Loyal (part 7)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I woke up and I was still holding on to Forth's hand like my life depended on it. It took me a while to remember where I was and why because I had a killer headache. I looked at Forth who was snoring beside me. Ugh I'm so embarrassed. I am so stupid! I had to get drunk and make a fool out of myself. I really hate myself. Thank God Forth is a heavy sleeper and I managed to get out of his apartment without him noticing. I was still in yesterday's clothes. I finally remembered that my key was in my back pocket all along. I cursed myself while opening the door and entering my apartment. I took some painkillers and went straight back to bed.

I finally waked up feeling rested at eleven in the morning. I stretched myself before looking for something to eat. I remembered Forth again and I sighed. What am I going to do about him? I clearly still love him but I just can't take him back. So what other options do I have? He doesn't leave me alone. Even Phana and Wayo betray me by inviting him over when we hang out. A part of me wants him there but I know I should stay away from.

But if I think about it I already tried distancing myself from him. I push him away and he manages to come back. He comes at lunch sometimes and keeps me company even when I'm alone and ignore him all the time. He keeps finding ways to bump into me now that we are neighbors even if I tried to change my routine. He comes out to hang with my friends which are also his friends. I've tried ignoring him, telling him to stay away, saying that I hate him and treat him badly and still he manages to come looking for me the next day. So maybe I should try the opposite now and treat him in a civilized manner right that what I'm going to do from now on.

It was almost dinner time and I have been studying all afternoon after I made something to eat for lunch. I contemplated making food again but I was too tired. Guess I will buy something today too I thought getting up from my seat. I put on some shoes and grabbed my wallet before leaving. As soon as I was out from my apartment I heard Forth's door open. Seriously is he just waiting for me to come out? I looked at him and he seemed stressed locking his door. I just looked at him not saying anything. When he was done and turned to look at me he seemed surprised but instantly smiled.

"Hi Beam, going out to eat?" He said. Well I guess I should start acting civilized with him right now.

"Yeah want to come with me?" I asked and I wanted to facepalm myself. I should've just started with saying Hi not hanging out with him. He looked shocked his mouth hanging open.

"You answered! Yes of course! Where are we going?"

"I'm in the mood for some noodles." I said and he nodded quickly.

"Sure then let's go." He said walking beside me. Surprisingly it wasn't that awkward it seemed normal being with him. We walked to a nearby restaurant that served noodles. We ordered and sat down.

"Not that I'm complaining but you've been ignoring me for months now. What made you change your mind?" He asked and I was surprised he did.

"Well ignoring you wasn't working out so I thought I'd try something new." I said and he nodded.

"In that case I am glad. I have missed hanging out with you." He said smiling at me.

"The truth is that I miss you. I want you in my life." I said and I could tell that he was getting excited. "But that's it I want you as a friend. Before you ask I do love you and I always will. But I don't want you in my life like that again not for now at least. I'm not saying forever but for now I'm still hurt and I don't think I can trust you again. So if you are willing to be my friend for now until I feel ready to try again then I'll let you in again slowly. If you want to walk away and leave things here then I would understand too." I said looking at my hands waiting for his answer.

"Of course I'm willing to try forever if I have too. Thank you for giving me this opportunity Beam I appreciate it." He said and I looked at him again. Just those words made my heart flutter. I know it won't take long until I want him back but I can't make this easy. I need to be sure that he's not just gonna leave me again because of his jealousy or another stupid reason.

Soon the food we ordered arrived. While we are I was lost in thought but Forth didn't seem to mind. After we were done we walked back home. I said goodbye before going in to my apartment. I hope I made the right decision.


I want to thank you all for your kind words they cheered me up! Life is hard sometimes. I'm feeling much better since I last updated. I mean the problems are still there but hopefully soon everything will be ok again. At least I took a burden off my shoulders by dropping out this semester from the university. It was a hard decision specially since I'll be loosing money and it'll take longer to graduate but it is what it is. I feel like it was the right decision since it was really taking a toll on my mental health. Anyways I'm sorry for rambling but since I'm feeling good I'll probably update my two other stories as well so if anyone's reading them look out for that! Also I had completely forgotten the plot for this story but I'm glad to say that I came up with a new one that I like a lot and I'm excited to show you guys. That's all for now take care everyone!

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