44- 4:00 am

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Shinsous pov:

I had woken up at about 4 am. I looked around me, kami was still under me, but he hasn't moved not even to change himself. He stayed still so I could rest. The tv was still on and his lights were to, he had an arm over his eyes and his other one on my head.

I tried to slither away from his grasp so I could turn the light off, I got out slightly and tried to be as quiet as posible, I turned off the light and went back next to him, this time I cuddled him. We stayed like that like for five minutes before I started to fall back asleep, that was until kami spoke up.

"I'm awake" he whispered to me as he took his head away from my chest and looked at me, his sleepy face fitting his messy hair. I smiled at him and kissed his forehead. He snuggled closer to my chest before I spoke up.

"Go back to sleep"

"I can't" he answered shortly, he was playing with one of the bracelets he had on, I turned my head too look at him, he looked tired. I kept looking at his face just to understand what was going on.

"Can we go for a walk?" He asked as he sat up, I looked at him, now he didn't look tired but he looked kind of sad, I don't want to see him sad. I sat up with him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He smiled softly at me and stood up.

We both started walking out of UA silently, it was still dark outside, and it was a bit cold, but that's why we both brought blankets, and that's also why kami is hugging me really close. I didn't know if he had something in mind already so I let him guide me, he sure looked like he knew where he was going.

"Toshi... do you know why I don't talk about my family?" He asked in a low voice, we arrived at the same park him and jirou were at last time. Now that I think about it, kami has never talked about his parents. I instantly had a bad feeling about what was happening. So I responded with a small no.

I felt his grip on my arm get a bit tighter, he leaned against my shoulder and sighed heavily before continuing. "Well that's because I don't have any left" he whispered, at first I thought I heard wrongly but when he didn't raise his head or when he just kept silent I knew he was serious, awfully serious.

"Kami I'm so sorry, I didn't know" I whispered to him as I took my arm away from hi hand and embraced him in a hug, he instantly hugged me back as we kept walking. He stayed silent for a while. I didn't want to force him into talking, if he wanted to talk I would listen, if he didn't that's fine too.

We kept walking in silence for some time, slowly adventuring into the park, that was until kami started pulling me towards a lake, the stars that were left on the sky reflecting on it softly. He sat down on the grass and pulled me with him, then he decided to lay his head on my lap and I started to softly cares his hair he then turned around to look at me.

"Do you want to know?" He asked in a soft yet hurted voice, I looked at him and slightly touched his cheek, him leaning into my touch.

"Only if you want to say, I'll always listen to you" I told him, at which he smiled at me, I loved his smile. He sat back up and looked at the sky, I looked at him as he carefully analyzed the starts above us.

"I live in a foster home" he started softly, I looked at him, grabbing his blanket and placing it better over his shoulders. I listened to him, every single word.

"I got there when I was about 5, before that my parents had just had my younger sister, we were all happy... it was some good times... that was until one day they were fighting , they never fought but that time it got violent" he started, gazing at the sky, not daring once to look away, he was tense, and sad. I grabbed his hand and gave it a little squeeze, he looked at me, his tears shining like the stars above us.

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