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warning: panic attack (i don't really know how they work but I tried my best to portray it with the investigation I did)

Denkis POV:

"Hey dunce face"

I slowly woke up to the sound of the voice, wait a voice? Why was I hearing bakugos voice? Am I dead? Have I finally arrived to hell?

"...god?" I whispered looking at the small roof above me, I didn't know what was happening, or why did I even respond, but I'm sure that's bakugos voice. A small grunt was heard in my head and then the voice spoke up again.

"No you idiot, look just focus on my voice alright?"

"No, wait a minute how am I hearing your voice?" I questioned as my eyes started to focus again on my surroundings, I was still inside the vent, and the light outside was off. So I was in complete darkness at the moment, which was a bit good because that way they wouldn't find me so easily.

"The fucking chip, look hawks told us what happened, and let me say two things" he continued as he grunted a bit and took a deep breath. I leaned against the wall of the vent as I listened to his voice, waiting for him to continue.

"First what you did was the most idiotic thing you've ever done, and second I'm going to guide your way out"

I couldn't believe what he just said, this was not possible. first, they were probably still looking for me, and even if they healed me I was still tired and I had lost a lot of blood. So I waited for him to say anything else.

"Just do what I fucking say and you will be out safe" he continued, I sighed and decided to give it a go. Even if it looked impossible right now I couldn't throw out the option that they were giving me. Plus this can all be a hallucination and I could just be guiding myself to my doom. With a big effort, I tried to at least get on my fours and walk a bit, the ground seemed stable enough.

"Ok then... lead the way kacchan"

"Don't fucking call me that" he grumbled in my head, I just laughed a bit at him before I slowly made my way to the back of the little hall. Not having light wasn't helping but I couldn't produce any because then they would find me. I started to go alongside the vent, for now, it was just one way so I didn't have to listen to him yet.

"Why you tho?" I whispered to him as I kept crawling on the vent, he stayed silent for a moment before I felt him breathe in. The great katsuki bakugo being nervous about something was big, plus I could take the chance to use this against him

"Because I said I wanted to do it, got a fucking problem with that?" He grumbled again, I gasped a bit at it. I think I never felt bakugo being soft like this, it was definitely nice. He growled in my head and I just laughed a bit at it, that's before I found the first intersection, a path going left and a path going right.

"Now what?"

"Give me a dam moment" he said before a mumbling was heard in the background. I couldn't believe this chip could do this, I wonder how long they had worked on it. I had to thank yaomomo when and if I get out of here.

"Left" he simply said as I kept crawling away. The vents weren't cold, actually, they were kind of warm, but I did think the building was abandoned. Maybe through the tasks they gave me I had fixed it? I just don't really remember what happened through that time. I want to go home.

"How's Hitoshi?" I asked him trying to strike a conversation, I know it's the worst conversation topic at the moment but I literally couldn't stop thinking about him. I didn't hear anything from the other side so I just sighed.

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