That's us

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Beams P.O.V.

I was sitting down in front of Forth my best friend. We were currently having lunch together in a noodle shop near our university. I was staring at him while he talked about his new engineering project. I didn't really understand what he was saying but I let him talk. I focused on him and how his eyes seemed to sparkle and how he was so excited explaining everything looking amazed and moving his hands around. I enjoyed seeing him happy. We've been friends for years but recently I have started seeing him in a new light. I realized I was having feelings for him. I've been trying to deny it but I can't help it. I am in love with this man. He's everything you could ever want. He's handsome, tall, likes to take care of me, in fact he's always there for me through the good and the bad. I don't know how I didn't realize sooner how happy he makes me. Everything he does now manages to make my heart flutter. I've been wanting to tell him but there's something stopping me or rather someone. Oh and look at that lucky me he just entered the place and it's walking towards us. Forth immediately stopped talking and put on a stupid smile when Wayo greeted us. I was mad and jealous but there was nothing I could do in that moment.

"Hi P'Beam, P'Forth! What a coincidence seeing you here." Wayo said cheerfully.

"Nong Yo, what are you doing here?" Asked Forth giving him all his attention. Now that Wayo is here I am forgotten.

"I am here to ask for a phone to call a taxi because mine ran out of battery." He said showing us his dead phone.

"Weren't you with P'Pha?" I asked curiously. He said that he was taking him out to lunch today so why is he here alone.

"Yeah but he was acting like an asshole again so I left." He replied and I sighed. Stupid Phana it took him way too long to realize it was his Wayo and now he's trying to take my man. I'm gonna punch him next time I see him.

"What a jerk, don't worry I'll take you wherever you need to go. Come on sit down have lunch with us." Said Forth patting the spot next to him. Once he was sitting down Forth offered his food to Wayo. I looked at them talking and laughing and Forth wasn't paying any attention to me and it made me sad but also really mad. So I stood up to go to the bathroom without saying anything. What surprised me was that Forth had followed me and when I came out he was waiting for me.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" He asked looking at me with his puppy dog eyes. I instantly smiled and nodded.

"Sure what do you need?" I asked.

"Can you leave us alone? I know that Pha likes him too but I want to try winning him or I'll regret it later on." He said and my smile faltered. Damn that hurt me more than I thought it would.

" I'll see you later." I replied sadly.

"Thank you Beam you are the best!" He said smiling brightly before leaving. I felt a pain on my chest. Damn this hurts I thought looking at them one last time before I left. Forth was laughing and they seemed to be enjoying each other's company. At least he is happy no? I thought leaving with a heavy heart.

I arrived back at my faculty and went to sit at a table alone. I know Kit is with Ming so I called Pha but his phone was off. He's probably pissed off because of Wayo. I want to punch him for being so stupid. If he'd done things right I'd be with Forth right now. I sighed putting on some music and resting my head on the table. I had one song on repeat That's Us by Anson Seabra it was a sad song that described my current situation with Forth perfectly. I was lost in the song using my finger to trace out some of the lyrics on the table while humming it softly when someone came and back hugged me. It was Forth he was the only one who did that. I leaned into him feeling comfortable.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. He rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Just wanted to make it up to you for cutting out lunch short." He said taking one of my earphones out and putting it.

"You didn't have to do that. By the way how did things go with Wayo?" I asked wanting to know how much time I had left with him. Because if he gets in a relationship no one would accept us being this close.

"It was ok but I think he really has feelings for Phana. That's not gonna stop me though just look at me I am way better than Pha right?" He said and I smiled at him.

"Yeah you are." I said closing my eyes and leaning on him enjoying a peaceful moment. After a few minutes of silence for talked again.

"Beam will you help me with Wayo. I know Pha is your friend too but I need your help." He said pouting at me.

"Forth I..." I didn't even knew what to say. Me helping him court Wayo? If this hurts I can't even imagine what it would be like if I helped him.

"Pretty please!" He begged and I sighed.

"I mean I'll try I don't know anything about relationships I can't even make the person I like realize my feelings." I said sadly.

"It's ok me neither but we should be able to work something out." He said happily which felt like a slap to me. I sighed getting out of his embrace. He looked at me confused.

"I have class now but call me later and I'll help you." I said grabbing my bag and he nodded. With that I left feeling miserable.


Another update because I feel like I've been away for too long. Honestly I've missed writing these past couple of days so I decided to take a break from studying today and just write and relax. The name came from the song that's us by Anson Seabra. It describes perfectly how Beam was feeling in that moment. Hopefully I'll be able to update soon!

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