30-movie night

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Shinsous pov:

I watched how slowly kami slipped to sleep on my chest, right now we were watching rio, the bird movie about the blue macaws. At some point Bakugou and mido had ended on the floor, while kiri laid on another sofa caressing Bakugous hair from the sofa, and todo laid on midos lap his head.

I was worried sick about kamis mental health. For sure all this romantic drama isn't any good for him. And besides having to be aware of the fact that the LOV has marked him did not help him. I mean it looks like he's trying to block all his feelings but, soon they would all explote.

I kissed his forehead which at he just smiled unconsciously on his sleep. Inhaling in and out, before relaxing once more in my chest. I smiled at him, how can he be so okay with all that's happening. I was freaking out on letting him roam alone on the park itself. I had this horrible feeling the whole way back. Now I realize it was for other reasons.

"Hey shin" kiri said as he watched us from his position on the sofa, lazily passing his fingers through Bakugou a hair. I looked at him wondering what was he talking to me about, hesitantly raising my head to meet his eyes.

"Break his heart and I'll hunt you down and kick your ass" he said as he pointed at me, Bakugou lazily looked at me, but his death glare was there for sure. I smiled at them and looked back down at kami, taking a hair out of his forehead and stroking slightly his hair.

"I don't plan on doing so" I responded to them as I watched how peaceful he looked. Our small conversation was interrupted by the purring of the omega on top of me. All of them turned to look at kami, all except mido because I guess he's done it before. They all kind of got confused but then understood it was coming from kami.

"Is that how an omega sounds like?" Kiri asks as he slowly walked towards us, carefully listening to the sound. Todo and Bakugou followed behind him, looking at kami curiously. They all looked like three grown ass puppies looking at a cat. Just quietly observing and hearing him.

"Shoto, you've heard me before" mido said as he sat next to him. Placing his head on his shoulder also carefully listening to kamis purr. Slightly nudging his boyfriends shoulder.

"Also you kacchan, I used to do it when we were kids" at this Bakugou kind of blushed, muttering something about exposing him, and how if he kept exposing him he will murder him. Which at we all chuckled softly.

"Yeah but remember each one is unique in their own way, for all betas, alphas and omegas" kiri said as he hugged Bakugou from behind. Which at Bakugou just relaxed under his touch. I went to looking back at kami, how he seemed so happy in my arms. His purr was directed towards my actions and that made me feel proud.

I don't know for how long we all stared at him but our staring was interrupted by a voice. "What the hell are you doing" we all snapped out of it. Turning our heads to where jirou and momo were standing. Imagine going into a room to see people looking at kami purr. Well that's exactly what as happening, only it wasn't as weird as other situations we could be in.

"We're watching kami purr" todo said as he didn't really move from his original position, they all kind of aggressively agreed with him., nodding their heads. I just continued to caress his hair as he snuggled closer to my chest. I saw how slowly mido took out his phone and snapped a picture. Grinning at me, but I didn't take my eyes off of denki.

"I'll send it to you" he whispered as we all continued to hear the sleepy omega in my chest. Then I realized jirou was in love with my baby and was watching from a far. And it got real uncomfortable real fast. I glanced to see if she was there and sure enough she was. Just now she was looking at the floor being comforted by momo. She then turned to the kitchen and got out of my sight.

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