Annoying freshman (part 8)

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Beam's P.O.V.

After dinner I went back to the room. Phana and Kit left to have dinner outside with Wayo and Ming. They invited me but then I got the call from Arthit saying that Forth was sulking so I decided to stay. I wanted to approach him but I didn't even know what to say. So I sat down with my brother. I noticed him looking at me all through dinner but he never approached. Now I'm here sitting on my bed waiting for him. I felt kind of bad for ditching him but I thought he wanted to spend time with his friends after being all day with me. I looked up from my phone when he entered the room. Forth walked straight to the bathroom without saying anything. I wanted to laugh he was like a big baby. When he was done he climbed into bed beside me.

"Goodnight." He finally said and I looked at him.

"Its still early are you really going to sleep?" I asked but he ignored me. I poked his back with my finger. "Forth! Come on I didn't even know you wanted to have dinner with me." I said letting out a laugh and he looked at me pouting. I decided to take the initiative this time getting closer to him. He was just looking at me confused. I kissed his pouting lips pulling away quickly.

"What was that?" He asked and I felt my cheeks heating up.

"What do you mean?" I asked grabbing the pillow and hitting him with it a couple of times until he stopped me.

"Stop it." He said and I looked away from him feeling embarrassed. He took the opportunity to take the pillow away from me and started pulling me by the waist. I looked at him startled and ended sitting on his lap.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You stole a kiss first I'm just getting even." He said using his thumb to trace out my cheek. I waited rather impatiently for him to make a move. He took his time admiring my face before he leaned in. I felt my heart beating wildly on my chest in anticipation. I felt that my heart was about to burst when his lips touched mine. He took his time nibbling my lips slowly. I was very much enjoying it pulling him closer. I felt him bite my lip gently asking me to part my lips which I did. We fought for dominance but in the end I surrendered. He pulled away and I whined.

I was surprised when he pushed me to lie down on the bed before getting on top of me. He resumed our make out session. I was enjoying it very much. Who am I kidding he captured my attention from the start even if I didn't want to admit it. things were starting to heat up and I was wondering if we were going to do it tonight. But as luck would have it someone started knocking on the door. I separated from Forth.

"Ignore it." He said trying to kiss me again but I didn't let him.

"You want them to barge in again?" I asked and he sighed getting away from me. I stood up going to the door. Before I could open it I heard someone talking.

"You can't break the door idiot this is a hotel not their apartment or something."

"I don't care! I will pay for it. Now move he already took way too long to answer." said the other voice. Wait is that Kongpob?

"Fine you will probably break your shoulder before you manage to break the door anyway."

I thought about letting him hit the door but then I got worried he might get hurt for being stupid. I sighed before opening the door stepping away quickly in case. Im glad I did because Kongpob was about to hit it. As he tried to stop himself he tripped and ended falling on the floor. Arthit stepped over him to get into the room.

"Aren't you supposed to have a key to the room?" I said annoyed to Kong kicking his feet away so I could close the door.

"Ah I gave it to Phana on the afternoon so they could check on you guys and he forgot to return it." Said Kong.

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