28- around our story

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Denki's pov:

"I need to tell you something" she whispered softly, getting a bit closer to me.

I started to get a bit uncomfortable at how close she was getting, but decided to push the feeling away, fidgeting with my phone in my hands inside of the pockets. I had a bad feeling about this. I didn't want to hurt no body's hearts.

"Shoot" I told her, a bit scared about what she was going to say. Like I said before I wasn't planing on leaving toshi. But I don't want to hurt jirou, what the hell should I do. I always thought she was at least bi, maybe she is. But right now she shouldn't be looking at me while I'm looking at someone else.

"Ok" she said softly as she sighed, taking in a deep breath, fiddling with her shoelaces. "Look kami, I know there is no safe way of saying this" she started, a small blush creeping up her cheeks, please don't say it. Please don't say it. Smiling sheepishly she looked back at me before continuing talking.

"But I thought about it for a while and decided telling you would be the best option right now, I'd feel a lot better to be honest" no, no please stop. I felt my heart beat start to race, picking up speed with each second that passed. I sat completely still, not daring to move as if it had any effect on what was about to happen.

I suddenly started to feel very conscious about all the love marks and bites I had through my body, I felt conscious about the places toshi had touched me. I felt conscious about the fact that he was waiting for me back at his dorm.

"Kami I-" she breathe a bit, her gaze slowly looking away from mine, now looking at my lips.

"You are such an amazing person and an incredible friend. You had helped me through so much and you don't know how much I thank you" oh well maybe this isn't going where I thought it was going. Maybe she's just trying to say thanks?

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that..." oh no never mind. I was hopping, praying for a miracle to happen so that she wouldn't say it. But the future can't be denied, I held my breath in anticipation unconsciously, watching as a small smile made its way to her face.

"I like you kami, I like you so much" she said softly reaching for my hand and holding it on her's. "I like the way you are a-and the way you are with people. I like it when you put other people first. It's so amazing how you care for others" she said as getting even more closer than before. She grabbed one of my hairs in her hands and started to twirl it in her fingers.

" I like your style and how your voice gets raspy in the morning, I love your scent it's so calming and amazing. I like everything about you kami, I really do" she finished softly, grabbing my chin and making me look at her. Her eyes were glowing and her face was a light pink. I didn't know what to say, so I just kind of half stared at her half stared at the floor.

"Look you don't have to say anything now but..." she stared at her hand which was holding with mine, a bigger smile appeared on her face. "...please think about it"

Oh I will, I will think about it, but not in the way she wants me too. I won't be thinking about how our relationship may go, but I will be thinking about how not to break her heart.

"Come on I want to show you a few things" she said as she stood us up, her hand still with mine, I didn't have the heart to take it ways from her. I felt so guilty and horrible. And besides this tomorrow I had to go on a date with sero. What the hell has my life become.

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