Babysitting (part 6)

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Beam's P.O.V.

After a while Forth's mom called us down to eat. I was getting hungry since all I had for breakfast was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We went down and there were more people there.

"Guys this is my fiancée Yacht and our little one Ae." Said Sammy pointing to the guy with the kid in his arms.

"I haven't introduce myself but I'm Yihwa. My husband couldn't come but I'm here with my son Max. He stole Tul since he saw him making Ae jealous." Said Yihwa laughing and I smiled looking at Tul playing happily with Max. It's good that he has company his age I bet he was bored with just me and Forth. It was a habit that Tul mostly ate sitting in Forth's lap and today was no exception. Forth's mom cooed taking a photo.

"You are going to be a great dad some day." She said and I smiled in agreement. I couldn't have done this without him. I looked at Forth who was smiling too cleaning Tul's mouth before feeding him again.

"So when is he leaving?" Asked Forth's mom turning to look at me.

"Well they are supposed to come back on Wednesday so between Wednesday and Thursday." I said and she nodded.

"Well you can stay here as long as you want I will help you take care of that little cutie." She said.

"Thank you."

When we finished eating the little ones quickly jumped out to play in the backyard. I smiled seeing Tul happily making friends. I'm glad he's enjoying his stay here.

"I am going to take Ae and Max out to the park and for ice cream too later. Will you let Tul come with us?" Asked Sammy and I nodded.

"Sure if he wants to he can go." I said.

"Great let's have some fun just the two of us then. We've been at home all week taking care of Tul." Said Forth dragging me upstairs.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked but followed him nonetheless.

"To the gaming room!" He said excited.

I followed him to a room in the second floor. It was awesome. It had a pool table, a giant flat screen tv with many consoles, a few Barbie dolls and houses that I'm guessing were his sister's and some toys. Looks like the boys were here earlier since it was a bit messy.

"Wow this is awesome." I said and he grinned.

"I know right my sisters and I used to spend so much time here. I'm the only one that still uses it when I'm home and now is for the kids." He said jumping on the couch. "You play right?" He said handing me a controller.

"I used to play with Phana and Kit now not so much." I admitted.

"I'll show you." He said turning it on excited. He grabbed some beers from the mini fridge.

"Let's finish these too before the kids find them." He said handing me a beer which I took.

We spent the whole afternoon at the game room. We drank a few beers that were left in the fridge and Forth's mom brought us snacks. It was fun not having any responsibilities for the time being. When it was time for dinner I already missed Tul. I went downstairs and they were just arriving from the park.

"Uncle Beam." He said running to me and I picked him up. "I had so much fun! We played in the park and I fell and scrapped my knee but Max helped me. We also had ice cream and Ae was licking it and it somehow fell so we had to buy him another one because he cried! Then we went to the park again and it was so fun!" He said excited and I smiled.

"I'm glad you had fun! Now says thanks to Yihwa." I said.

"Thank you aunty Yihwa you're the best!" Said Tul clapping his hands excitedly.

"You're welcome!" She said before leaving.

I took Tul upstairs to give him a bath. He was impatient to go back and play with the boys but I managed to get him cleaned and dressed. After we went back downstairs to eat. He quickly jumped to sit on Forth's leg to have dinner. I get it though he was more patient and helped him instead of just feeding him myself like I do.

Once dinner was done the boys took Tul to the playroom. We tidied everything up not leaving any alcohol or anything. I talked a while with Forth's family and we got to know each other better. They were such a loving family and everyone was close. It was great but I was getting tired. This past couple of days have been hard taking care of Tul so I was exhausted. I let out a yawn and Forth noticed I was tired.

"Well mom we are going to my room now I am tired and I bet Beam is too." Said Forth and I nodded agreeing.

"Ok then, Max and Ae are going to have a sleepover in the guest room so if Tul wants to stay playing let him I will take care of him." Said Forth's mom.

"Ok thank you!" I said smiling before following Forth upstairs. We went to check up on Tul.

"We are going to sleep are you coming with us little guy?" Asked Forth's and Tul pouted.

"Do I have to?" He asked sadly and I laughed.

"You can't take him! He's playing with us." Said Max standing in front of Tul.

"Yeah! We will call our mommies if you try to take him." Said Ae standing in front of both Max and Tul. Both Forth and I burst into laughter.

"Fine he can stay." I said and they all jumped excited. They started playing again and I followed Forth to his room. I looked around not knowing where I was supposed to sleep. Forth who was already lying down on the bed turned to look at me.

"What?" He said looking at me.

"Where am I supposed to sleep?" I asked awkwardly.

"Oh, I thought we could share the bed since you didn't have a problem before. But if you want I can take you to one of the other guest rooms." He said but I didn't want to.

"I will stay here if it's ok with you." I said sitting on the bed far away from him. He put on a movie getting comfortable and I did the same keeping a distance between us. Forth seems to have noticed this an frowned.

"It there something wrong?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Why are you acting all weird all of a sudden? Do you feel uncomfortable around me?" He said and I felt awkward.

"Ah I don't know, there's always Tul in between us and I feel a little weird without him." I said and he looked at me amused.

"Come on we have even cuddled before! I don't mind." He said getting closer and pulling me towards the middle of the bed before laying his head on my chest. I looked at him for a second before placing my hand on hair and smiling. I started caressing his hair with my fingers. "This is nice." He said smiling contently before placing his attention on the movie.

"Yeah well don't get used to it." I joked.

"I wouldn't dare that doesn't mean I can't enjoy if while it lasts." He said snuggling against my chest. It wasn't long before he fell asleep but I couldn't even if I was tired. A lot of things were running through my head at the moment. It was already one and a half in the morning when two little boys entered the room.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"We can't sleep! That room is too scary!" Said Tul.

"Where's the other one?" I asked noticing one was missing.

"Ae went to sleep with his mommy he left us alone!" Said Max annoyed and I smiled.

"Come on you two can stay here with us." I said patting the space next to me. I mange to make Forth move to leave half of the bed fue the kids. It took a while but they finally fell asleep I was up for a while before finally sleep took over me.


I just had the shittiest week of my life. Like literally I got some really bad grades, crashed my car, nothing seems to be going right, I had some mayor writers block and to top it all of I think I'm getting sick. But anyway enough about me. I hope you enjoy this chapter even if it's not my best and hopefully I will see you soon! Stay safe everyone!

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