering the classroom. I sat down in between Phana and Kit in my usual seat.

"Are you really dating Forth?" Asked Phana and I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean? Of course I am!" I replied looking at him weirdly.

"I thought you were doing it to make your brother mad." He said and I shook my head.

"It's not like that. He captured my attention since the beginning. Otherwise I wouldn't have agreed to the date." I said and he nodded thoughtfully.

"So you do like guys wow." He said and I was confused. I looked at Kit who was shaking his head. I'm starting to think there really was something I haven't noticed before. I need to talk to Kit to find out if this nonsense is true. I never thought Phana would have feelings for me especially since he is with Wayo now.


Sorry for disappearing for a while. I will try to update later again today and in the weekend. I want to finish this story to focus on the next one starting on Monday. I will also try to update my other stories during the weekend!

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