62- goodbye

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Denkis POV:

His hands in my hair as his soft lips press against mine, it was all I could think about, about the day he told me he loved me, and I said it back, and for what?

"I'm sorry I ever fell in love with you"

You fucked up bad

Yeah no shit, I just told the one person I love that I may or may not do. He just left and I couldn't even end up explaining myself, I don't even know why I said it, I didn't mean it. I love him more than anything, and yet I still managed to fuck up. And now he's gone, he's gone mad and sad, and he's gone now. I'm alone wondering why in the world of all things I said that.

God, no wonder everyone at school tells me I'm stupid, I'm a fucking idiot for saying that. It hurts the way he was talking to me, and it hurt even more because that's how he used to treat everyone. I was wrong about him, he is a cold-hearted alpha, I just didn't see that before. The look on his eyes was so hatred, was so vile, was so... hurt, and that just made more tears form in my eyes.

And I just wanted him to break up with me, to stop hurting thanks to me. But for some forsaken reason he didn't, and I still don't get why, why would he settle for some piece of trash like myself. As more tears ran down my face i noticed I had unconsciously been playing with my ring, do I even deserve it? I probably don't, I'm a waste of space, a waste of his time.

I maneuvered it off my finger, analyzing it, it's really beautiful, gorgeous, but I didn't deserve it, not after what I did. Fuck I really messed up, more tears fell down my face as I noticed an inscription inside, I haven't noticed before. I tried to put it into the light to read it, and when I finally got it in the right place, it became clear as day

"Love is a single soul inhabiting two bodies"

More tears fell down my face, what am I doing? Why am I trying to pick a fight with him, and now what would happen when we went out of here. I have to think of a way to get him out of here, even if it's just him that lives. I placed my ring back, almost dropping it a few times, and tried to take some hair out of my face. And that's when I heard the door open again.

Kany grabbed a chair and sat in front of me, the back of the chair looking at me, and she sat resting her hands on top of it. I looked at her in disgust. She had raped him, she had tortured her, she had ruined his life. Kany looked at me for a moment before looking away.

"You know, I never thought I'd see you again" she said to me in the normal tone I remember, the non-psycho one. I looked at her in a disbelieving manner, she turned to look at me and for a split moment, I thought I saw her orange eyes flash. I scoffed at that, it sounded stupid.

"Yet here we are, not only did you tied me up, hurt me, and will probably kill me, but you did the same to Hitoshi? He doesn't deserve this"

"And I know that he doesn't, but you do Denki" she said in a raspy tone as she looked down my body, I felt like on display, like in a kind of circus. She smiled at me before she started talking again, something evil in her eyes

"Sex with him was amazing tho, and I'll have to do it again before he goes away" that was the last straw for me. I could handle it when she insulted me or when she hurt me, but not when she talked about him like that. He was my alpha, the one who cared deeply for me and I could only hurt him in return, but not anymore.

"Look I get that you hate me ok? I get that you want to kill me, but please kany, don't take it out on shin"

"Why would I do that?" She asked, she seemed interested in what I was talking about. I had thought of a deal, and maybe, with just enough thought it could work, just enough to get shin out of this situation. This way he could move on, find someone better, and finally be happy, without me, even if that hurt.

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