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Shinsous pov:

"Come on babe we're going to be late"

"Jeez I'm coming, calm down"

"Calm down Hitoshi? This is your son in daycare, alone, my child"

"I know kami, but you are freaking out more than he is" I said to him as I laced my hands around his small hips, he smiled up at me as he placed a hand in his stomach, stroking it lightly

"You're not worried about him are you? You are worried about the pups and our medical appointment"

"You caught me" Kami told me as he kissed me softly, and he had to step on his tip toes to reach my face

"I love you" I told him as I kissed his nose

"And I love yo-

I woke up in a cold sweat, it's the day before our second year in UA, and I just kept waking up because I couldn't sleep, something felt off. Kami stirred besides me as he rubbed his eyes just to find me sitting up and panting. Almost immediately he sat up and looked at me with tired and concerned eyes.

"Toshi? What's wrong" he asked as he tried to stay awake, I didn't need him trying to help me sleep when tomorrow was a big day for both of us, so I just shook my head and tried to give him the most convincing smile I could.

"Nothing, I just need some water, I'll be right back" I said as I kissed the top of his head, he nodded and fell back onto the bed, almost instantly falling back asleep. I got off the bed and started to walk out of his dorm, which we have been spending a lot of time in. I made my way out of his film and started to walk towards the kitchen.

As I made my way down I couldn't help the feeling of my stomach turning because something didn't feel right. And when I arrived I saw that someone else was there, but I couldn't really figure out who because I could only see their shadow. Very slowly started walking towards them and in one swift motion I pinned them to the ground, before I realized it was sero.

"What the hell dude you scared me" I told him as I let him go, he groaned a bit before turning to me.

"Sorry I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake anybody up so I didn't turn on the lights" he said as he stood up. I just sighed as I walked to the fridge. But before I could get very far, sero grabbed my arm, preventing me to go very far


"Shh... look" he whispered to me as he pointed to a window, where two orange bright eyes shined through them. I almost drop to my knees and cried at the sight, I thought I'd never had to see those eyes ever again. I froze while sero tried to back away from said window, because in the moonlight her nails were starting to crack the glass, and her eerie smile was so unsettling I wanted to just scream.

And I swear to you that in the blink of an eye she disappeared, just like that. I started to freak out, and I could feel Sero's hand on my wrist as he turned on the light. Something was not right, and he let me go but I still couldn't move.

"Shinsou, hey! you need to check on kami" he told me as he looked around with concerned eyes. Kami was alone in his room, so without a thought I ran up the stairs, and rushed to open kamis door. He was up, by his neck, being choked by Kany, a big smile plastered on her face. Kami struggled to get out of her grip as his eyes closed in pain. I was about to walk towards her before she spoke up.

"Ah ah, get closer and I'll rip his throat open" she said to me as I watched him. He was kicking and fighting as I debated if it was really worth it to go after her and risk kamis life.

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