48- neon party

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Shinsous pov:

Kami was starting to act kind of paranoid, but I couldn't blame him. Every time we turned a corner I felt chills down my spine, I felt exposed, I felt watched. And even when we finally arrived to UA that feeling didn't stop. I wouldn't want to mention that to kami, he was worried enough.

As we started to walk the path towards the dorms I could feel kami shake a bit, his grip on my hand tightened and small sparks of his electricity were being send to my hand. His head would turn around abruptly and he couldn't stop his pheromones. I decided to ease him a bit, he was really scared and I didn't like that.

"Hey it's ok, we're inside a great facility with many heroes, and don't forget that we both are amazing heroes as well" I told him as he looked up at me, he smiled softly at me before we heard a stick break in the forest. He immediately turned his head towards the sound, I pulled him forward and he kept walking with me, he relaxed a bit, but not much. I had to ignore all this pretentious signals until we got safely to the dorms, from there we could figure out what was happening.

"Toshi, toshi wait something doesent feel right" he whispered to me, I let his hand go and wrapped my own arm around him, bringing him closer to me. Another stick broke on the other side. In the dark, red eyes could be seen. I felt a tug on my shirt and looked over at kami, he had a serious look on his face. He pointed upwards. I could see two things, golden eyes on the sky and two figures on the roof top of the dorms. This was bad.

"Don't let them know we saw them, act natural" I whispered to him as I placed a fake smile on my face and kissed his head, almost immediately he smiled and cuddled next to me, his shaking still very present, and the small currents still coming from him. A pit was starting to form on my stomach, not only at how natural he could act but at the lurking figures in the shadows.

We finally made it to the door, and every light was turned off, only the outlines of the furniture could be seen. Denki snapped his fingers, causing a small spark come from them. In the small moment we had light, a trail of blood leaded up the stairs. I looked at him and he was pale from what I could make out in the moon light. I let him go for a moment to reach for the light and turned it on, no blood trail in sight. I started to head for the stairs before I felt a hand on my own. He looked over at me, shaking his head in a no motion, I motioned for him to shush while I took his hand.

"No, no wait something is terribly wrong" he whispered to me, glancing around the room for any other clues. Everything seemed in place.

"Someone might be hurt, remember Mina and sero are still here." I whispered back. He looked at me and sighed deeply, tightening the grip on my hand and walking with me now. Slowly we reached the stairs, the light flickering for a minute before coming back to normal again. The lights were at the top of the building, which means those two figures may be playing with them.

We started to silently go up the stairs. Each step we had to look around and continue going. When we finally reached my floor a giggle echoed through all the room. I looked around for toga, but she was nowhere seen. Kami knew it was her, it was just so distinctive. He looked over to minas room, across mine, signaling us to check it out first. I nodded at him and started to go towards it. Softly I opened the door but found no one inside. I wanted to go in my room but felt the need to go first to kamis floor, they may have been in Sero's room instead.

Once again we started to walk away into the second floor, kami had stopped sending electric shooks, he seemed less scared now. But I could tell we were missing something, a piece, a very important piece of the puzzle. He gave my hand a small squeeze, making me feel so much better that I had him with me now.

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