Wrong classroom

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Beam's P.O.V.

I was happily munching on my food when my friend Kit suddenly stood up abruptly. I looked at him confused.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"Shit Beam we are late for class! Lunch was over five minutes ago!" He panicked.

"Oh shit! This never happened before, we usually have time to spare!" I said picking up my tray to throw out the trash.

"I know! Let's just hope Mr. Fitch is in a good mood today. Why the hell didn't Pha at least call us!" He said exasperated.

We started running as fast as we could towards the class room. We got some looks from people as we passed but we didn't care. We were running up the deserted stairs to the second floor when I almost fell down but that didn't stop me. I could see the classroom from where I was. When I was getting close to the door I reduced my speed since I wasn't planning to enter running but Kit didn't get the memo and kept running at full speed crashing onto me sending us both tumbling into the classroom like idiots.

"We are so sorry Mr. F..." I started saying before I realize that the senior in front of me wasn't Mr. Fitch and the students weren't my classmates. I looked at Kit who was looking around as confused as me. Everybody was laughing at us.

"It's this Mr.Fitch's classroom?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Yes, but since Mr. Fitch is absent today I'm using the classroom to help the moon and stars with their talents for the competition. Or at least I was before you two came barging in and interrupted me" said the senior from the engineering department.

"We are really sorry, we thought we were running a little late for class so we were trying to make it here as soon as possible." I said standing up from the floor then helping Kit.

"Well since you two rudely interrupted me you will help me with them." She stated glaring at us.

"What?" we both said at the same time.

"You heard me. Now lucky for you I have two students who have been assigned to write a scene and they have to act it out as their talent. Since they aren't allowed to look for a partner until it is approved by me and we have no volunteers you will be reenacting the scenes that were written with them. I'm gonna pair you with someone and you'll do whatever he or she tells you to, now am I clear?" she asked looking at us sternly. That woman is fierce.

"Yes" I replied while Kit only nodded. As I looked around I spotted Pha holding his laughter at what was happening to us.

"Ok so you are gonna be helping Forth Jaturapoom over there." she said pointing at me.

I looked around the room effectively seeing the tall boy with the engineering jacket staring at me with surprise. I can't believe I didn't realize he was here while I made a fool out of myself! I can't do this! You see a couple of years back when I started crushing on him my idiot friend Pha told him. There was a time when there were rumors we both liked each other. I never tried to find out if it was true he liked me too so we never even talked about it officially. I was left with a hopeless crush on him and he doesn't even look at me anymore. I was about to open my mouth to protest when he stood up and went to the teacher. I looked at Kit who was trying to hold up his laughter.

"Wow right now I don't know if I should laugh or be sad about your bad luck." He said patting my back and I sighed.

"Keep laughing and you won't make it out of this classroom alive that's for sure." I glared at him.

"Fine sad it is then." he said then laughed I smacked his head. I was about to give him a piece of my mind when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and it was the senior.

"Here's your script you have five minutes to read it before you start." I looked at it confused. I thought Forth would get me out of this since he won't even look at me.

"Wait first of all I won't learn the lines to a scene in five minutes! Second can you please put me with someone else?" I begged her.

"You just have to go over the lines so you'll know what the scene is gonna be about. You don't have to memorize them you will read them out loud. I don't care if you don't know how to act I'm gonna evaluate Forth not you. Before you ask again and to answer your last question no I can't change your partner now go." she said handing me the script which this time I took.

I sighed and went to sit down while the senior talked to Kit. I started reading the script and realized it sounded familiar.

"What the hell!" I said out loud when I realized he wrote a messed up version of what had happened between us. But he made it seem like I was an asshole who didn't have any feelings! I looked around and saw everybody was looking at me and Forth seemed embarrassed. Damn right he should be! I was about to start yelling at him when the senior started talking.

"So the five minutes are over try to keep your colorful words to yourself please." she said looking at me directly with a glare. "Now take your positions at the center of the classroom right now."

I grabbed the damn paper from the table and walked over to Forth more furious than ever. I wasn't even nervous anymore. I started reading the script as best as I could. This was actually really easy since most of it I've already lived it. When we were nearing the end both characters based on us have and argument in which he made "me" look like the biggest heartless bitch ever. Which I took really personal since it's not what happened so I decided to change the script. This motherfucker was literally putting words in my mouth since I've barely talked with him.

"Why are you like this? Tell me because I don't understand! We're you fooling me the whole time? Was this some sick game? To get me to like you thinking you shared my feelings then you just fooled me." he said looking at me straight in the eye. In that moment I knew we weren't acting anymore.

"It's complicated! I never wanted to hurt you! I liked you too that's why it was so hard for me. I did what I did in fear and believe it or not I got hurt by this too a lot!- I said looking at him directly in the eye. This wasn't part of the script. He looked at the ground breaking our eye contact first. I looked around and saw the confused faces of everyone looking at us then at the script. I was about to get of the stage when he talked again.

"I'm sorry, I was so mad at you I didn't stop to think that maybe you had a reason act like you were. I guess we were both victims in this case." He said and actually sounded sincere.

"So what now?" I asked.


Uff a cliffhanger I was already missing those hahaha just kidding. It's actually 3 am right now where I live. I've been busy with online classes which honestly suck. That's why I haven't been able to update. I decided today to stay up late to write something because it's been a couple of days since my last update. Was planning on finishing this one but I am way too tired and I have to be up for an online meeting at 10:30. So hope you enjoy and I'll try to update soon! Take care everybody.

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