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Soft smut warning

Denki's pov:

Soft mewls and moans came from both of us as I felt toshi grind against me, our lips conected together, absolutely adoring the blissful felling. His groans and moans were driving me on edge, and knowing I turned him on made me want him more

"You drive me crazy baby... you and your delicious scent~" he said as he started trailing down my neck kissing and biting in his way down, leaving new marks on top of the other ones, the ones forgotten in time. Decorating my neck with each further step he took.

Then I felt he started to un bottom my jeans. As much as I wanted him to rail me until I couldn't walk, we were in his house. And I'm more than sure this time we don't have sound proof walls. Besides eri and Aizawa and mic are here and it just feels... wrong.

"Wait...ngh- wait toshi stop" i finally managed to say, he immediately stopped and looked at me, a small concerned look on his eyes. "What's wrong baby? You don't want to?" He asked before peking my lips. He sat on my stomach, softly caressing my cheek. I purred at his action. In fact purring for him made me happy, I knew he loved it since a smile and some more blush crept up his face.

"No its not that... I really do want you to fuck me until I can't walk" he slightly opened his eyes at my bluntness, but then a smirk made its way to his face. I could feel him twitch at my words. He bended downwards to kiss me, a soft but needy kiss.

"But...?" he asked, after parting lips, he looked really hot. Just above me looking at me with lust full eyes. I bit my lip at the sight. God this handsome, hot, sexy alpha was all mine for now. I had to ask him officially soon. He raised his eyebrow at the sight, and the laid down on my chest.

"But... eri is next room, and both your parents are my teachers and... I don't know it's just weird" I said while I passed my fingers through his soft silky hair. He remained silent for a while, but then I started to feel vibrations come not only from me, but also from toshi. At this I stoped the movement. He stood from my chest and looked at his own chest, then back to me.

"Are you..." I said as I slightly pushed myself of the bed with my arms "toshi are you crooning?" I asked him, he looked back at his chest and back to me. Not even he knew what was happening, he's adorable. I pulled him back to my chest, he happily complied, snuggling in my chest. His vibrations were so soothing and relaxing. They were deep yet very soft, and it calmed me, almost lulled me to sleep, before he spoke up

"I guess I am" he whispered as he continued to do it, we were both vibrating against the other, just enjoying the company. Then he looked back at me with the biggest puppy eyes. I knew what he was asking for, But I won't budge, it's to weird! I sighed and talked

"That's adorable, your adorable baby" I whispered to him as I placed a kiss on his forehead, the crooning just intensified at my actions. He happily hummed at my words, he stayed silent, he looked deep in the thought before he asked

"Well if you won't let me fuck you then... marry me" he stated after burring his face on my neck, softly inhaling my scent. My purring stopped, and soon after his crooning did too. Marry him?! what the hell is he thinking. I felt my own heart beat increase at the question.

"Either you marry me or we fuck, you decide" he softly said after he felt me tense at the question, I slowly relaxed when I noticed he was joking. He's just doing it so we fuck because there is no way we are getting married... at least not yet. Frankly I think I will get married to him someday.

"No, what... we can't get married?!" I said to him, he then placed his chin on my chest and looked at me, "fine let's fuck then" he said with a smirk, slowly crawling until he was face to face with me, he had me pinned under him.

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