Annoying freshman (part 7)

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Forth's P.O.V.

"Do you really want me to do that?" I whined and Beam nodded excitedly.

"If you want to prove that you really like me then yes." He said not even hesitating. I shook my head fine if he wants me to embarass myself then i'll do it I don't mind. If he thinks I'm giving up just because of that then he's in for a surprise.

"Ok then I will do it tomorrow morning." I said but I could tell he didn't believe me.

Beam sat down on the bed and started playing games on his phone clearly ignoring me. I thought about going out to see what my friends were doing but I had a feeling Kongpob is still looking for me and I'm tired of running away. He was supposed to help me not kill me but oh well. Maybe tomorrow because Beam apparently really wants him to do so. I approached Beam throwing myself on the bed beside him.

"Beammmmm Im bored." I whined.

"That's not my problem." He said not taking his eyes away from the game. I took the opportunity to rest my head on his lap which startled him.

"What do you think you are doing?" he said finally looking at me.

"You are comfortable." I said grabbing my phone to text my friends.

"You are a pain in the ass." He said and I laughed. We were both silent using our phones until we heard a knock on the door. I turned to look at Beam who was already looking at me.

"You answer! If its Kongpob you are his brother he may have mercy on you." I said and Beam rolled his eyes standing up.

"Coward! If you are really afraid of Kong then I guess we will never be able to be together. I don't date cowards." He said and my eyes widened. I quickly stood up stopping him from getting to the door by grabbing him by the waist.

"What are you doing?" He asked startled. I just pulled him with me to the bed.

"Im opening the door." I said and Beam tried to stand up.

"No! You lost your opportunity already coward." he said laughing. I tangled my arms and legs around him.

"No can do! I won't let you go." I said not letting him out of my embrace. Whoever was on the other side of the door knocked again.

"Beam? I'm coming in!" Said a voice I didn't recognize from outside.

"Whos that?" I asked looking at Beam. I looked at Beam who had his eyes widened.

"Fooooorthhhh let me go!" Said Beam struggling even harder to get out of my embrace. I loosened my grip letting him go. Before he could stand up the door opened. Two guys walked in.

"Wow are we interrupting something." Said the taller one.

"No." Beam said quickly. I just sat down looking at him with a poker face. I didn't like him.

"Who are they?" I asked eyeing them up and down. Beam looked at me and shook his head.

"Those are my friends Phana and Kit. Guys he's Forth the annoying freshman Kong doesn't like." I said and Forth pouted.

"I remember him." Said Kit and Phana nodded.

"So what were you two doing?" Asked Phana and I rolled my eyes looking at Beam who blushed.

"Nothing he was just annoying me." Said Beam.

"Well it's almost time for dinner I'm leaving." I said standing up.

"You go ahead first." Said Beam and I turned to look at him. I thought he would be coming with me. I just left the room feeling my mood turn sour. Once the elevators door opened I saw Kongpob and Arthit kissing.

"Are you serious." I said getting in anyway. They quickly separated.

"Where's Beam?" Asked Kongpob confused when he saw me alone.

"He staid with his friends." I said annoyed.

"You see that. He's jealous." Said Arthit to Kong.

I just ignored them because they started making fun of me. Kong seemed to be in a much better mood than a couple of hours ago.

"I'll call Beam and tell him to come pick up his sulking baby." Said Arthit and I felt my eyes widened.

"Don't you dare." I said but he had already was looking for Beams contact. I thought about taking his phone but Kong stepped in front of me.

"Don't even think about it." He said.

"I really can't catch a break with all of you." I said letting out a sigh.

"Welcome to the family, run away while you can." Arthit said smirking. I was about to respond when Arthit started talking.

"Beam! Your sulking baby is here all sad because you didn't come to dinner with him. Come pick him up will you. Bye that was all." Said Arthit before hanging up and I let out a groan.

"That was payback for taking away my wife." Said Kongpob. Once the elevator opened I walked away embarrassed. Lucky for me my friends saved me a seat. Five minutes later Beam arrived to have dinner. I noticed him looking around but I managed to avoid looking at him in the eye. I watched him sit down with his friends. I was listening to my friends teasing now since I didn't even hesitate before following Beam when he told me to run to the car. They also told me how furious Kongpop was when we left with Arthit and turned off the phones. My attention was on Beam most of the time. I will do as he told me tomorrow and he will know I'm completely serious about courting him. Even if that means embarrassing myself in front of everyone.

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