81- field trip

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Shinsou's pov:

I watched Kami as he stood in front of the mirror, fastening his tie around his neck as he looked at his reflection and then at me. I smiled from my spot on the bed as he turned around and came towards me.

"I don't want to go," I whispered to him as he sat next to me where I was laying down. I laid my head on his lap as he passed his fingers through my hair. Today we were supposed to go to the stupid field trip in the woods. Little to say, I really dreaded going. I just wanted to cuddle Kami a bit more.

"I know... but we still have about 45 minutes before we have to leave," He whispered to me as his hand slid under my shirt and he started to trace my stomach under it. His hand slowly sliding to my pants.

"We would get the uniforms dirty," I whispered to him, grinning slightly as I turned to look at his face. He was blushing and I could see how he was slightly biting his lip. It wasn't just like he wanted this but like he needed it,

"Are you still taking your suppressants?" I asked as I sat up, he looked at me for a moment with wide eyes before he took his phone and opened an app that helped him keep track of his heat so he would be prepared for it,

"Crap, I missed the last three doses," He whispered to me, biting his nail, not breaking it but out of force of habit. If Kami didn't take suppressants to keep his heat from happening then it could go off at any moment and that was very dangerous,

"Kam you know how-"

"I know Toshi... is that why I'm so horny?" He asked as he placed his phone down. I snorted as I looked at him, he smiled as he looked at me as well. We both remained silent as we looked at the other, it was almost as if time had stopped,

"Question," He prodded as he scooted over closer to me,

"Answer," I said as I cuddled into his body, burying my face on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my body, placing his chin on top of my head. He sighed as he placed a small kiss on top of my head before he continued talking

"Have you thought about what you're doing after school? I mean I know we will all be heroes but do you think you will go abroad like some heroes do?"

I haven't really thought about that. I'd seen a couple of amazing opportunities but I've never considered them to a full point. I grabbed Kami's hand and I locked my fingers with his. He sent a small spark through my body before I answered, leaving a slight buzz,

"Not really... I mean I have seen some stuff my parents have shown me but that's it... why?" I asked him as I pulled away from the hug, he looked at me for a moment before grabbing my jaw and pulled me in for a kiss,

"Nothing, I just assumed that with two pro heroes as parents you'd have this presented to you your whole life," He said as he leaned in to kiss me again, this time softer than before. I ghosted my fingers over his jaw as I used one of them to tilt his head closer to me,

"How much time did you say we have left?" I asked him as I started to trail kisses down his face to his neck, loosening his tie so I had more playroom. He moaned softly as one of his hands went to my hair while he squirmed under me,

"Do you think we have enough for a little playdate kitten?~" I teased, my hands trailing down his chest to his pants, slowly moving to undo them. But before he could respond a knock on the door was heard, outside the voice of Kiri echoed through the halls,

"Guys, Aizawa-sensei said we're leaving a bit earlier so we have to go now!" Kiri called as he knocked on Denki's door and left for the next floor. Denks groaned as he watched me put his tie back in please and stand up from his bed. He looked at me with a pout on his face as he stood up and placed his jacket on.

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