Im gonna make you fall for me (part 4) the end

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Forth's P.O.V.

When we were in front of my bike I stopped and turned to look at him.

"Are you ok getting on my bike? We can take a cab if you want."

"Don't worry I'm ok with it," he said then smiled at me. I smiled too and proceeded to put the helmet on his head.

"I could've done it myself," he said after I was done.

"I know, but I wanted to do it for you," I said getting on the bike. He climbed behind me.

"Just drive slow I'm not used to riding on a bike," he said sounding a bit nervous. 

"Ok hold on tight," I said and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Having him so close to me felt great. Just the thought that after tonight I might have to distance myself from him pains me. But now I know where I want to take him for our date. I pulled up to the parking and saw his confused face when he took the helmet off.

"This is your dorm," he said looking at me with a serious face.

"Yeah, I know. I thought we could..." I started saying but he interrupted me.

"Forth Jaturapoom I am not gonna have sex with you today!" He said angrily getting off the bike.

"Wait that's not why I brought you here!" I said hurriedly before he could storm off.

"Explain then or I'm leaving," he said crossing his arms.

"I was thinking about the possibility of not seeing you again after tonight. So I realized that I just wanted to spend some time with you just the two of us getting to know each other. I was planning on cooking something for us and then maybe watching a movie or something. But if you want to go somewhere else we could it was selfish of me not to ask you what you wanted to do, I'm sorry." I said running my hands through my hair frustrated. Damn, why do I always mess things up?

"Don't apologize I'm the one who's sorry. I just thought... I mean... I shouldn't have assumed things. That sounds like the perfect date. Should we start over? C'mon let's go to your dorm." he said taking my hand. I just smiled at him surprised by his gesture but didn't comment on it. We started walking towards the building hand in hand. I was over the moon. We reached my apartment and I was glad it wasn't messy just a few things out of place but it didn't look bad.

"Wow this is more of an apartment than a dorm," he said.

"Yeah, I wanted to be as comfortable as possible," I said getting the ingredients from the fridge.

"So you want to help me cook? Or you're just gonna watch?" I asked.

"Hmm, I think I'll watch. Cooking and I don't go well together," he said and I laughed.

"Ok, then you can sit close and we can talk while I cook," I said.

"That I can do," he said sitting on a stool on the kitchen island.

I started preparing everything and Beam was watching me. We were chatting when suddenly he stopped talking. I finished what I was doing and turned to look at him. He looked at me for a few seconds then started talking.

"Forth, why do you like me?" He said looking serious. I wasn't expecting that question.

"Well when I first saw you, you just captured my attention. I thought wow that man is handsome and cute at the same time. Then I got close to you and I felt a strong connection between us. I haven't felt like this for anyone before I just want to hold you and have you close all the time." I replied honestly.

"But won't you get tired of that? It's that enough for you to want to be in a relationship with me?" He asked tilting his head.

"Why not? Does it have to be complicated? Besides who says I'm gonna get tired of you? I always let my heart lead the way and it brought me to you. I like to find what makes me happy and hold on to it for as long as I can and that's it. Life's too short to live with regrets and as cliche as it sounds it's true." I replied confidently.

"Hmm," he said and I could see him get lost in his own world. I left him alone with his thought and finished cooking. Once I had our meals completely prepared I turned to look at him.

"So you thought about it? I asked carrying the plates to the table. He followed me.

"I guess you're right," he said approaching the table. I was expecting him to sit so we could start eating but instead, he walked right up to me. When he was in front of me I looked at him confused. "So if you always do what your heart wants why haven't you kissed me yet," he said seductively. I instantly wrapped my arms around his waist to pull him closer and he put his arms around my neck. Finally, I was able to taste those lips. He was fighting for dominance but I wasn't about to let him. I lowered my hand towards his butt and when he moaned I used the opportunity to slide my tongue into his mouth exploring it. We pulled away breathlessly.

"So what's the verdict?" I asked.

"I don't know we haven't finished our date," he said walking to his seat in front of me at the table. I just smiled this man is such a tease.

"This looks really Good," he said happily and started eating.

"Thanks! Hope you enjoy it." I said then started with my plate. I looked at him enjoying the food. He looks so cute if my cooking can make him happy I'll cook for him every day I thought.

"Stop staring at me," he said with a mouth full.

"I'm sorry I can't help but admire you" he shakes his head but I could see the smile forming on his face. After that, we finished eating quietly.

"Thanks the food was great," he said happily.

"You're welcome! Want to watch a movie?" I asked hopefully and he nodded. "The tv is in my room because I usually watch it before going to bed. Do you mind?" I asked mentally face-palming. This doesn't look good because he thought I wanted to have sex with him when we arrived.

"It's ok let's go," he said walking in the direction of my room. I sighed relieved before following him. We both got comfortable and I started to browse for a movie.

"We can watch Ready Player One. I wanted to watch it but haven't had the time." I said.

"Sure I thought it seemed interesting when it was in the cinema but Pha and Kit didn't want to watch it," he said.

"Perfect then" I replied putting on the movie. I got closer to him. "Beam, can I cuddle you?" I asked. He hesitated for a while before nodding. I opened my arms and he got closer laying his head on my chest and wrapping an arm around my waist. I hugged him closer to me. I felt so comfortable with him. I hope that he'll accept me after tonight. Everything's going great so there shouldn't be a reason for him to refuse me. I turned my attention to the movie. Might as well enjoy this moment with him while I can.

I was so into the movie I didn't realize that Beam had fallen asleep in my arms. I guess this wasn't his type of movie or maybe he was just tired. I was conflicted should I wake him up? Or should I enjoy the moment in case is the last? I decided to wake him up. He will be mad if I didn't. I started stroking my fingers through his hair while calling him softly until he woke up.

"Sorry I fell asleep," he said then yawned.

"It's ok I don't mind," I said still running my fingers through his hair. He sighed contently almost drifting off to sleep again.

"Forth" he called sleepily.

"Hmm," I replied waiting for him to continue.

"Can I stay here with you tonight?" He said sleepily.

"Of course, does this mean you accept me?"

"You dummy I accepted you the moment I told you to kiss me." he smiled at me. I hugged him tighter and kissed him on the forehead. He fell asleep quickly after that. I spent a while admiring the beautiful man who was finally mine before drifting off to sleep too.

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