Babysitting (part 17)

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Beam's P.O.V.

After Max's birthday our schedules got busier and busier. The only reason I got to see Forth was because we live together. Most of the time we were so tired all we did was eat and then go to sleep after studying for a while. It became our routine. I barely had time to check up on Tul. During the weekends we were mostly tired but some times we went for an hour or two to visit him. We had already promised both Max and Tul that we will pick them up on summer break and they can stay a whole month with us. They were excited and their parents too since they didn't have to worry about childcare for half the summer. Ae will also join us for the last week since he's going on a trip with his parents. We were already done with the semester so we will be picking up Tul and Forth's mom is going to bring Max.

"Let's go pick up Tul before mom arrives with Max." Said Forth.

"Yeah let's go he must be waiting for us." I said putting on my shoes. I grabbed the keys to my car following Forth. I gave him the keys before getting on the passenger seat. I wasn't in the mood to drive.

"We should pick up lunch too. Mom and Max must be hungry after the three hour journey." Said Forth.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot about lunch. I will make an order now so we can pick it up on our way back." I said thinking about what to order. When I decided on something both the kids and us will eat I placed the order. Ten minutes later we arrived at Tul's house. We hadn't even finished parking when the front door opened and the little devil started running towards us.

"Why did you guys take so long!" Screamed Tul jumping on me. I managed to pick him up and hugged him.

"Its not even lunch time yet. We are early." I said and Tul pouted.

"No you're not I've been awake for hours." Said Tul and I laughed.

"I missed you." I said changing the subject. This time he was the one to ignore me.

"Uncle Forth!" He said making grabby hands towards Forth who picked him up. I let those two talk and walked towards my aunt who was looking at us with a smile on her face.

"He's been so excited to spend time with you two. Yesterday I couldn't get him to sleep. He kept repeating that in a few hours Uncle Beam and Forth were coming to pick him up to have fun." She said and I smiled.

"I was excited to see him too I had missed him." I said.

"Well I already packed everything he might need. Clothes, toys, toiletries everything I could think of that he might need. But if there's something missing or he gets sick just give me a call. I also transferred some money into your account if you need more just tell me." She said and I nodded.

"You didn't have to send money but thank you. I will make sure he's happy and safe. You don't live that far away so you can come visit whenever." I said and she nodded.

"Thank you for this Beam it makes him really happy. Tell Forth I said hi he's too busy playing with Tul." She said and I smiled looking at him playing with the little man.

"I will! See you soon." I said walking towards Forth with Tuls suitcase.

"Let's go." I said to Forth who looked surprised.

"Oh shit I didn't even said hi." He said and I smacked him in the head.

"Language we haven't been with him for five minutes and you're already being a bad influence." I said and he just smiled sheepishly turning to put Forth on the car seat.

"Bad Forth." Said Tul smacking Forth in the forehead.

"You're teaching him worst things." Said Forth and I laughed.

We almost forgot to pick up the food so we had to drive back. That costs us some time so we arrived at the same time as Forths mother. As soon as both Max and Tul were out of their car seats they ran towards each other to hug. But they were running so fast they ended falling down and rolling in the grass. I almost let go of the food to ran after them to see if they were fine but they just stood up laughing.

"They almost gave me a heart attack." I said and Forths mom laughed.

"You've been with them five minutes are you sure you can survive one month? I don't even want to see when Ae gets here. Thats going to be a disaster." Said Forths mom.

"Wow you have so much faith in us." Said Forth.

"As always." She said and we both laughed. After that we went inside to have lunch. Thankfully the kids ate the food happily. I was afraid they might not like it. They went to play and Forths mom helped with the dishes.

"Well I will be leaving since it's a long way back. If you need help you can come stay at my house you both know you are always welcome there. Other than that good luck with those two. After a month you won't want to see them again." She said letting out a laugh and I was getting scared. What did we get ourselves into I thought.

"We will be fine. They are mostly well behaved." Said Forth looking at me reassuringly.

"I'm just kidding I'm sure you two will do great. Now come give grandma a hug." She said picking up both kids. "Be well behaved and if you get tired of being with Forth and Beam just call me and I will come get both of you ok? I am way more fun than those two." She said and I laughed.

"Mom!" Whined Forth.

"Just kidding! Im leaving now for real. Have fun!" She said and we both nodded waving good bye.

"Do you think we will be alright? Was a month too much?" I asked Forth worriedly.

"We will be fine. We can take them out and tire them out during the day so they will sleep all night. Besides there's two of us it cant be that hard." Said Forth.

"I wouldn't be so confident. Remember the first time Tul staid with us. That little devil had me crying." I said scared.

"And now he loves you. It all turned out well." Said Forth confidently.

"Well I hope you are right." I said looking at the two little kids. Well they have each other as company. So I guess it should be fine.


It's been a while! sorry for going missing. I had so many plans and stories I wanted to write but life's a bitch and I was going through a bit of a hard time. Usually I like writing because it distracts me from my problems. But I was just feeling down and I didn't want to bring that negativity into my stories. But I'm feeling better and I have so many ideas I want to write now that I have free time. Hopefully I will update this tomorrow again and I will be posting the first story on the second book tomorrow too since I already started writing that it should be done. Thats all for now stay safe everyone and I will see you soon hopefully!

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