65- pills

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Shinsous POV:

I looked up and almost felt my heart drop

"How the hell are you here"

"I'm not, this is all in your head" denki responded as he walked to the bed and sat down. How was my head able to produce something so realistic looking. He looked satisfied after some time and looked up at me. I just stared back at it, not sure what to do.

"You're high on painkillers, hallucinating honey" he said as he placed his elbow on his knees and rested his head on them, his big golden eyes looking at me attentive. I leaned against the back of the chair softly as not to hurt myself as looked away and closed my eyes, maybe if I didn't look at him for enough time it would leave.

"Open your eyes please" he said again, his voice closer than before, I shaked my head and waited a bit more. A small sigh was the thing I heard followed by a small thump, I slowly opened my eyes to finally find him sitting in front of me, his legs were crisscross and his hands here on his ankles. He looked real, so much I almost reached out to touch him.

"I'm ok" he said as he reached for my wrists and softly caressed them with his fingers, but I felt nothing. I could see him doing it but I felt nothing from him. A small tear fell down my face as I looked at him.

"No you're not" I whispered back, softly pulling my arms away from the spectrum. He frowned a bit and kept quiet for the following minutes, and then looked up at me, a small smile coming to his face. He slightly moved towards and placed his chin on my knee, I couldn't feel it and it was killing me.

"Hi" he said softly

"Hi" I responded back, he placed a hand on my own and looked back at me. I slowly raised my hand and placed it on his head, surprisingly it stayed there, it looked like I was touching it but I still couldn't feel it. I twirled one of his hair strands on my finger as he purred softly.

"I love youuu~" he told me as he continued to purr, he sounded like him, because my mind was producing him, I have no idea how I let it get to this point, how fucked up everything seems from this point on. I smiled a bit

"I know"

"Say it back you jerk" he whined as he now sat on his knees, pushing playfully my chest. I chuckled a bit and cupped his non existing face, his chubby cheeks squeezing together as he looked at me. He grabbed my wrists and gave them a small squeeze.

"And i love... you" i whispered again, I pushed his head towards and connected our foreheads together, he smiled and closed his eyes. My mind could produce every single detail because I could see the freckles I loved so much. I sighed and leaned back on the chair again.

I saw how the figure stood up and sat on my lap, his arms tangling behind my head, he looked at me for a moment before a small smile settled on his face, he softly looked at me before he decided to speak again. Something about it being almost real

"I'll be home soon ok?" He said as he placed a small kiss on my cheek, I just nodded and looked at him. I miss him. So with that I closed my eyes again, and waited for the dream to end. And eventually it did, waiting for something else to happen.

I slowly woke up, my back and chest were slowly hurting even more, and I stood up from the chair, I had fallen asleep on it. I looked around and confirmed to myself I was still on kamis room, so I had to get up and limp over to my crutches. The blanket was now draped over my shoulders, I was trying to be careful on not mixing my pheromones with his.

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