Never forget (part 4)

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Just so you guys don't get confused this chapter is placed a year and a half before the current timeline. So basically this is Beam's accident and everything that lead them towards this point.

*Flashback a year an a half*

Forth and Beam were in a relationship. It all started when Beam wandered alone into a coffee shop. There was Forth the moon from engineering and Pha's friend. Forth had always found Beam attractive and seeing him alone he took the chance to get closer to him. At first Beam wasn't interested at all. But they got to know each other and they always met in that same coffee shop. It was their place. After months of courting Beam, Forth finally asked him to be his boyfriend in the same place everything started. By that time Beam was completely in love with Forth so he accepted him happily.

They were a power couple. The engineering gang leader and the golden boy from the faculty of medicine. Everyone adore them. You could see they loved each other deeply. They were a great team. Forth would take care of Beam during his exam weeks. In return Beam would take care of Forth during the hazing activities.

They never failed to have lunch with each other. If one was busy the other would come. They practically lived together. Everyone was sure they would get married even them.

But one faithful night ruined everything. Beam was really close with his parent. Even though they were busy people they always had time for Beam. After dating for a few months they decided to go meet the parents. Forth's parents welcomed them with open arms. They were glad they had each other and were happy. With Beam's parents it was more awkward. They weren't to pleased but gave their blessing nonetheless or at least that's what Beam thought. In reality they didn't want them to be together.

They called Forth later on and told him to break up with his son. Forth refused but they threaten to send Beam abroad. He knew how much Beam loved his life away from his parents. Even though he loved them he was happy to leave alone and be with his friends. Ultimately Forth couldn't take that away from him and they would be separating them anyway. So Forth complied and broke up with Beam over a phone call because he couldn't do it in person.

Unbeknownst to him Beam already knew everything. They were his parents after all he knew how they can be. He was working to fix everything when Forth called him to break up. It hurt him but since he knew the truth he just told him that he didn't accept and was coming over. He went to his parents house and confronted them. He fixed everything because his parents knew that if they kept on pushing him Beam was going to disappear from their lives.

On his way to Forth's with the good news that his parents weren't gonna intervine in their relationship anymore Beam had an accident. It was a car crash and Beam was badly hurt. They took him to the hospital and after a week of being on a coma he finally woke up. Forth blames himself for what happened thinking that Beam was driving recklessly because he had broken up with him. He couldn't forgive himself. When Beam woke up he could remember everything except for Forth. The only memory he had was from meeting him in the moon competition as Pha's friend.

Needless to say Forth was devastated and left the room. The doctor said that he will probably recover all his memory they just had to be patient. But Forth had other plans. He didn't want to hurt Beam again and his parents didn't want them together. Doing what he thought was best for Beam he walked away deciding if he couldn't remember him it was a sign he should leave. This way he wouldn't get hurt because he wasn't ever going to remember him.

Everyone tried to convince him to stay but Forth had already made up his mind. He was sure that what he was doing was the best for everybody. From that day onwards he cut ties with all of them. For months he didn't see Beam but Kit who pitied him updated him every once on a while. He was happy to find out that Beam was okay and he had recovered most of his memories except the ones that included him.

He was happy that Beam was doing ok but sad that he wasn't by his side anymore. He tried to move on but it was impossible. That's how he ended going to the coffee shop every month on the same day. It was the only way he could feel close to Beam because they were always there. He was surprised when he saw him walk in one day. It became his favorite day of the month because he could finally see the one he loved even if it was from afar.

But things went wrong when Beam unexpectedly started to have feelings for him. Never in a million years that possibility crossed his mind. After all the first time he had to work hard to make Beam like him back. He tried to push him away by acting cold and uninterested he even refrained himself from entering the coffee shop the next month. But he still couldn't keep his distance completely so he stayed close.

He wanted to make sure Beam got home safely this time. To his luck a bunch of three people started fighting him. Not having any choice he quickly joined the fight to protect his Beam. That's when things went downhill because now he didn't want to give up. Forth agreed to a date hoping after Beam wouldn't bother him anymore but fate doesn't work that way. Now Beam has remembered everything that happened between them. After all they say the mind can forget but the heart never will.


So I wanted to let you guys know everything that occurred between them that lead towards the accident. I kind of realized maybe I should've done this sooner but it's too late for that now. I was thinking my I could turn this one in to a full on story. Like I still have a few ideas for this and if it was longer I could've gone into more detail about some things. In other words I think this has the potential of becoming a full on story. But I don't know maybe if I have the time later on. I'm still gonna post the last chapter I'm not gonna leave you guys hanging I'm not that cruel. Anyways if I decided to turn this into a longer story would anyone read that? Or you wouldn't be interested because you already read the short version? Either way I'll let you guys know what I decide.

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