Jealous (part 2) the end

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Beam's P.O.V.

We walked towards the table and Forth was sitting alone. I sat down in front of Forth and Yihwa sat beside me. Forth seemed surprised but didn't comment on it. Park and Lam arrived and seemed pretty shocked too. They both sat beside Forth looking at us intently.

"So guys this is Yihwa, Yihwa this is Park and Lam," I said pointing to them.

"Hi! Hope you don't mind me joining your lunch," replied Yihwa cheerfully. 

"Not at all," said Park. Lam didn't say anything just whispered something in Park's ear. Yihwa just smiled looking at them. Soon the waiter came and took our order. While we were waiting we were chit-chatting. Park and Lam quickly took a liking to Yihwa thanks to her cheerful personality. She was making us all laugh except Forth who was ignoring us most of the time. The food came and Yihwa was giving me food and being a tease. She surely knew how to push Forth's buttons he looked hella mad. But still, he wasn't doing anything. I was looking at Park and Lam and how Park was carefully picking the vegetables Lam didn't like from his plate and passing them to his. Yihwa also noticed this.

"So Park Lam, you two are adorable. How long have you been together?" She smiled innocently. Man, this girl is trouble she can see through our bullshit in two seconds. Lam choked on his drink and Park glared at her while patting his back. I couldn't help but laugh at their reaction even Forth had a smile on his face.

"What did you say?!?" Asked Lam once he regain his composure.

"Oh, you two aren't together? I swear by the way you two act, I thought you'd been together for years. I'm sorry." she said but you could see on her face she was not sorry at all. After that, we focused on the food.

"So Beam do you have any plans after lunch? Or do you want to go somewhere with me? We can spend the whole day together!" She said excitedly then discretely winked at me. Before I could even reply Forth stood up from his seat. We all turned our attention to him. He walked towards me and grabbed my hand.

"We already have plans right Beam? So let's leave now," he said looking at me intently waiting to see what I was going to do. I stood up too to follow him. Before I could even say anything Forth started walking. Since he was holding my hand I was dragged away with him. I turned to look at Yihwa and she was smiling giving me a thumbs up. She then turned towards Park and Lam.

"Now it's your turn." It's the last thing I heard Yihwa say. Well, that could go two ways. Either they thank me or they are gonna be hella mad. I chuckle that woman is something else. I followed Forth back to our hotel room. Once we got in he let go of my hand and then went to sit on the couch. I was waiting for him to say something but he just looked so sad. I crouched down in front of him.

"Forth look at me," I said he looked at me for an instant before looking at his lap again.

"I'm sorry Beam," he said

"What are you sorry for?" I asked standing up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his lap.

"For this," he said then cupped my head with his hands. He was caressing my cheek while looking into my eyes probably to see if I was ok with this. I just gave him a soft smile and leaned my head into his hand a bit. He then pulled our heads closer I could feel his breath on my skin. He gave me one last look before he closed his eyes and leaned in. He started nibbling my lips and I responded his kiss. We fought for dominance but he won. He deepened the kiss I felt him move and suddenly in one quick motion I was lying on the couch with him on top of me.

"You were driving me crazy Beam Baramee."

"Really? I didn't notice." I said acting innocently.

"You are going to be the death of me! I was so mad. I thought I lost you" he said putting his head on my chest.

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