Babysitting (part 12)

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Beam's P.O.V.

Yesterday I fell asleep crying. I became too attached to Tul and Forth and I knew it wasn't going to be the same now that we are back to normal. What I I didn't expect was to wake up in Forths arms again, or in his bed. I guess he carried me here after I fell asleep. I sat down rubbing my eyes. I had a headache from crying.

"Hey you ok." Asked Forth waking up too.

"Yeah, sorry for making you take care of me yesterday, you even had to carry me here." I said.

"Its ok I don't mind. Are you feeling better?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Im still sad but I know it's not the end of the world." I said and he nodded. We were both silent for a few seconds before my stomach rumbled loudly. "Im so hungry! We didn't even have dinner yesterday. I don't want to cook today either." I whined throwing myself back on the bed next to Forth. "I will just die of hunger." I said trying to go back to sleep pulling the duvet over my head to block out the sun. I heard Forth laugh beside me.

"What a drama queen. Come on I will take you out for breakfast." he said and that caught my attention. I lowered the duvet making my head visible.

"Your treat?" I asked.

"You are adorable." Said Forth instead of answering my question.

"Hey!" I said and he seemed to realize what he said.

"I mean you are acting adorable and I invited you so of course Im paying. Now let's go before I change my mind." He said and I stood up from bed quickly. In no time we were both ready. I was feeling kind of tired so I let Forth drive to rest my eyes for a little bit more. I ended falling asleep. Forth woke me up when we arrived at the mall.

"Sorry." I said feeling sleepy again. I was more tired than I thought. I almost always went to sleep after Forth and Tul and most of the time I woke up first.

"Its alright." He said getting out of the car and I did the same. As we were walking I realized that we were at the mall not a food place.

"I thought we were going for breakfast. Im hungry." I whined and stopped walking. He came over and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers and I let him drag me away.

"We are there's a place in the foodcourt that sells breakfast. I thought we could walk around, or maybe watch a movie. I wanted to get you out of the house so you wouldn't be sad anymore." he said and I nodded.

"Oh okay then." I said following him. We walked into a nice coffee shop inside the mall. Forth went to order food for the two of us and I sat down at the table. I rested my head on it and turned to look at him who was in line to order. As if he sensed it he turned to look at me giving me a warm smile which I returned. He is such a nice person. Soon he came back with our food.

"Thank you." I said happily before digging in. As I was eating I sneaked a glance at him and he was watching me instead of eating. "What's wrong?" I asked stopping what I was doing.

"Sorry I just got lost in thought." He said and I nodded.

"Oh ok." I said and continued eating.

After we were done I didn't feel sleepy anymore. I already had my energy back after eating. We were browsing the stores without buying anything. We were in there for a couple hours. It was actually fun window shopping with Forth. We ended at the cinema at noon.

"I will buy the tickets since you bought breakfast." I said walking over to the booth to get in line. Forth stood beside me. I bought the snacks too for the both of us just a big bucket of popcorn and two drinks.

"I didn't know you liked horror movies." Said Forth.

"I used to watch them with my mom when I was little. At first I was scared but then I grew to like them."

"Oh wow I used to watch them behind my mothers back. She didn't like us watching horror movies since Sammy was easily scared." Said Forth and I nodded. My thoughts drifted back to Tul and the time we spent at Forths house. It was nice they treated me and Tul like I was part of the family. Suddenly I remembered something about the day we came back.

"Hey I just remembered you said you had to tell me nothing when after Tul leaves. So what us it?" I asked and suddenly he got nervous and shook his head.

"Forget about it." He said.

"What? No! Come on! I will die of curiosity. You said you had something to tell me so now you have to say it." I complained.

"There the movie is starting I will tell you at dinner." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Dont think I will forget." I warned him he just nodded focusing on the screen.

After the movie was over Forth offered to take me to dinner. I accepted since I was getting hungry. Since we were at the mall we chose to eat here. Theres a sushi place that opened recently so I dragged him there.

"This place looks nice." Commented Forth and I nodded.

"Yes I've been meaning to come here but I always end up someplace else." I said.

We went inside and the waiter handed us the menu. I looked at it excited. There's so much here I want to try. I ordered a couple that I wanted the most before looking at Forth. He still didn't seem mad.

"Sorry I ordered a lot I got excited." I said and he just smiled.

"Dont worry I don't mind. You can order whatever you want." he said.

"Thank you!"

When the food arrived we both ate silently. It was just way too good so we were enjoying it. After we went back home and I was tired from being out all day. I went to my room to take a bath as always. When I was done I almost walked out to Forths room. It became a habit to sleep with him. I walked back to my bed. Its been a week since I came to my room for something more than a bath and clothes. Somehow I now found my bed uncomfortable I thought when I laid down on it. I was scrolling through my phone when I remember that Forth never told me whatever it is he had to say. I looked at my phone and it was still early so I barged into his room. He was watching a movie.

"You never told me! You really thought id forget!" I said mad and he sighed turning away from me as if he was sleeping.

"I saw that you were awake!" I said but he didn't respond.

"No I'm not." He said and I got in bed to hit him on the shoulder.

"Forth Jaturapoom." I warned.

"Shh I'm sleepy." He said turning around and trapping me in his arms.

"Hey!" I said and he just hid his face on my chest.

"Cant you let it go?" He asked.

"No! If you didn't want me to know then you shouldn't have said anything." I said poking his cheek.

"I take it back I don't want to say anything." He said.

"Fine I'm leaving then." I said but he tightened his grip around me.

"No, stay!" He said not letting me move. He had his arms around me and his head on my chest.

"I had no reason to stay anymore." I said.

"I don't care! You don't need one. You can sleep here with me without a reason." I said.

"I can't ever win with you." I said placing my hand on top of his hair gently running my fingers through it. He didn't say anything and it wasn't long before I heard him snore. I have become to attached to him too just like Tul. Deep down I knew the reason I barged in here wasn't because of the thing he is not saying. I just didn't want to sleep alone I got used to cuddling him every night. But now what? Were Phana and Kit right? Maybe I have started to have feelings for him without realizing it. Where do we go from here though? Is there even a chance he feels the same? I felt asleep thinking about what I should do next.

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