Friends (part 4) the end

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Beam's P.O.V.

I was so confused as to what to do with Forth. Is not every day your first love confess he has feelings for you. I feel like I've been waiting for this for so long and now that I have it I don't know what to do. I was tired of everything honestly I preferred when we were supposed to hate each other at least that made sense. As I was laying on my bed I could hear it had started to rain. I remember I've heard in the news that there was a possibility of a storm coming today. I ignored it trying to fall asleep when I remember that Forth told me he was going to stand outside until I answered him.

I turned my head in the direction of the window and noticed it was raining heavily. He wouldn't stay under the rain right? Nah he's not that stupid I said turning around to get into a more comfortable position. But I couldn't fall asleep. I stood up deciding to look through the window just to make sure he wasn't there. I was surprised to see him at the same spot but he was sitting instead of standing up. I quickly ran to where he was.

"Forth! What are you doing! Get inside!" I screamed at him but he didn't budge, he didn't even look at me. "What is wrong with you move!" I continued.

"I can't do anything right! I mess everything up. Just leave me here." He mumbled and I grabbed an umbrella walking towards him and pulling his hand but I still couldn't move him.

"If you don't move I'm gonna do the same as you and it'll be your fault if I get sick." I warned him and he sighed standing up. But when he did he stumbled into me I did my best to not fall to ground with him. I managed to get us both into the house and helped Forth sit down. I went to grab a towel for him and quickly returned. I touched his forehead and he was burning. I remember he fell into the freezing water yesterday plus today he was getting wet from the rain. Of course he was going to get sick. I heard him sneeze and I quickly helped him stand up.

"Come on you're going to take a bath now. You need to get out of that clothes." I said pushing him to the bathroom. He obeyed me getting in and I went downstairs to prepare some food. I was getting everything out when my phone started ringing I picked it up and it was my mom.

-Beam are you guys ok?- she asked.

-yeah mom we are fine. Well Forth is sick but it's nothing serious just a cold probably because he fell in the freezing water yesterday. I was just about to prepare him some soup.- I answered.

-Honey we were on our way home and lightning struck a tree that's now blocking our path. We were going to spend the night in a hotel but if Forth is sick we will find a way to get there.- she said determined.

-What? Are you crazy? With the storm is dangerous for you to be out there. I can take care of Forth you don't have to worry about him.- I answered.

-You sure?- she asked doubtfully.

-Mom I am a future doctor. If I can't deal with a simple cold then I'm wasting my time.- I replied and I heard her sigh.

-I know, well then we will leave you to it. If anything and I mean anything even if it's a small thing happens you call me and we will find our way there ok?- she said and I nodded before realizing she can't see me.

-Ok I'll leave you now I need to prepare the food. Love you- I said hanging up before she keeps lecturing me. I started preparing some chicken soup. I was surprised Forth hasn't come back down again but I was busy cooking so I didn't check on him. When I was done I served the food and went to look for Forth. I found him sitting on the bed looking down.

"I made chicken soup." I said getting closer to the bed with the tray of food.

"I'm not hungry." He replied not looking at me.

"I don't care you still need to eat." I replied.

"Why are you being so nice? I though you were mad at me." He said turning to look at me and he looked sad.

"That doesn't mean I don't care. Now come eat or I'll shove it down your throat myself." I said pushing q spoon with soup towards his mouth. He looked at it hesitating. "Open your mouth." I said sternly and finally he did. "I think I prefer dealing with a baby." I mumbled while I continued feeding him. Thankfully he stopped protesting.

"I don't want anymore." He said when we were halfway through and I sighed.

"You need to eat." I said and he turned his face when I pushed the spoon towards him.

"Come on this is the last one then." I said with the spoon still close to his mouth. He obeyed and I gave him the medicine.

"You should rest." I said standing up from the bed but he grabbed my hand. I turned to look at him.

"Beam can you... Ah forget it, thank you for thank you for taking care of me." He said and I nodded confused before leaving. I was eating some food myself when my phone rang. This time it was Forth's mom calling.


-Beam how is my Forth?- she asked concerned.

-He's ok, I made him some chicken soup and gave him some medicine. He has a bit of fever and is sneezing but he should be ok tomorrow. I told him to rest.- I answered.

-Thank you for taking care of him Beam. I know he is a handful when he sick. He's like a toddler really stubborn. I can't believe you managed to get him to sleep.- she said and I frowned.

-Why?- I asked.

-Huh? He doesn't like to be alone when he's sick. He will cling to me or anyone that's with him. When he manages to fall asleep he will hold my hand and even if he is in a deep sleep he wakes up every one in a while to make sure someone's with him. I don't know why he's like that but since he is little it's always been like that.- she answered and furrowed my brows thinking. So that's probably what he wanted to tell me when I left.

-ahh yeah I know.- I felt bad lying to her.

-Well I'll leave you now. Take good care of him please.- she said and hung up. I quickly made sure to lock the house and returned to the bedroom. Just as I predicted Forth was awake looking at his phone. He was barely keeping his eyes open so he was probably fighting to stay awake.

"Why didn't you ask me to stay with you?" I asked stepping into the room.

"Mom told you I'm guessing. It's ok don't worry about me." He said but I didn't listen and climbed on bed next to him.

"Shut up and come here and don't even try to protest ok." I said opening my arms so he could cuddle me. He came closer resting his head on my chest.

"I'm sorry Beam for everything. I didn't want to hurt you but that's the only thing I did. Then I didn't knew how to fix it I still don't I just know these feelings for you didn't fade and they probably never will. I'm tired of hiding it and I am sorry I'm too stupid to do anything before. I don't expect you to forgive me." He said and I sighed.

"I was going to wait until you feel better to tell you. But I guess now a good time too. So even though things have been hard between us we always find out way back to each other. The truth is I could've stopped coming here every summer. But even though I was mad at you and wanted to hate you I still wanted to see you and deep down I was always hoping you'd change your mind." I said truthfully.

"What does that mean then?" He asked.

"It means I forgive you and I want to be with you." I said and he gave me the biggest smile I have ever seen.

"I love you." He said looking at me dearly and I could feel my heart beating a thousand miles per hour.

"I love you too." I answered and he grabbed my face pulling me closer. I stopped him putting a hand on his mouth.

"Come on, just a peck." He whined.

"If I get sick I'll kill you." I said giving him a quick kiss.

"I'll die happily then." He said and I laughed. After that we spent some time talking and cuddling until he finally fell asleep. I smiled contently before doing the same.

The end.


Finally it's done! Thank you for your patience. Just one more week until I finish with my finals and I'll be back to updating more regularly!

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