63- chip

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Shinsous POV:

I woke up after some time, not tied to a chair. The room had way better lighting than the other one. It also looked like a police interrogation room, but the mirror that's supposed to work as a double sided window is shattered, and the table looked rusted. Then shigaraki was on the other side of the broken window, he motioned to someone with his hand and the door opened.

Spiner and twice came inside, they were holding someone but I couldn't see who it was since their head was covered with a bag, just loose enough for them to breathe. I looked over at shigaraki as he turned of the light above him, disappearing in darkness, then a sheet of paper was in front of me, about four or five questions written on it. I took it on my hands and started to analyze it.

I didn't put attention to what the other people in the room were doing, it wasn't that I didn't care but I just wanted to go back to denki, this fight is the stupidest thing to do in a situation like this. Of course I was still hurt, but that could be handled later. I was looking at the paper when a too familiar voice came to my ear.


Oh. My. God


I looked up, it was her, she didn't have her ponytail or her kind smile, she actually looked like she had a small cut on her cheek, it felt like I haven't seen her in ages. But why out of all people her, if they told me they needed info she would be the last person I would bring, I know she would hate to do this.

"Oh thank god, you're still alive" she whispered as small happy tears made their way into her eyes, her hands softly grabbed mine as she realized it was really me. I didn't really know what to say to that so I just decided to ask her.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Just follow my lead" she whispered to me as I saw how she looked at me, a slight glint passing through her eyes. I just nodded softly not really knowing what else to do, that was until I felt something on my hand, the one under the desk. As I touched it I realized it was actually two things, a piece of paper and a small black button. She signaled with her finger not to say anything as her 'lady in distress' face came back on. If something she was the one saving our ass.

Then kany came into the room, and I instantly glared at her, yaomomo on the other hand looked at her confused. She looked at me and then back at kany, who had a big smile on her face, it looked like she had just won the lottery. She walked over to me and I just tried not to flinch at her touch, the horrendous memories of her hands touching me was still very present.

"Guess what Toshi boy" she said as she sat down on the rusty table and looking at me intently, I didn't like this side of her, it was scary because she was never happy. She looked over her shoulder to Yaomomo and she just cowered a bit, kany looked back at me, expecting an answer.

"You're going to hell"

"Toshi we already knew that" she said as she placed a hand on my face, raising my chin to look at her. The part I hated the most about her is that she looks so dam much like denks, and I hate that cause I know he isn't like this, he's sweet and kind. I tried to pull away from her touch but she didn't let me, a growl coming from within her.

"I just made a deal with your ex-boyfriend"

"He's not my ex" I replied shortly, she snickered since then I noticed she was trying to get on my nerves, I just grunted and then realized what she had just said. I turned to look back at her in surprise, while she had a smug look on her face, I wanted to punch it off of her face. I raised my eyebrow in question as she hummed lightly, for a moment forgetting yaomomo was there.

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