Last First Kiss (part 5)

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Beam's P.O.V.

After I stormed out of the party things had become awkward between me and Forth. He was trying to get my attention by hanging out with us at lunch and I just couldn't take it. I didn't understand why Pha wasn't mad either about Forth and Wayo was he really that sure that Nong Yo wasn't two timing him? I was mad that nobody seemed to care. So everyday at lunch time I walked out first and left to have lunch with Knock and Korn.

Korn of course wasn't pleased with everything that was happening. But he knew about my feelings for Forth. We had drunkenly confessed who we were in love with one night at the bar. We even cried together because of our failed love life. After that we had become closer and agreed to keep each other's secret. I was happy that at least one of us got their happy ending. Because even though Knock didn't want to openly admit his feelings it was obvious.

So now every day I willingly chooses to be the third wheel. I often apologize for disrupting them but they don't seem to mind and I really needed them in this moment. They were discussing about what I should do because they say I can't ignore Forth forever.

"I just don't understand why he would kiss me like that. He was there with Wayo! So what was he trying to do?" I said frustrated at Knock.

"I've told you a million times! He is jealous because he probably likes you! Korn here said that everyone was sure something was happening between you two! They didn't say it was you only who liked him. Besides I saw how he was looking at you that day." Replied Knock for the millionth time.

"But..." I started but was cut off.

"No I don't know how Wayo fits in here! And it doesn't make sense and I know you don't want to talk to him but you should at least do something. Seriously man I sound like a broken record." He replied since we've already had this conversation before. I sighed mad we aren't getting anywhere this way.

"Why don't we prove that he was jealous?" Said Knock and I looked at him curiously.

"How are we going to do that genius?" I asked and in that moment Korn arrived.

"Do what?" He asked sitting down beside Knock who was clearly happy to see Korn.

"Why are you late?" Knock questioned pouting at Korn who smiled sheepishly.

"I was getting you this! Yesterday you told me you were craving this so I went and bought it for you." Said Korn handing him a dessert.

"Korn you idiot you went that far just for a dessert!" Knock scolded him but he looked so happy and was blushing. I want that I thought sadly. I let them enjoy their moment in peace. After a while of minding my own business they popped out of their bubble and turned their attention back to me.

"So Beam I was about to tell you how we should make Forth jealous. Well how about we have lunch with them tomorrow instead of avoiding them? And we act like a couple to see how he reacts?" Knock said.

"You think it'll work?" I asked doubtfully and he nodded. "What about you Korn, will you be ok with us doing that?" I asked because I didn't want to cause problems between them.

"Sure if it helps you get Forth I don't mind. Besides tomorrow I have a meeting at lunch so I won't be there to see it." He shrugged.

"Hey he's not my boyfriend! I don't need his permission." Knock said annoyed.

"So you don't care if it bothers me?" Asked Korn pouting and Knock instantly panicked.

"That's not... I mean... fine whatever I do care! But you know I don't like Beam so why would you be mad?" Said Knock sulking and Korn pulled him closer.

"I'm leaving now! Knock I'll text you later so we can work out the details of what we are going to do tomorrow." I said leaving them alone so they can be all lovey dovey without thinking about me.

< next day >

I had already planned everything with Knock. I was nervous to see how Forth would react to everything. I was mostly scared that he wasn't going to care. I didn't want to keep on being hurt. I really should move on I don't understand why I still have hope. But now it's not the time to think about that since Knock has just arrived and I know everyone is waiting for us. We walked towards the table where everyone was seated and Forth was sitting in front of Knock.

"Guys I want to introduce you to my Fiancé Knock, Knock this are my friends Kit, Ming, Pha, Wayo, Lam, Park and Forth." I said and Knock greeted them. So far everyone was acting nice even Forth. Then Knock got into action putting his head on my shoulder but Forth just barely glanced at us. So he started whispering things in my ear and making me laugh but he wasn't budging until Knock started feeding me.

"I thought it was an arranged marriage why are you acting like a couple?" Said Forth agitated.

"What if we want to make it work for real?" Asked Knock looking at Forth defiantly. Forth stood up and put his arms on the table looking mad.

"You can't do that!" He said gritting his teeth. Knock mimicked his pose and now they were face to face.

"Why not? After we get married we will live together and sleep on the same bed everyday and wake up together. It bound to happen anyway. So tell me one good reason why I can't make him mine now." Said Knock glaring at Forth and I noticed he was furious. A mad Forth is not someone you want to mess with and even though Knock was well built and could have a fair fight with Forth I didn't want that to happen. I didn't want any of them to get hurt because of me. This was already taking it too far.

"You can't because..." started to say Forth when I stood up and pulled Knock back breaking the fight before it even started since I was sure Forth was about to punch him. I saw Forth expression change to a shocked/sad one for a second before he glared at us both.

"Well I was going to say that it was because I fucking love him. But I see he has already chosen you so it doesn't matter anyway." Said Forth storming off furiously. I just stood there shocked when I came to my senses I looked at everyone on the table who seemed just as surprised.

"Fuck I think we messed up." I said looking at Knock who nodded looking guilty.


Sorry for not updating I've been busy with university work. But hopefully next chapter will be out tomorrow! Not sure if it's gonna be the last one but there's a possibility. I don't t know we will see what happens.

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