Confused (part 3)

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Beam's P.O.V.

"Honestly I didn't expect this. All I'm saying is that I am willing to give you a chance but I don't promise anything. As of this moment right now I don't think I have feelings for you. But if you think you can make me fall for you then go ahead" I replied.

"You won't regret it" he said smiling happily. I smiled too I like seeing him happy. If he wants a chance I'll give it to him. I can't break his heart he is such a good person. He deserves someone better than me anyway. I got off the car after saying goodbye.

I went to my dorm feeling exhausted. It was a long weekend but I don't regret anything. I sorted out my feelings and I really enjoyed spending time with Forth and his mom. I took a bath and went to sleep.

I woke up earlier than usual. I sent a text to Pha and Kit asking if we could have breakfast together to clear things up. They agreed so I hurried to get there on time. I was the last one to arrive as usual. I sat down in front of them.

"I already ordered for all of us" said Pha

"Thanks" I said. Pha seems clueless of what's happening and Kit is awkwardly sitting not saying anything and he was avoiding eye contact with me.

I sighed, "actually the reason why I asked you here wasn't just to have breakfast I have something to say" both Kit and Pha gave me their complete attention.

"Kit I wanted to say I'm sorry for causing trouble with you and Ming. I was just feeling a little lonely. You and Pha have boyfriends now and I feel left out specially since we don't hang together that much anymore. I'm really sorry for causing you trouble I didn't mean to" I said.

"No Beam I'm sorry! I overreacted I shouldn't have thrown you out, you only wanted to help. I was so ashamed after that I didn't even know how to start apologizing" said Kit standing up and coming to hug me. I smiled hugging him back.

"It's ok Kitty I forgive you" I said.

"You know what just for this time I'm not gonna fight you because you called me Kitty" he said. As we were breaking from the hug Pha started talking.

"Oh hey Forth long time no see!" I quickly look up and saw Forth looking serious.

"Hey Pha, Kit, Beam" he said greeting each of us. When it was my turn he looked at me with a serious face. I even felt like I just did something wrong by hugging Kit which he probably saw.

"Are you here for breakfast? You can join us if you want" Pha said.

"No thanks I just came for a coffee" he said showing us his cup of coffee.

"Oh ok then" Pha replied.

"See you all" he said taking his leave. For some reason I wanted to follow him and explain that there was nothing between me and Kit but I refrained myself.

The rest of the day went by as normal. Pha and Kit decided to stay with me during lunch. Since Forth said he was going to court me I was expecting him to show up at lunch maybe or at least he could've texted me. Maybe he thought that me and Kit where together who knows what goes through his head. I was walking to the parking lot when someone grabbed my arm.

"Earth to Beam" said Forth. I looked at him.

"Oh hey Forth" I said happily.

"What were you thinking so hard about?" He asked.

"Just thinking about an assignment I need to do" I lied. There's no way I'm gonna tell him I was thinking about him.

"Oh so you're busy, I wanted to take you out" he said sadly.

"Oh it's not due for a while" I quickly answered. Wow Beam shameless much I thought.

"Great, let's go then" he said taking my hand.

Wow he's bold I'll give him that. I followed him without complaining. He lead me towards his bike.

"Couldn't you bring the Jeep" I said.

"Come on I like the bike better it's faster. Plus that way we'll be closer" he said handing me a helmet.

"Very funny Forth it seems like you don't want me to get on" I said taking the helmet anyway. He just smirked getting on the bike I got on behind him. He took my hands and wrapped them around his waist before leaving. I was about to take them off when he started driving faster. Now I was holding on for my dear life. We arrived shortly at the movies.

"So I thought we could watch a movie but if you want to do something else we can" he said.

"I'm fine with a movie. I've been wanting to see Jumanji 2 anyway" I said

"Great cuz that's the one I wanted to watch" he replied.

We got off the bike and walked into the theater. He bought the tickets and I bought the snacks. We quickly found our seats and there weren't many people there. I was happily eating my popcorn when Forth grabbed my hand. I look at him and he gave me the puppy eyes.

"Come on just let me hold your hold your hand for a while" he said. I hesitated but ultimately gave in. I turned my attention to the movie who was just starting. Forth then moved and laid his head on my shoulder. This time I just let him be and didn't say anything. He was smiling and I just didn't want to make him sad. For a second there I felt my heart skip a beat. He spent the whole movie playing with my hand and his head never left my shoulder.

When the movie was over we went to buy some noodles for dinner. We were eating when he started talking.

"So I was thinking that we could meet everyday after class. Of course if none of us are busy." He said.

"Fine by me you'll probably get tired of me soon" I replied.

"I could never get tired of you Beam" he said sincerely. I felt my heart skip a beat again but I just changed the subject.

"Do you already have a plan for tomorrow then?" I asked.

"Hmm the guys are all hanging out tomorrow at Lam's place wants to come?" He asked.

"Sure" I shrugged it sounds like fun.

After we were done eating he took me back to our dorm. He got off the bike too with me. I looked at him confused and he came and took off my helmet.

"I could've done that!" I said. What's up with him I could take it off and put it on without his help.

"I know" he said stepping closer and now there was barely any space between us. My breath hitched and out of instinct I Put my hands on his chest. I could feel my heart beating a thousand miles per hour. That's because he scared me I told myself.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I stuttered.

"I was going in for a hug but maybe you want something more" he said sliding his right arm around my waist pulling us closer. I could feel his breath on my face. He started to lean in and I was mentally preparing myself. Then I felt his lips on my cheek. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. To be honest I felt a little tiny bit disappointed. I mean didn't he said he likes me! If you like someone you would want to kiss them no?

"Goodnight Beam" he said taking me out of my thoughts.

"Goodnight" I said smiling at him and waved when he left.

This man is surely something I said shaking my head. I walked back to my dorm happily. I think I may have started to develop feelings for Forth but I'm still not sure.


Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I'm really excited for what's going to come. Things are about to get good. Hopefully I'll be able to update tomorrow but I'm not sure since I'm going to a concert today with my best friend and I'm staying over at her house. So depending on how much time I spend tomorrow at her house I'll be able to update or not. Hopefully is a yes I'm excited for you to read what I have planned.

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