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Denki's pov:

"Babe, we have to go," Hitoshi told me as he grabbed his jacket. I smiled, rolling on my socks before walking towards the door.
After the camp, U.A. decided to let us stay for an extra 2 days. Even if the training was a big help to all of us it was still dangerous to stay, but of course, they didn't care about that.

So, since we were all exhausted, they gave us a week of vacation to relax and have fun. Hitoshi and I using that time to go on a date- well, actually a double date with our friends,

"You look hot," He said as he sat next to me on the bed. I smiled, looking at him. I stood up and moved to sit on his lap, he just watched me crawl over and wrap my arms around his neck,

"Do we have time?" I asked him, leaning in to kiss him, he leaned into me before placing a hand on my thigh, giving one a small squeeze before answering,

"Not really, but we do have two days before we have to do the other thing...maybe then?" He asked as he leaned in for another kiss. I smiled, giving him what he wanted before pulling away. I sighed, looking him in the eyes then trailing down to his lips,

"Okay..." I whispered as I leaned in for another kiss. He smiled into it, biting my lower lip and producing a small growl. I opened my mouth and let him roam around, deepening the kiss and moving to take a more dominant role,

"W-wait, we should really get going," Hitoshi sighed as he pulled away, knowing we didn't have much time. I didn't listen to him, pulling him back into the kiss. He moaned softly before he pulled away again,

"Fuuuck, we have to go..." He groaned as he threw me off the bed, standing up, I laughed as I sat up and looked at him. Hitoshi was blushing and it was adorable, but he was right. They were probably waiting for us. So we both went out of his room and headed down, and as predicted, they were all there,

"Fucking finally," Bakugo rolled his eyes as he grabbed Todo's hand and started to walk out of the building, Todo looking unimpressed as he walked next to him. Kiri smiled at us, placing an arm around Mido,

"Let's go?" Kiri offered as they started to walk alongside us. I smiled as I grabbed Hitoshi's hand and started to walk with them. They had called an Uber so we wouldn't have to waste time walking there,

"This is so exciting," Izuku smiled, pulling out his phone, he quickly texted someone. Kiri looked over his shoulder before giving him a kiss on the cheek. Hitoshi scoffed before he placed a hand in the back pocket of my pants,

"That's gay," I smirked as I placed my arm around Hitoshi's waist, bringing him closer to me. Kiri looked at me for a moment before looking at Izuku.

"You have a boyfriend,"

"But I'm not gay," I responded as I looked at him with a smirk, Hitoshi tensed up next to me and I understood why, chuckling slightly,

"Because I'm bi"

"Oh really me too," Mido said next to me putting his phone away. I smiled, fist-bumping as he smiled at me, Hitoshi chuckled at the action,

"You scared the crap out of me Denks," Hitoshi told me in a sarcastic tone as he placed a kiss on the top of my head. He then turned to keep looking forwards, where Todo and Baku were further, still holding hands,

"Oh hush you knew," I smiled, turning to look at him, a small smirk settled on his face. Things really started to get better for me. I was still scared for the rescue mission but I guess if Hitoshi was there with me, then everything would be alright.

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