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Beam's P.O.V.

I watched my phone ring for the what felt like the 100th time that day. I let out a sigh doesn't she give up. It's clear I don't want to talk to her. But she keeps insisting I am so close to throwing my phone out of the window. I sighed standing up from my bed. I walked to the kitchen to look for some pills. My phone ringing was already giving me a headache. I heard a knock on the door and I went to answer it glad that I now had a distraction. My face fell when I saw the person standing outside my door with a phone in her hand.

"Well well what had you so occupied that you couldn't even answer you phone." Said my mother and I finally heard my phone stop ringing.

"You seriously came all the way here while still calling non stop." I said moving from the door to let her in hesitantly.

"Of course you think that by just ignoring my calls you'd be free from me I am your mother." She said and I sighed.

"Seriously I already told you I wasn't coming home." I said and she dismissed me.

"I can't understand why you are being stubborn Beam Baramee. I already know that Phana is going on vacation with his lover and Kit is returning back home so there's no reason for you to stay here alone." She said and I gasped.

"You called my friends?" I said mad. I knew she was capable of doing I just didn't think she would.

"Of course I knew that will be your first excuse." She said crossing her arms and looking at me defiantly and I did the same.

"Well you're wrong I wasn't going to give you an excuse I simply don't want to come. Besides I have other friends you know! I like to be alone anyway." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Well I don't care I'm your mother and I haven't seen you for a long time. So you better come home while you're on break or I'm cutting you off." She said and I widened my eyes.

"You wouldn't." I said and she smirked knowing she had the upper hand now.

"Try me Beam Barrame. I am expecting you Saturday at the beach house on time or I'm cutting you off no more money for you." She said and I stayed quiet. She gave me a kiss on the cheek before turning around to leave. "Remember Saturday and lunch time in the beach house." She said one last time before leaving my room. Seriously she only came to threaten me that woman is something.

I sighed grabbing my wallet, keys and phone before leaving my apartment. I wouldn't put it pass her to come pester me again. I went to take a walk. This isn't going to stay like this. I may have to come but it won't be that easy. I am not going down without a fight. I have been walking for a while mindlessly and now I was lost. I checked the time and it has been almost an hour. I saw a restaurant across the street that seemed good so I decided to eat before figuring out where I am. I walked in and sat on a table in the corner. As I was waiting for the waitress I noticed a loud group enter the restaurant. It was none other than Forth's engineering gang. I made eye contact with Forth who told the rest and soon the three of them were standing in front of me.

"Hey doc are you here alone?" Asked Forth.

"Yeah, what are you all doing here?" I asked.

"I don't know sleep, so can we sit with you?" Asked Forth and I nodded.

"Ahh you and your sarcasm. I really wonder how you are friends with Phana he should hate you." I said and he shrugged grinning.

"I'm awesome like that." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Lam, Park seriously I admire you two being with him all of the time he's annoying as fuck." I said and they laughed.

"He's only annoying with you he's pretty chill with us." Said Park.

"Good to know that why Lams my favorite he's mostly quiet but great company." I said and Park glared at me while Lam let out a laugh. I just stuck my tongue at Park.

They finally came to take our order and this guys basically ordered basically the whole menu.

"Damn do you guys eat all that." I asked surprised.

"Sure besides we have one more person now to help us finish." Said Forth and I only nodded.

Soon they brought all the food and the table was full. I was surprised but started digging in. I have always enjoyed hanging out with the engineering gang. They are loud and fun always joking around. My friends were serious most of the time but over all great company too and they were there when I always needed them. We manage to finish almost everything at the table. It was fun I was full and content. I feel much better now. We walked out and Park and Lam said goodbye getting in Parks bike before leaving. I looked at Forth who wasn't moving.

"So what's bothering you?" He asked and I looked at him surprised.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"You seemed troubled when we walked in." He said and I was shocked that he noticed. I sighed.

"My mom is making me go over to our beach house in the weekend because we have time off and I don't want to go." I said and he nodded thoughtfully.

"Well aren't your friends leaving anyway?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah they are." I replied.

"Then why don't you want to go? Sounds like fun relaxing at the beach." He said and I let out a laugh.

"It's not you wouldn't say the same if you were there." I said and suddenly and idea popped into my head.

"I guess so, well what are you going to do then?" He asked but I ignored him.

"Are you going somewhere while we are on break?" I asked instead he looked at me confused.

"No, the guys are going home but my parents are on vacation so I'm staying here." He said and I nodded.

"Then come with me! I mean it will probably be boring and you'll regret it but it's better than staying here and I really don't want to go alone." I said and he chuckle.

"Well when you put it like that it sounds horrible." He said and I pouted. "But sure I'll come with you."

"Seriously?" I asked surprised and he chucked.

"I already said yes don't make me regret it." He said and I nodded shutting my mouth.

"Perfect! It's this Saturday and we have to leave early like really early I'm thinking 5 or 6 am so we can have breakfast and still arrive by lunch." I said and he nodded.

"Ok then for how many days are we staying?" I asked.

"Supposed to be a week but maybe we'll leave early." I mumbled and he nodded thoughtfully.

"Ok well remind me tomorrow then." He said and I nodded. "Do you have a ride? Or do you want me to take you home?"

"Oh right I almost forgot I don't have a car!" I said and he laughed.

"Hop on." He said getting on his bike and I complied. He took me to my dorm.

"Well I'll see you Saturday very early." I said when I got off.

"See you." He said before driving off.


I wanted to start November right and so I made it my mission to update all three of my stories at the same time. It was hard but I managed to do it even tho it took way longer than I was expecting. Probably won't be doing that for a while I spent most of the day writing and now I'm tired. But it was fun. Anyway take care everybody!

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