Last First Kiss (part 4)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I was informed by Knock that his mother wanted us two to attend one of their fancy parties. My mother never makes me go but for the sake of this fake engagement I decided to go without protesting. Besides it was Knock who asked me to go along with him. We've only know each other for a few weeks but we have become good friends.

On the other hand I've barely had any contact with Forth. I tried to distance myself a bit to get over my feelings and I think I ended pushing him away completely. I was a bit sad about it but I need to move on so I was trying not to dwell on it.

I looked in the mirror one more time fixing my tuxedo. I looked damn good if I say so myself. Still I didn't like getting all fancy for nothing special. I drove towards the hotel where the party was going to take place. Luckily I arrived almost at the same time as Knock so we walked in together. I wasn't planning on staying long here.

We instantly walked to greet our parents and they introduce us to everyone there. We were busy mingling with everyone for a while and I was getting tired of it. I needed a drink if we were going to be here longer. I excused ourselves and Knock followed me to the bar.

"I hate this." I said grabbing my drink.

"I'm sorry you could've said no." Said Knock.

"I felt sorry for you how could I not come." I joked and he hit me in the head.

"Hey isn't that Wayo?" He said and I turned to look too and saw him.

"It is I thought he wasn't coming since Pha was busy in a dinner with his parents." I said looking to see if Pha had made it in time. But I was surprised to see Forth approaching him. My grip on the drink tighten and I gritted my teeth glaring at them. Guess I still wasn't ok with Forth trying to steal Wayo from Pha. I looked away trying not to focus on them.

"And you say you don't like him." Said Knock letting out a chuckle and I glared at him too. "Come on let's go greet our friends." He said patting me in the back before walking towards them. I followed him reluctantly and they seemed surprised.

"P'Beam I didn't expect to see you here." Said Wayo surprised and I gave him a fake smile.

"I'm here to accompany my fiancée." I replied and Forth was just quietly observing us with a serious face.

"Knock is your fiancée wow I didn't expect it to be him. Well congratulations then." He said smiling at me and I just nodded.

"So should we all sit together have a drink maybe?" Said Knock when things were starting to get awkward. Wayo nodded oblivious to my rage. I followed them to a table and sat next to Knock. A waiter passed by us and he ordered her to bring me a drink then asked the other two if they wanted anything. I refrained myself in talking about Pha to Wayo because I didn't want to cause a scene here.

Forth wasn't saying much and I could feel he was staring at me but I was mad. Mad that he was here with Wayo, that we didn't hang up regularly anymore, that we had lost communication but worst of all I was mad that I fell in love with him and even after seeing him with somebody else I was still longing for him. I think Knock noticed I wasn't ok and he came closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"You look like you want to kill Wayo with your own hands tone it down. But on the other hand we can make Forth jealous if you want. He's looking at me the same way you are looking at Wayo." I just smiled and nodded at him not wanting to say anything suspicious. I wanted to see if he would really get jealous.

"Come here Beamie." He said pulling me closer and putting his arm around my shoulder. I was surprised for a second since I didn't knew what he was going to do exactly. In one swift movement he hit my head lightly before pushing it towards his shoulder. Then played with my hair for a bit to mask what he had done. I glared at him and he whispered in my ear again.

"If you want him to be jealous you need to play your part I can't do it on my own." He quickly said and I agreed by putting my hand around his waist and finding a more comfortable position.

"Sorry Beamie here is getting tired." Said Knock giving his attention to the pair sitting in front of us. I saw Forth staring at my hand before turning to look me in the eye and I could see the sadness in them even if he tried to keep a stoic expression which confused me. After a while I got tired of pretending and stood up to go to the bathroom. Some more people had joined us but I wasn't talking with anyone I was focused on Forth who seemed q quite upset about something and against my will it was making me worry.

When I came out of the bathroom I saw Forth leaning on a walk close. I was planning on ignoring him but as I was passing by him he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer. Then in one swift movement he had me trapped against the wall with both hands at my sides preventing me from escaping. I glared at him who was staring intently at me. I felt like he was staring into my soul and for a second I forgot about everything around me and focused all my attention on the man standing in front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked trying not to show that it was affecting me having him this close.

"You are driving me crazy Beam Baramee. You want to know what I want?" He said moving his right arm to stroke along my jaw before gently moving my head so I was staring at him directly. "I want you." He said before crashing his lips on mine. Surprised in the heat of the moment I responded to his kiss griping his shirt tightly and pulling him closer. I could feel his arm wrap themselves around my waist before he pulled me closer and that brought me back to reality. I pushed him away and stormed off mad. Does he think that he could come as Wayo's date and leave with me after he was bored. I don't think so I said walking straight towards Knock.

"I am leaving." I informed him and he seemed concerned.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah everything's fine. See you soon." I said before turning around and leaving that place.

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