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Shinsou's pov:

I was currently walking with Kami through the hospital halls, I had asked my father beforehand about visiting and he said he could help us in, he even gave us the room number so we didn't have to go around asking for names. Kami was holding my hand as we kept walking down the halls.

"I thought today was going to be a lot harder," Kami mumbled, leaning against my shoulder. I hummed in agreement, keeping a lookout for the room numbers. Kami was right in a way. It really was easy. We kept walking in silence for a while before Kami pulled me to a stop.

"Here's my stop, I'll see you later, yeah?" Kami smiled, pecking me on the cheek before looking back to the room. He was about to let go of my hand but before he could get too far I pulled him back, hugging him close as he smiled sheepishly.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked him, leaning down to give him a sweet, soft kiss on the lips, I felt his hands grip the front of my shirt before he pulled away.

"Love you," He whispered before standing on his tip toes and giving me another small kiss. I smiled as he let go, disappearing into the room. I sighed, walking forward, the room I was looking for was only a few halls down so it wasn't too far.

A few minutes later I found myself knocking on a door, waiting for a moment before hearing a faint 'come in' from the other side. I opened the door and dipped my head in, Isaac perked looking over to me, a small smile settling on his lips.

"Hey, come in," He hummed, sitting up in the white bed. I nodded, closing the door behind me. I  walked closer to his bed, sitting down on the chair next to it. He looked at me for a moment before shifting his gaze to his lap.

"I wanted to thank you for helping us out, helping me out." He said quietly, I looked at him and gave him a small smile. I reached forward and grabbed his bandaged hand in mine.

"I'm aiming to be a hero, it's the least I could do." I whispered as he turned to look at me again, a light blush settling onto his face before he frowned and took his hand away from mine. He rubbed gently over the touched skin.

"I don't know where I would be if you and your friends didn't save us..."

"You don't have to think about it," I told him, sitting up straighter in my chair. He stayed silent for a moment before leaning back and looking at me. He sighed, looking away before speaking again.

"I can't stop thinking about it... about what happened there..." He was whispering. His voice soft and fragile as he brought his knees up to his chest, holding them close. I frowned, there was so much on his mind and he had so little ways to communicate it.

"I had something similar happen to me..." I whispered, looking away. The room went silent except for the far beeping of a machine. I heard some shuffling before slim delicate fingers reached for my chin and made me turn to look at him, he had a soft look in his eyes, no pity at all, just curiosity and a type of understanding.

"But... you're an alpha..." He whispered, letting my face go, his fingers strangely cold,

"I know that... she was an alpha too." I whispered back, his hand returning to hold his knees. It wasn't common for things like this to happen to Alphas, but it didn't make it less real when it did. He nodded, blinking a few times before looking back at me. It's probably the first time I've seen him like this. He shifted his body so he was facing me.

"Tell me about your omega." Isaac asked, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear. A small smile grazed my face, my eyes shifting to my lap.

"We don't have to talk about him." I hummed, leaning back against the chair. Isaac bit his lip before insisting once more, a curious look on his face

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