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Denki's pov:

Hawks left me on shins lap while dabi pulled him away, I'm guessing they wanted to give both of us privacy. The pain was unbearable, but it was so much I couldn't really focus on where it was coming from anymore. I wonder how long we had been stuck here, and how longer we will be. We stayed silent for a moment before he spoke again.

"Happy almost birthday" he whispered so softly I couldn't almost catch it. I completely forgot that my birthday was less than a week away from the day on the picnic, and now I can at least spend it with the one person I feel safe with in this place. I cried softly into his shoulder, mumbling a thank you, it still wasn't midnight but it was the thought that counted. I snuggled closer to his chest when I remembered something else.


"Yes" he mumbled, one of his hands started to play with my hair, the feeling being the first good thing that has been happening. I sighed a bit and sit up, trying to find a place were I wouldn't hurt him more than what he already was. I looked at his face, he looked terrible, but I couldn't say I looked better, he was bruised and had somehow had small cuts all over his cheeks. Then I looked down at his neck and chest, half exposed through the reared cloth, hickeys and bite marks filling his skin almost like a blank canvas. Tears started welling up in my eyes again, and as I looked back up at his face, tears threatening to leave his eyes as well. I grabbed the small fabric remaining on him and tried to cover him up.

"What was toga talking about... Hitoshi, wh-what was all that about you having more siblings?" I asked with my raspy voice, he tensed for a moment before he flinched a bit in pain. I looked at his face again, waiting for an answer as small tears ran down his face. I reached up to wipe them and gave him a light feather kiss, he kissed softly back before he took in a soft breath.

"... my childhood was- it was something" he whispered to me. I decided to lay on his chest, it was better for me just to listen and let him talk, he's done it for me and I know how nice it feels to let it all out. I started to trace his skin with my fingers slowly, giving him some kind of confort sense. I hummed in response just to let him know I was hearing.

"Kami I lived in the streets with a bunch of other kids before my parents saved and adopted me, and in between those kids were my siblings... and toga" i froze my movements and so did he, his heart started to race faster and faster than before, and a small choked up sob came from him not long after. I gave him small kisses on his jaw and his cheek, but at it he started to shudder, it may had reminded him of Kany.

"We robbed stores to survive on junk food and my siblings one by one started to die, either diseases or murder. I was the second youngest, and by the time hey had rescued me they were all gone, I don't really remember much of them so that's why I don't talk about them"

"What about toga?" I asked softly at him, if she was with him during that time what happened, why wasn't she saved and gotten into a better place for her. Even if she's a serial killer joining the villains I still have to remind myself that she's a kid, our age. He sighed and looked over at the doors, almost as if he were reflecting the memory in the present.

"She didn't wanted to be saved, so she stabbed and ran" he whispered softly, I nodded with my head and laid back on his chest. So all of us have to deal with different demons, and this was parts of his.

There are people who wants to be saved, and there is others that don't, toga didn't and look at her now, at least she looks genuinely happy. I snuggled closer to his chest, his grip around me tightened as well, I didn't want to say anything else and I knew he didn't, so silence was our best friend at the moment.

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