I want you

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Beam's P.O.V.

I've always been careful when it comes to love. I mostly stay away from it. I am known for having many one night stands earning me the title of Casanova. In reality I'm not interested that much. Yeah I like to have fun every once in a while and it helps that girls always come to me that's not my fault. But I was getting tired of it. My friends are getting into serious relationships and here I am all alone. The idea of being in a relationship with a woman didn't excite me though. They are way too clingy and annoying most of the time. Maybe I should follow my friends footsteps and court a guy. But I wouldn't want someone like Kit he can be as annoying as a girl with his attitude I seriously don't know how Ming handles him. I also wouldn't like someone like Wayo if I wanted someone cute and innocent looking I would just pick a girl.

I sighed gulping down the rest of my beer before ordering a new one. I was lost in though. If I were to pick a boy to be my lover what type of man would I like? I looked around the bar eyeing every guy there. My eyes fell to the Engineering gang sitting in a corner of the bar. One of them in particularly picked my interest.

Forth Jaturapoom he would be the kind of guy I'd be in a relationship with. He is manly and strong heck he is the engineering gangs leader. But he is also caring I've seen how he treats his friends. He may act though but I know he has a sweet side. Plus he's also hot almost as hot as me. He seems like someone who could take me. That perfect balance is all I need. I looked at him one last time and licked my lips. Forth Jaturapoom I'm coming for you, you are going to be my boyfriend. After that I left the bar determined I need to find out as much information about him as possible to make him fall in love with me.

Once I was on my dorm in my bed I opened up Facebook. I remember Pha mentioned his fan girls made a page where they share information about him. This is just perfect I thought scrolling down. They had his schedule, favorite food, hangout places and list of friends among other things. But there was one thing that stood out for me the most. He tends to ignore everyone who wants to get close to him. It's well know he is bisexual but he is very picky. When he has a one night stand that girl or boy much be picked by him he just doesn't accept anyone who comes towards him. But that shouldn't be a problem I'm the best of the best.

Next day at class I couldn't concentrate. The only thing I could think about was on how to make Forth notice me. I told everything to Kit and Pha who were just dumbfounded. I never seen them more shocked than at that moment.

"So you are telling me you want to court Forth? Because he's the only man suitable to be your boyfriend and you want our help to make him notice you?" Kit said slowly like he was still trying to process it.

"That's exactly what I said" I agreed nodding slowly. He didn't say anything but I could tell he was thinking about it. I looked at Pha who had a smile on his face and looked at me like I was telling a joke.

"I have an idea." Said Pha trying to hold his laughter. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised waiting for him to continue. And it was surely a crazy idea. He obviously said it jokingly but I decided to it. He will obviously remember me after this and I'll be able to get close to him hopefully. At lunch time I walked determinedly towards my car I was going to the Engineering Faculty.

"Come on Beam tell me you are not seriously going to do this please! I was just joking! J-O-K-I-N-G you hear me!" Pha said exasperatedly.

"I know you weren't serious but I still decided to do it. It a great way to get his attention he will surely remember me after this." I said getting in my car. They both hopped in Pha with a worried look and Kit looked amused.

"Pha you seriously think he's gonna embarrass himself like that!" Kit said then laughed.

"Oh I will Kitty get your camera ready because I'm gonna put on a show." I said and drove off. As soon as I parked in the engineering faculty I could see the doubt starting to creep in on Kits face and Pha still looked worried.

Without thinking too much I walked into their food court. I could quickly spot Forth in a table with his friends. We were capturing everyone's attention since it was weird seeing three medical students suddenly walk in. But still I didn't have Forth's and his gang attention. I climbed on one of the empty tables. Most people had turned their attention to me by now.

"Beam come down! Think about this first before you do something stupid." Pha tried one more time to convince me to back out. Kit has his phone on recording. I ignored him and began to talk.

"I guess you are wondering what the hell is a medical student doing here. Well I Beam Baramee have something to say." I looked towards Forth's table and was pleased to have their attention. I looked at Forth in the eye for a second and somehow I knew I was making the right choice I could feel it. "Forth Jaturapoom I like you and from today onwards I am going to court you." I announced loudly and I could hear everyone gasp before holding their breath. The silence engulfed the room nobody dared to say a word. Pha looked like he was going to faint and Kit was still recording.

I saw Forth stand up and I braced myself waiting for his reply.


This story was inspired by a comment from @LadySymonie in the past story. So thanks for the idea! Hope this meets your expectations on Beam taking charge and making the first move!

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