Unexpected (part 3)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I woke up to some loud knocking on the door. Dammit I was having a good dream. I was about to fall asleep again after getting comfortable when the knocking started again.

"What is it?" I said and the door opened. I sat down and noticed Forth sleeping comfortably beside me. I looked at the door and saw mom.

"Thank God I thought you were doing something here." She said and I looked at her confused.

"Doing what?" I asked still not fully awake.

"Having sex." She said nonchalantly and I almost fell out of the bed.

"MOM WHAT THE HELL." I screamed which woke up poor Forth.

"What happened?" He asked startled.

"Nothing just my mother being ridiculous." I said glaring at her.

"Please you two disappeared here after lunch what else was I supposed to think! That's why I knocked instead of barging in here. I didn't want to see something I shouldn't have." She said and Forth burst out laughing and I wanted to die.

"What do you want mom?" I said getting mad.

"I just wanted to check on you two. Also dinner is almost ready I expect you two to be there and take a bath you've been all day with the same clothes. Preferably separated you will take too much time otherwise." She said before leaving and that's it I am dead. Forth started laughing again after seeing my red face.

"She's really something." Said Forth and I nodded.

"Oh I bet she's just taking revenge because I invited someone unexpectedly. Shes mean usually she just ignores me but now she's interested." I said crossing my arms.

"I really don't get you two? It's like you hate each other but at the same time not? I don't get you?" He said and I laughed.

"I don't hate her she's my mother. She is just annoying most of the time. Also we don't have the best relationship. I love her and everything but we just don't get along very well most of the time." I said and he nodded.

"Well I'm taking a bath first." He said walking towards the bathroom.

"There's clean towels in there." I said throwing myself back in the bed. I could've sleep for a while more but I got up to search for some clothes. I had just picked something to wear when Forth entered the room with only a towel covering his waist. I gulped looking at him. Compared to me he was well built with muscles and a well defined six pack. Damn he was hot there was no denying it.

"Enjoying the view." Joked Forth coming closer and I panicked.

"In your dreams Jaturapoom." I said rolling my eyes.

"You sure." He said coming dangerously close and I pushed him away. "Stop joking around is not funny." I said getting in the bathroom and closing the door. I felt my heart beat rapidly. Stupid Forth he shouldn't do that. I quickly took a bath before dressing myself in the bathroom. When I got out Forth was ready too and we went to eat. Dinner was quiet too as usual only small conversations but the food was good.

"I'm going out with Forth." I said standing up first with Forth following me.

"We're are you going?" Asked my mother.

"I don't know we'll see." I said and grabbed Forth's hand leaving before she could say anything else. Once we were out of the house Forth stopped walking making me stop too.

"What?" I said looking at him.

"Where are we going?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know. Let's take a walk. Do you really want to stay there doing nothing?" I said getting annoyed.

"No but I really don't want to get lost. So let's take it easy ok." He said and we started walking slowly. It was a short walk until we were on the beach.

"This is so peaceful." I said sitting down on the ground hearing the waves crash. There wasn't many people around at this time since the night was falling.

"I like it here. We should come swim tomorrow." Said Forth and I nodded. The sun was setting and the sky looked beautiful.

"Let's take a picture to remember this moment." Said Forth grabbing his phone and I scooted closer to him. We took a few selfies together. After we were done Forth put his head on my shoulder.

"You know I don't know what has happened between you and your mother and it's not of my business. But I hate seeing you sad. If you need to talk about it I'm here. If not I'm here too ok? Let's just try to enjoy our time here. We don't have to spend the whole day at the house. I can look for places to go or stuff." He said.

"Thank you Forth. I'm sorry if I act this way. We have some problems we need to resolve my mother and I, I mean. It's hard and I'm sorry for dragging you into this. It's not that bad but I know you feel uncomfortable when we are eating and no one is talking. When we make small talk it's just awkward and she just barges into the room like I'm doing something wrong and puts me in defensive mode easily. This is why I didn't want to come. I love her but I prefer when she's away from me. We get along better that way. She just had to insist I come here during our break. But now I have you and you're right we should make the most out of our time here. Tomorrow we are getting up early to do something fun." I said and he nodded.

We stayed there until late just talking about nothing and everything at the same time. I got to know Forth better which made me glad. We returned home almost at midnight. My mother was already sleeping so we just went straight to bed.

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