41- night and day

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Shinsous pov:

We were right, that was Denki's last wave of heat. Afterwards we decided to clean his room and our self's, washing everything of the scents of pheromones and sex. We literally had to wash everything, it was a bit annoying. Now we were laying down on my bed, freshly showered watching a movie as the sun goes down.

"Hey how about we go to that fair that's in town" Kami asked me, looking at me from his spot on my lap, big golden eyes staring at me, I kissed his cheek and he smiled at me.

"Sure that sounds nice, but can you walk?" I teased him, at which he just pouted at me and turned back to watching the tv. I chuckled at his childish behavior and squeezed his sides making him jump slightly.

"Come on baby, get changed" I whispered to him as pushed him off me so I could stand up, but he remained laying on the bed, groaning. I watched as he slowly got off bed and started to get changed.

"What is it now?" I asked as I threw him one of my hoodies, at least if he was in my room I could keep an eye on which ones he stole. He looked at me as the hoodie landed in his head. He started putting it on, his adorable hair being hidden by the hood.

"Nothing just tired, but I still want to go" he answered, hugging my back and shoving his face in it. I turned around and raised his head, making him look at me. I leaned down and gave him a small kiss. Instantly his smile was back and his energy levels were normal.

"Ok let's go baby" I told him as I grabbed his arm and pulled him outside, he was laughing as he let me pull him. Giving my hand a little squeeze. I decided we should walk since it wasn't far and we could use some fresh air from being inside for too long. He happily skipped besides me, having his other hand tucked inside of my hoodie.

"It's so beautiful today" he whispered to me as we watched the sunset. It was indeed beautiful, but I just watched kami, his face decorated with the golden light, he looked back at me and smiled. "What?" He asked as he kept walking.

"Nothing" i responded, I took out my phone and brought him closer to me. He looked at me confused and then noticed the camera, he smiled but I just kept looking at him. The picture turned out that way, just me admiring Denks.

We walked for some more time and then we arrived, in the way he was talking about how he wanted to go the little shops and win some prices, I just listened to him talk. This time he insisted on paying the entrance to the point where he threatened me of no kisses if I payed.

"Come on, I'm hungry" he said as he pulled me towards some food area. He was extremely happy and that made me glad, I thought he was honestly breaking in the inside, it's too much crap to deal with and he just puts on a smile and continues the show.

We went by and ate some chocolate and caramel apples and ordered fries, weird combination? Maybe. He was happily munching on his while I ate mine, he looked so happy today which made a warm in my heart bloom. It just seemed like a perfect day to finally ask him.

"... yeah look it's them, hey guys!" We heard from behind us, I turned my head to see it was yaomomo, jirou, tokoyami and tsu. Kami waved happily at them while I just raised my hand and smiled. They walked towards us, all of them smiling at both of us, Jiro was smiling at Denks.

"What are you doing here" yaomomo asked as she sat down next to me, I offered fries which she kindly declined with a smile, I offered to the rest where they all declined as well. Toko said something to tsu and they went away for a moment I heard as they said they would be back.

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