32- the final date

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Denki's pov:

Me and shin continued for the rest of our time left together just talking to each other laying in bed, talking about random things, or just about each other. Showering the other with small kissed here and there. Trying not to think to much about what had happened before. That was before I heard my phone ring.

"I have to go toshi" I softly said to him, stroking his hand, which was on my stomach, with my thumb. He snuggled to the back of my neck, inhaling deeply before talking

"I know" he mumbled, still not letting go of me, I didn't think this was going to be harder than what it feels like. I can also feel how toshi is trying hard to be supportive, but even for him it can be hard. I didn't feel like moving anymore. I just wanted to keep talking and hugging with him.

"I love you" I mumbled back, still not daring to move. I could feel him tense at the words, but soon after relax into my neck, inhaling my scent gland deeply, hearing him sight in satisfaction.

"I know" he whispered to me "I love you too" he said as he kissed the back of my neck, slowly taking his arms from around my waist, I turned around to see his face, the sun setting in his features as it left to let the moon rule the night.

"I'll be back" I told him softly, reaching to make one of his hair strands get off of his face and with the rest of his hair. He smiled softly at me and cupped my face. "I know" he said before giving me a sweet and soft kiss. I stood up lazily, not once taking my eyes off him, and turned around to the door, ignoring all the broken glass and bad memories from before.

Before I left I turned once again to see him, he was now sitting up and on his phone. When he noticed I was still there he raised his head and watched me carefully. I blew him a kiss, which just made him smile a bit. And with that I was out of his room and in the way to my own, the message was from sero, he said that he will see me in half an hour, and I didn't need him knowing I was in toshis room. He needed to move on.

I got to my room and laid on my own bed, grabbing my charger and phone, charging it quickly. Thinking how much my life had changed in the past two weeks. How much happier I've been with toshi, but also how much in danger I am now exposed to. Knowing how any of these days my life could change drastically.

I went over to my closet, taking out the false back I had on one of them and reaching for the things I had there. No body knew about my false back, not even the teachers. I just needed a safe space to put these things on.

No one knew about my family, but it's because I have none left. I lived on a foster home. this woman, she's a millionaire, she's on her early 40's. She has money and time to spare so a lot of children who are left alone in the world are taken with her. I was one of this children and she took me in. I love her and look up to her. But I mean I still miss my family, and here are the few belongings I had from them.

I used to have three siblings, I was the second lowest. And I had an older sister and brother, and a babygirl sister. They all died, along with both my parents. How? Well that's a story for another time. I took a peach colored teddy bear, it still had her scent. Her very faint scent, lingering on this piece of fabric. Some clothes, and a few of other belongings such as jewelry, and family heritage, from there my book. My very important book. 

After some time of being with it, I put everything else's back inside, its just that having at least this part of them with me calms my nerves down. It's almost as if they were here with me. And as if it were planned as soon as the false back was back on the closet I heard a knock on the door, I grabbed my phone and some cash just in case. Then I faked a smile and opened the door. There sero was standing, he had cut his hair because it was shorter than the last time I saw him.

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